Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Hey way to go!!! I havent done that one yet. Its a beautiful medal! Its soo cool that ur also doing them :smiley: Which new one did u purchase? I am currently working on the New York medal.


Always blessed to read you :heart:
Keep checking just in or share :kissing_closed_eyes:
We are here for you!


Is the app running slow for anyone else??


57 days AF evening checkin

Thank you so much for your kind support and soo helpful words! @Mno @Alisa @Soberbilly @happyfeet @Tragicfarinelliā€¦
You realy reached me!
Every one of you :heart::heart::heart:

I protect sobriety.
I take care of my heart.
I care.
I matter.
We all do!

I havenā€™t sent an answer now, but I think I will write some ā€œon the pointā€ words tomorrow.

Yeah boundariesā€¦ Itā€™s a thing.

And todayā€¦ I am resting instead of swimming. I am cold and tired, so thatā€™s the better choice.
Just silence and candlelight after a nice visit by my parents today. The environment of the new apartment is very calming.

Love you all!


Day xxx

Gonna take a little nap on the couch, my son is here with me as well. He is digging into the wraps I made for a second time. Hope he leaves something for me for tomorrow :wink:. Cooking when someone is with me I really can still enjoy. Also time I start cooking for myself again, itā€™s better and healthier than all that delivery stuff I did the past few weeks. And than I forget that itā€™s way to expensive nowadays. Keep surprising me sometimes at what things cost nowadays, also the ingredients for the wraps were bizar. But not much I can do about it. So now a nap and then we are off to the soccer match of Fortuna Sittard.

Have a nice evening :heart:


@scorpn Happy Birthday my dear friend ā€“ double 3ā€™s! Oh my ā€“ I am so very sorry for what you have gone through. I do hope you get to rest and are not in pain. Sucks that you were not able to be seen at the ER. I do hope that you do go and see a doctor if you start feeling any worse. Much love to you my friend ā€“ I do hope you feel better soon :people_hugging:

@akmb way to go on 4 days and it is a wonderful feeling to not partake of alcohol at a party. Wonderful to have a sober time and being able to remember your evening the next hangover free day
@maestro I do hope your wife feels better and you two are able to enjoy the musical ā€“ have heard great things and its on my list to watch.
@hidden 40 days!!! Woot woot :tada: hope you enjoy your football weekend. We do sometimes need time to ourselves and I personally do enjoy my solo time ā€“ I do hope that you do too.
@dolse71 another week in the books ā€“ 3 years 1 month and 1 week ā€“ you are crushing it! :muscle:
@juli1 ah love look at you showing addiction the curb and going strong for 57 days! That guy is an ass! I know you are doing better without him. Past 6 weeks you have been more at ease, swimming better and doing great in your sober journey. He doesnā€™t deserve you! Hope you are able to get him out of your head.
@jennyh Thanks friend ā€“ I too have started grey stripes so I feel ya ā€“ not ready to go fully grey yet. Way to go on your double 4ā€™s! I love ya ā€“ talk about the joys of sleep for hours ā€¦ AAAH ā€“ I feel this! Grateful you had a lovely 11 hours of sleep.
@dresdenlapage Oh such a relief to finally hear back! Congrats on your job :tada:
@cueball8n9 so lovely to see you enjoying a family vacation. Always on the go for work so nice to rest and have some family time. Great job on 263 days!
@trixie1 Have a wonderful time on your Halloween outing! Pumpkin Spiceā€” ooh so exciting.


Thank you and I will most definitely enjoy my football weekend. I do enjoy being alone, something is just off right now is all, a weird kind of funk, :joy:

This will pass though. Appreciate your message!


Checking in sober. Thats all for today. Not going to complain, again.

Hope everyone have a wonderfull day :heart:


Checking in Day 8)

I feel really grounded today. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the pink shaded glasses from sobriety, the meeting or if Iā€™ve just been overcome with a huge air of acceptance over pretty much everything I cannot change. Iā€™ve been saying the serenity prayer an awful lot this last week in the hope that a higher power will present itself. It feels to me that a higher power may very well have because Iā€™m not an accepting person by nature - I always want to fix things or alter things or ruin things! It could just be that I feel a lot better about being offered the job meaning I can get on with my plan. Whatever it is, I hope it lasts a while because it feels good :slight_smile:


@icebear I hope the coffee brings on the motivation. I know when I feel blah I have a hard time logging on and engaging but really it is such a blessing once I do. I am grateful for the connections here. I do hope to see you around more and hopefully you will be starting to feel better soon :hugs:
@noshame 3 weeks and killing it! You are amazing friend.
@moosetracks Yeah to having a great 1st week. I do hope you find that work life balance ā€“ I know that is a difficult task. Have a wonderful time tonight! Have a great Halloween outing!
@butterflymoonwoman I do hope you get to leave early and get a day of rest. Sending healing vibes for your son ā€“ hope he is feeling better soon :hugs:
@kimpantera 2 weeks!! Woot Woot :tada: Way to go Kim ā€“ keep stacking on the sober days :muscle:
@happyfeet That is an awesome looking medal ā€“ way to go!! Conquer on :muscle:
@wakikki Stating how you feel and what you are going through is not complaining. I am so very sorry that you are struggling and we are here if you need to talk about it. Can not hold it in. Here for you my friend and I do hope you are not overwhelmed with any symptoms or anxiety today :people_hugging:
@looking4support I do hope that being around family helps console you this weekend. I can not even imagine what you are going through and I really have no words. We are here if you need to talk. Much strength and comfort to you James :pray: :hugs:

