Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Morning all, checking in on Day 44.

Just woken up, 11 hours solid sleep, you can only be in a good mood after that :grin: My sleep is a beautiful thing now. I can drop off naturally and I donā€™t really wake up. Feel like I could talk about the joys of sleep for hoursā€¦

Luckily it wasnā€™t an early kickoff, daughter playing late morning today so time for my coffee and shower.

Have a great day everyone.


Day 126. Got out for a walk before it started to rain


Happy Birthday friend! Enjoy and relax!


@Scorpn Happy birthday :birthday: :partying_face: I am sorry about the pain. Really hope you get seen soon. Enjoy your day

@JazzyS Thank you so much, my day has definitely started chilled. So pleased you found the energy for your hair, it looks amazing. It took me 2 months of having the kit before I did mine! I no longer had grey hairs, but grey stripes :rofl:

@Looking4Support I am so sorry, I was really hoping for more positive news. I hope you can spend some time with him and he is comfortable :people_hugging:

@Tragicfarinelli sounds wonderful, share pictures please :pray:


Such a beautiful place. I havenā€™t been there in years, would love to visit again.

I do love the Hertfordshire hedgerows and fields, but there is something so special about Cornwall. Stunning place :heart_eyes:


Checking In Day 8)

I got the job :slight_smile: I start Wednesday


Amazing news, congratulations. I absolutely love how you knew your self worth through all the waiting, but glad they recognised it to.


I love cornwall but it does feel along way from anywhere else! But the coast is fabulous


Day 142 check-in.

Lifeā€™s been good lately. Iā€™ve started freelancing and I finally have more time for my 2,6 y.o. daughter.

Tonight Iā€™m going on a date with her dad (weā€™ve been separated since January last year), he asked me out and I agreed. I have my doubts about this, but Iā€™m glad weā€™ll at least have a chance to have a conversation about us in private.

Apart from this, I managed to get back to some old hobbies - aquaristics and cooking and Iā€™ll be starting swimming soon. Still working on socialising with my friends and do more things together - I think I need more time about that one.


Hi Julia, congratulations on your great amount of sober days :tada:
and I totally agree with @Mno and @Alisa. This guy doesnā€™t do anything good to you. I wouldnā€™t text back but delete and block his number instead.
Youā€™ve come so far and youā€™re doing great! No need to put all that at risk.
Be safe my friend.
Have a nice sober weekend.


What a birthday present that is :disappointed_relieved: Get well soon and happy belated birthday :balloon: still :people_hugging:


What a picture. Looks amazing.
Wish you a happy sober weekend!


No, no I donā€™t. Do you?


Congratulations on your new job! Youā€™ll rock it!


Checking in on day 146 AF.
Yesterday was good. I had yoga at lunchtime then it was time for my daughter to get ready for her school Halloween party in the evening. I spent most of the time in the quieter craft room chatting to a couple of the other parents. I felt fairly relaxed though, which was good because Iā€™ve always found the Halloween party hard work in the past.
On the bus back we were surrounded by drunk people or people heading out on their night out and having a drink on the bus. I did feel a bit triggered by that but the feeling did pass. I had made sure to have a nice refreshing alcohol free option in the fridge at home for me to come back to.
Today my stepdaughter is coming to visit so Iā€™m currently baking a sourdough loaf and Iā€™ll buy a few nibbles to go with it. Iā€™m told her that sheā€™s welcome to have a glass of wine but that sheā€™ll have to bring her own as Iā€™m not drinking.
All in all Iā€™m so much more upbeat now. Iā€™m so glad the antidepressants are working well for me now.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Checking In on day 263 sober.
On a family vacation now and it is amazing to not be looking for ways to sneak off and drink.never thought this could happen.


Thankyou kindly :slight_smile: Theyā€™re concerned that during the January quiet spell, I wonā€™t be very busy so Iā€™m writing them a menu that will both bring people in and is heavily focused on cheap cuts of meat and lots of water and air lol the go on it is about 89% so far so it basically covers my salary after about 4 days if 40 people a day come and eat. Honestly, people make this shit out to be so hard lol


Hello all , checking on day 6 :four_leaf_clover:


Awesome! Congrats on the job.


Boy youā€™re definitely a win for that company. They better treat you right, right? Enjoy this new chapter in life!