Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Finished Day 3 tonight. Sticking to my guns this time. No Drinking!


Glad youā€™re still here, checking in your own way. I love your creativity and your pictures and gifs.

I personally can go days without posting on here, but Iā€™m usually reading on here, even if itā€™s just one post or two and scrolling through the rest.



Coming up is the last shift of my first work week after my holiday. Iā€™m back into it, Iā€™m liking it, but need to start thinking seriously about expanding what I do a bit. I want to do more with my own experiences. Go beyond just being a detox nurse who sometimes shares about himself, beyond just giving the patients in my care a positive roll model and a reference point. But unsure yet how to do that. Going to work on it.

Have as good a day as you can all friends. Sober and clean. Love from the back porch at work last night.


Good morning everyone, happy Wednesday. Checking in on day 339 of my sobriety journey.

Something that was mentioned in an early post struck a chord with me - at the beginning of my sobriety Iā€™d often feel like I was being a killjoy and people would tell me to let my hair down and have some fun (eg have a drink, or drinks).

Eventually it kinda felt like I proved to these same people that I could have a good time without a drink.

Something we all go through to an extent I suppose.

Have a great day everyone.


Congrats on your 339 days! Thatā€™s awesome!

What you just said is exactly how I feel. I try not to overthink it too much. But meeting up with some friends is just not the same anymore. But gotta do what is best for me.
136 days today! Feeling better than ever. Better the boring sober one than dancing drunk one feeling like shit the next day and donā€™t remember anything.

Have a good sober day everyone!


Day 263.

The neighbours are making home-made wine. I loved their home-made wine back when I was still drinking.

Thankfully, when I politely declined to help they left it at that and didnā€™t question it. I said I will help with pretty much anything else as long as it doesnā€™t involve alchohol. You wanna make jam? Iā€™m in! Pickles? Iā€™m your girl! Beverages that nearly ruined my life more times than I can count? Nah fam.

Other than that, Iā€™m kinda riding the chill times. Iā€™ll have to pick up extra work from next week onwards because weā€™re going to the UK for a couple of weeks in November as a pre-Christmas thing. And the UK is expensive. Especially as I wanna catch a couple of west end shows.

However, Iā€™m quite excited about the non-alcholic beverage options and the free soda water. Weā€™ll be saving a fortune on me not drinking alcohol. For every free soda water ordered, thatā€™sā€¦ like Ā£10 I didnā€™t spend on a pint. And I get to see my best friend in the world who is pregnant, and Iā€™m super excited about becoming the Crazy Auntie Amy in that childā€™s life. :heartpulse:


Hey Chris, you are DOING IT, just hang on in the, do something for yourself everyday. Even if itā€™s sitting in that sun in peace for ten minutes. Feel proud of yourself, you have made the most important decision you could make. The good stuff is yet to come, promise.


Ah, thatā€™s such a hard one! I guess you have to believe her and get it checked! Happy day 20. Well done kid.


What shows are you going to see? Hopefully the weather will treat you nicely, itā€™s been wild here lately!

Well done on good boundaries :100:


Checking in with a four month milestone.
Iā€™m generally feeling quite a lot better these past couple of days despite having a mild head cold. Iā€™ve been expecting a HelloFresh delivery but have been told it canā€™t be delivered anymore as it has exceeded the time slot and is perishable. Iā€™m having difficulty getting through to customer care which is frustrating.
Iā€™ll be heading to yoga in a short while.


Yes, we did get it checked. X-ray was clear thankfully. It is ā€˜justā€™ soft tissue damage, so it is strapped and she has to rest it, but she should get movement back soon. Poor thing, her sensitivity to pain/injury is not compatible with her love of football!


I am sad to hear about your negative experiences. You should be free to share openly, and not have to have negative back and forth with others that serve no purpose. I have always enjoyed your shares and honesty, and so you know I MISS READING YOUR SHARES. I did not know this was why you are only posting pictures now.

Sometimes the best thing can be to ignore or not engage with the negativity, but not to let it change what we find helpful. Not saying you should put yourself out there to be vulnerable if you do not want to, but know what you were sharing was helping/reaching others. Again I am just really sorry that you had these negative experiences, and witj multiple members. That would have made me uncomfortable also. Xo.


Good morning! Another day.


Congratulations @Deelzebub !
Happy for you! Glad youā€™re feeling better too! Big hugs! :purple_heart:



Hi @Tragicfarinelli, I wanted to respond to your post from the other page and it was mid-morninf coffee and I was like ā€œWHY CANT I REPLY???ā€ lolā€¦so I am replaying here instead of where you posted on check in #58.

Its the post where you mentioned you were listening tp the mom podcast and hpw she needed something for herself; which was wine. I just wanted to share my mom insight hereā€¦

Wine culture and drinking for moms is a big deal. Npt for fun or shits and giggles, but because moms have less suppprts and are often super isolated. Moms generally run the house, are the primary caregiver to the child, manage activities outside the home and workā€¦even if you a wifey, and even if you have a man who is involved.

Moms have very lottle ā€œmeā€ time, but being a mom is so consuming that findinf that time is super hard and taxing and yet if you dont ā€œfill up your cupā€ and take that you time ypu feel guilty for not caring for yourself.

For me, yes it did become abput taking me time that wasnt just a couple of drinksā€¦but it did come at the expense pf some of the shit I do to make this ship run. I have tried to tKe a mpre laid back approach to things like: keeping the hpuse clean, making aure the laundry is folded and put away, being on time for every lottle thing (outside of work of course). I stress less in these areas, but of course that comes with a price tag (um where tf are my socks? Lol)

Anyway, i think i am getting pff point here but what I am trying to say is: THERES A REASON NEW MOMS/MPMS OF YPUNG KIDS DRINK that is UNIQUE next to pthers. We are overstimulated, overworked, exhausted and on at all times. We have lottle help and most of us have no village around us. Theres also a reason why you dont see new moms around AA meetingsā€¦they cannpt go. And its NOT an excuse, because though our sobriety needs to come first, there is an absolute necessity that your children come first in the early years and its hard to find a way to balance. The best thing I did for my balance was: STOP FEELING BAD about not having time for myself. Take the lottle moments (work out for 20 minutes, not an hour). Dont worry about not having a solid routine of daily self care, have some things thst you like and do them when you got a few minutes. Im so tired of hearing moms be told we need to take care of ourselves when we the most isolated generation of moms to have lived, AND we have to work and do all that just to afford rent/mortgage payments. That side of mom guilt needs to STFD. Anyway, you dping awesome and I hope this is helpful in some way :blush: and if not you just breeze past me lady! Xo.

Edit: Sorry, wanted to clarify as my brain was just thinking about my post. I do not mean you cant make time for yourself as a mom, I am just saying the constraints of being a mom make it harder. Things I am doing that I find super helpful (i love when ppl let me kbow what it is they are doing on their journey :)): 1) mom dates & seeing friends - I am prioritizing this one. 2) reading at night instead of watching a show, though I dont see anything wrong with having a good show to watch! 3) Projects at home that are FUN not just focusinf on house work constantlyā€¦so rn Im making my son his transition bed, and building it to look like a tractor. Making kombucha. Decorating with kids for Halloween. Justā€¦prioritizing fun things in the home, and not putting them off until ā€œmommy cleabs and makes dinnerā€ 4) EASY MEALS helps. I LOVE cooking and I like to feed myself and fam healthy hpme cooked food. But once a week we have fun dinner night - lile a pizza or chicken fingers and fries. Kids lpve it & it gives me the night off. Pasta is in my back pocket at all times LOL. 5) TRY to take time once a week to do my nails, do a facemask and whatever other self-care things I want to doā€¦this usually happens after kids gp to sleep, and is probably more like once every 2 weeks. My gf inteoduced to those facemasks that are like a cut out of your faceā€¦hi. Its a mini spa in your house, and you can also have fun scaring the shit out of anyone you may live with. Anyway, i have typed too much now but XO.


Hey Mira,

Oh I absolutely agree!

I do not have children myself and do not choose to have any to be honest. However, my best friends are all mostly at that stage of having kids already who are between 4 months and 10 years old. I see and hear from my girlfriendā€™s EVERYTHING you just explained, itā€™s something I try to be super sensitive to as I do not have that responsibility and so my experience (and ability to self soothe/take time out) is certainly not theirs! I cannot begin to imagine a day in the life of a busy mom.

Even though all my friends pretty much have modern relationships with shared responsibility and pretty open and forward thinking household expectations, the woman still has this extra cross to bear. Itā€™s a beautiful gift, but also a burden.

I think big alcohol companies have somehow also tapped into this ā€˜mummy juiceā€™ cultureā€¦ So itā€™s so self serving.

Therefore, I can empathize with this, but in a way I feel ā€˜otherā€™ to these stories as well. I think I somewhat avoid them as my sobriety is hard enough (to me at least) as it is as a privileged woman with no dependants.


Oh my goodness you should not feel ā€œotherā€ at all! It is npt a priviledge not to have children, ypu are on your own journey.

I think its AMAZING that you have such an empathetic perspectice for mothers, and I will say that I have such a profound reapect for the journey of women who are at a childbearing age who do not have children (whether by choice or not). I did not mean to pther you AT ALL, and I appreciate how actually being a mom would priviledge me to getting sober in many ways that those without children do not have. Its a dpuble-edged sword apparently! I am sorry I assumed you were mom when I saw your post and so appreciate your kind response :slight_smile: XO


@BrOKenWolf Sometimes you can give support, sometimes it is your turn to take it. I hope things work out for you.

@Lotusflower That sounds like a great opportunity! I hope you learn lots about yourself and how to move forward into a life that nourishes you.

@calgary5577 Being social is a skill, and if you have only hung out with people when using, it is natural it will take time to learn how to do it without. But practice makes perfect!

@Katiee Congratulations on three digits!

@MyLife21 Welcome! So glad to be a part of this journey with you!

@Deelzebub Congratulations!


No worries, I just feel very strongly towards my fellow peers who have children. Iā€™m an Ally! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 19
Feeling good