Checking in on Saturday afternoon
not a great day but i am grateful to be alive. i have developed new pain in my hips and legs and the nasty skin issue is spreading. its a wonderful day to stay in bed. I have a lovely set up in bed with my laptop and getting all my accounting done. Grateful i do not have to do the restaurant shift today as iā€™m having a hard time walking. i am grateful that i get to see my doctor this week and hopefully come up with a better plan of attack.
hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Saturday housework day check in.
Just came to the full awareness that I donā€™t know the actual birthdates of any of my close friends. People Iā€™ve celebrated multiple birthdays with, given and received thoughtful presents for. I actually need a prompt, or Iā€™ll totally forget their birthdays.
No doubt this wouldnā€™t be the case had I been more mindful and less impulsive during my social life before this year.
From now on, Iā€™ll have them in the calendar and have more presence of mind about it.


Love this medal too @Butterflymoonwoman and @lorelai Love the Scottish thistle on it :star_struck:
The walk itself was amazing. Great scenery to watch on the map. Was awesome.

Iā€™ve now started the Cotswold Way Challenge. Itā€™s a 156 km long walk in the south west of England.
Slightly different to the rough coast of Scotland but beautiful too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I love this Conqueror app @Cjp . It offers tons of virtual walk challenges. It would count your steps and activities and you can follow your progress on Google maps and live view, wich is a nice gimmick as you might feel like you discover this place in real. :wink: There are no limits. You do the challenge on your own pace, itā€™s simple.
To be honest, I think it is a bit overpriced but it made me going out and just walk. It is a lot of fun and it helped me tremendously in the beginning of my sober journey to be active when I didnā€™t feel like it. And with every milestone reached the app company plants a treeā€¦ So that helps as well. And not to forget the really beautiful medals. They are really pretty.
Well we spent so much money on alcohol or others of our DOCs , so spending some money just for fun wouldnā€™t hurt either :wink:

Sorry for the long post but after more than a year using this app Iā€™m still excited.
Maybe you could give it a try.

Have a wonderful sober weekend everyone :pray:


1 :lock:



Thank you :blush: I really hope your pain eases and you have a good day.


Hey yaā€™ll,
Just stepping out for a breath of air. Been with my mom, nephew and my kids since Thursday. Today we are celebrating my nephews birthday and all of my sisters girlfriends are here. My nephew is so happy to celebrate his birthday and had so much fun at the park. I can tell he is overwhelmed with all the peopke, and can see it is also confusing for him that me and my kids are here with him and nanny. I more often come on my own, or he is with us at our house. He is getting his routine here; and change he handles very well in a lot of ways but also I can see how it disregulates him.

Just put my son for a little nap, and am sitting in the room with him in the quiet. My mom is feeling so much emotion, for me I tend to fewl my emotions in private.

I can see just from being here these few short days the challenge my husband and I took on with the 3 children (as hes at home so its just me and my mom with the 3). Its just so apparent how unmanageable it is for 2 people, with the 3 children and having stepped back it is even more obvious. My daughters behaviour and her emotions change almost immediately; she really argues with her brother and I can tell she craves the attention she doesnt get when her brother and nephew need the constant care and supervision.

It has been a really great visit in some ways, its been quite steessful and exhausting in others. I have also been dealing with CPS and our old lawyer since being here, and its funny to me how CPS and the courts are a bit impatient for the ā€œpermanentā€ plan for this child to be made, when really they just want something in permanency written on paper. It has nothing to do with an actual long term plan, and that is what we are working towards. We are his greatest advocates and I see how what is being offered to us has changed with all of my back and forths and our families efforts, changed from ā€œthis is the only optionā€ to their suddenly being more optionsā€¦I just will not let someone or a system make me feel crazy because we cannot accept the little they have to offer. If parents/guardians are told they are their childs best advocate and chance at recieving support, quit chastising them and making them feel like they are being difficult/unrealistic for being that advocate. Its such a double edged sword. My nephews smile on his face whdn he sees me, the kisses and just his whole beingā€¦how far he has come. Hes worth it. Im just grateful, grateful for being sober, grateful for my sister and grateful for her lottle boy. Lord give me some GD strength xo.


Checking in at 44 days.

I have spent a lot of the day sleeping but guess my body needed it. I had a lovely nap this afternoon after my wonderful lie in. Trying to go with it. My daughterā€™s team won the football match and she got player of the match, being tried in a new position and she did well.

Spotted a halloween postbox topper, love when people do this, so clever. Not sure if these exist outside of England?


These crack me up, some places go even further and do woolen pendants and bunting along railings and any item spare begging for wool to be put on.

I do like them on post boxes, donā€™t get me wrong, but after a few storms and rain spellsā€¦they donā€™t look great. :rofl::rofl:


Hahaha, that must look awful after a while :rofl: I love how completely naff they are, but they need to stick with the postbox only theme. We are coming up to the time of year when they are out in forceā€¦Halloween, Remembrance Sunday, Christmas.


Head to a living space with only the bare trio of village hall, church and school and see what delights behold youā€¦these are naturally the best areas to observe the woollen treasures.


Glad you got some good lay in time and a nap ā€“ i did too :wink:

these postbox toppers are awesome! we do not have this here and i feel jipped :laughing: