Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Home alone again due to in laws caring duties. It’s weird, when I’m busy and filled with life I do not even think once about alcohol. Maybe it really was just escapism/boredom/desperation when I gave in. I need routine and to have purpose and things to do, as soon as I don’t I get antsy and anxious. Since restarting the gym and swimming and stopping alcohol again my anxiety has decreased massively.

Have cooked dinner, now watching the Purge (original one) and sipping Choco Mint Yogi tea. Did my third training run for the couch to 5k at lunch time and that was really cool getting out during my ‘work from home’ drudgery. Felt naughty but nice. Why not, I deserve it.


Day 211

Nothing unusual to report. I’m just sitting through some online training: death by PowerPoint :yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face:


Checking in sober day 4.

Just got home from the doctor. (New specialist). The end result was as positive as it could have been, but the whole experience stressed me out completely. The staff were all nice and the doctor seemed fine, if a bit abrupt. Maybe it’s just sensory overload. I can’t seem to switch the focus in my brain off of that.

And I need to try to get a couple more hours of work done.

I just want to scream “FUCK EVERYTHING” and run away from home.

And as Eric says, First Things First.


day 580 of no self harm

I think I pushed myself too hard yesterday. feeling awful physically. going to rest today since I’ll be cleaning with my friend tomorrow.

I occasionally have recurring dreams when things start getting bad with my mental health. I’ll have a dream where I’m either in some kind of hospital or my friends are all worried about me. It always messes me up the day after but I still don’t know how to make the changes my body is telling me I need


I’m praying for you :pray:t3:. Just the decision in itself is bold, courageous and defining…defining of what could be the beginning of the best in your life! You can do this :muscle:. We’re all here rooting for you!!


Yes! I discovered a whole nerdfest when I started my job. I love having these webinars on while plodding on with the less complicated work.


Congratulations on your triple digits ! X


Checking in on day 42 :blush::heart:


I like this…….:+1:


Congrats ahead of time for an amazing 5 months!! Good for you :muscle:

I LOVE the ocean. It’s the perfect place to meditate, pray, relax, be quiet and just sense what’s being told and whispered to your heart.

Sorry about the relationship. Been there my friend. It hurts. But with this life being so short we just gotta move forward…time will heal those wounds. They did mine, and it was a very long time where I allowed the healing to take place. Key word “I”…

Hit the beach…close your eyes and listen to the waves, and just be in that present moment.

You’ll come out stronger…….


Hi Martha,

no problem it’s the same with me, I also can’t get every detail :smiley:

Still here, will get the keys for the new appartement in 2 weeks. Then I will paint one room that needs to be painted,… The bedroom. In this week the bed will be delivered. It’s my dream bed :smiley:… and the end of this week I have two helpers for the washing machine, dryer and so on. Realy looking forward to another big change.


@Chosen2001 congrats on 4 months :tada:
@Lotusflower best wishes for your new dimension 🩵
@Axsis congrats on 4 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@Hidden belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon::gift::partying_face: and congrats on 2+ weeks :tada:
@Timetochange congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@HopeDealer2 congrats on double digits :tada:
@cloudy welcome back :blush:
@Katiee congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@NICKLE5CENTS I hope you can get yourself to the beach as a birthday gift to yourself tomorrow, I find being by the ocean so healing. :blush: :ocean:
@Cp25 welcome back :blush::people_hugging: congrats on your honesty :clap:t2:

1149 days no alcohol.
614 days no cocaine.
129 days no vape.

Yesterday I woke up tired. I managed to work my way through my morning routine, then went to buy food for the water birds, and get a haircut.

I then drove to collect my friend, and we headed to the country park. We soon found plenty of hungry swans, ducks, and other water birds and they seemed to love the food, when they were right up close to me when I was right next to the water, it was rather scary as they kept hissing and they seemed huge like mini dinosaurs! We then had lunch, then went for a short walk before I took my friend home, and came home myself.

A migraine developed as soon as I got home and I felt exhausted, so I layed on my bed in the dark with my curtains closed. I took some pain meds a couple of hours before bed and they dulled the pain, I could tolerate my lamp after a while, so I started catching up here.

Unfortunately my extra seasonal depression is weighing heavy on me, I feel lower than usual and it’s so hard to make myself do anything. Ive just managed to have a bath though so I feel good about that.

Tomorrow I have 2 online courses to attend.



Evening check in, 19 days.

Good work day, although didn’t feel very productive. Plodded on though and got a few things ticked off. Managed the gym too. Rest day tomorrow so will need a plan for the danger zone (6-8pm ish). Advance warning, I will be here :grin:


See you here tomorrow Jenny :heavy_heart_exclamation:

9 days no alcohol
30 days no vape or nicotine

Feels good, just need to stop with the sugarrrrr… Been mainlining ice cream (tried the B&J honey and lemon with shortbread this week, ok not great) humbugs, :cherries: lollies, Tony’s Chocoloney …:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s exciting, I hope your move goes smoothly!



Hello everybody, I’m new here as I just joined yesterday.

I decided to quit alcohol because it’s been taking control of my life, and I do want my life back. I turn 45 this month and I’m determined to make it, even though it’s hard.

2 days sober today! And I’m so excited to have found this wonderfully supportive community, and I know that I can do this with you by myside. <3


Thank you so much! :heart_eyes:


Less than 24hrs away from 2 weeks!!!
I don’t post much but looking forward to being able to post my “30 days” soon.
Congrats to everyone making progress, It’s a journey for sure!


Ugh bit under the eeather here and theyre cutting the soy which gives me mahor farm allergies. My son is giving us such a hard time at bedtime its exhausting. He is so adorable, but go to sleep!

Anyway ya’ll just wanted to check in. Tired, tired, tired and stuffy but grateful for today. Beautiful and sunny, and I started working on my sons tractor bed for when he moves out of tbe crib. I love fun projects and building things…even got me some “John Deere Green” paint lol. Love to everyone xo.