Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Happy Saturday! Day 11. Its a great day. BP and pulse are down to the normal people range, need to work on the weight part ive been binging on Halloween candy haha. Was super productive at work yesterday so I need to tell boss I want a raise but he can have an attitude. Oh wait I own the busoness lol.

Been hitting at least 1 meeting a day, talking with my sponsor, Journaling, and morning/night quiet times. Also turning the difficult things over to God snd trusting things will work out. Overall im in a positive place.

Have an awesome day my friends!


Day 43. Hubby and I are going out for Halloween tonight, him as Nosferatu and me as Pumpkin Spice (ala Spice Girls). Boo!


Thankyou :slight_smile: they want me to possibly take it over in a few months. I don’t know if I want to yet, we’ll see


Hey all, checking in on day 1231. I hope everybody has a good one!


Absolutely @Mno

Not seen my little friend so far this year in this place, but met a fellow Ornithologist today around the river and the kingfisher has been spotted this year, so I was so happy about that :heart:

My favourite bird by miles. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 869. Having coffee and hoping to get motivated. I’ve been struggling a lot lately and kind of staying off TS for some reason. I’d like to check in more, though, because it can be helpful. I’m wishing everyone a peaceful day.


21 no form of weed
171 no drinking
103 no vapes or ciggs

Woke up exhausted but made it to work

Damn its actually kinds fun how hard the grind can get lol

Be back later


Checking in on day 108.


Checking in on day 125, have a wonderful day everyone :white_heart:


Checking in day 419! Had a great first week at my new job, and it went really really well. Also going to be changing my part-time job to a different structure for even better work life balance.

Have a Halloween party out tonight. Will be with my siblings, bf, and friends. My siblings and their spouses don’t drink much (or at all for some) so not really worried about that aspect. Looking forward to seeing all the costumes, dancing, and hopefully eating good candy. Every event feels so much more wholesome and free in sobriety.

Hope everyone has a super sober Saturday :sparkles:


:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 622
Good morning TS fam! Hope everyone is doing well this fine Saturday. Im just at work but have asked if i could leave early. Theres more staff than we need for this particular client, so am hoping my request will be approved.
I didnt sleep well last night AT ALL. Plus my son is sick and Id like to be home to care for him.
Not much else to mention right now. Hope everyone has a great addiction frew day! :butterfly:


Look at those numbers @Noshame I’m so proud of you. Hope work is not too bad and you have a nice sober day still.


Here I am 2 weeks down. Never got this far before with out justifying (I think I can just have one) feeling strong.


@anon74766472 and @Mno yeah, you’re both right! I need to practice saying no. Oddly, I had no problems refusing invites when I was only a couple of months sober. But right now… everyone is still reeling from my uncle’s passing and it was only a meal with some cake for quite a significant milestone birthday.

It just didn’t feel like the time to practice my assertiveness.

@Soberbilly Thanks, Billy. My upbringing was rather abusive so my feelings about my family are mixed, at best.


Not sure why there woild be, but I remain hopeful.

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One of the few good things of climate change is the numbers of kingfishers going up here bc of the no-frost winters.


When we start to get regular Bee Eaters and Hoopoes though then ‘we’ are getting ever closer to being over as an ecologically sound Earthscape . Pretty as they are. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Awww @Butterflymoonwoman , hope you could leave work early to care for your little one. It’s hard to be at work when your son is sick. Hope he’s well soon :pray::people_hugging: and you can rest a bit as well.

I just received my medal for the North Coast 500 walk at The Conqueror Challenge and downloaded a new challenge :star_struck:

Have a great sober weekend,:pray:


I think there’s a place called The Troubadour in Nashville isn’t there?


My personal experience with saying no is that it’s unlikely more difficult with people I fear the reaction from. Like my mother. I tiptoe around these decisions until I cannot hold it up no more. Until I am about to explode or suffer too much. And it’s exactly with them I have to stand my point. Even when it feels bad, even when I feel guilty, when I feel like letting her down. And on the other side, like you said, now a bit longer down the road of recovery, I can say yes to her wish even when it’s not my wish and it won’t lead me back to the bottle.