Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Checking in on day 84. Have a good day, everyone. And stay healthy and sober no matter what! Whatever day you are on, we all have this day to take care of ourselves, and as @Soberbilly says, be the love.


Damn …that is disappointing. I had high hopes for this company but I know others have also had some not to good stories.

Glad you were able to get dinner sorted and more grateful than ever that you are feeling better.


Oh good …glad you have someone that can look after you :people_hugging:
Yes - please keep us posted.


I woke today to news that someone I loved many years ago drank himself to death yesterday. We haven’t seen each other in 20 years or spoken in about 30 but now I’m remembering lots of sweet and some sad times. 🩷🩶
He was in his 40s. Be careful out there.


Day 1019,

Way to much rumination (guilt, shame), talked to my sponsor and he advices me to continue the steps. I’m at step four and he promises that after that it should diminish, will I trust him……


Day 54*
Happy I decided to take the day off. I really needed it. Playing some N64, going for a bike ride, making a lamb curry, trying out some new bath products, meetup with sober group. Treat myself kind of day.


Day 0.49 no form of marijuana
Day 147 no alcohol
Day 78 no vapes or ciggs

Just checking in


Day 368
Work done, now me-time.
Thankfully the boss was in a very good mood today, she even praised us. I’m concerned if she maybe got replaced by an Alien after her vacation :smile::+1:
When I’m home I’ll bake a banana bread or the fruit flies multiply again. I should demand rent from their leader.
As you see I’m in a good mood :blush:
But not everything is all shiny at the moment.
Yesterday evening I noticed that I wanted to take a medicine that I usually only take when I get a migraine (helps me with the sickness and with sleep).
I know us addicts sometimes move from one drug to another, and I’m concerned that the same happens with this medication.
There isn’t anything else I could take because my blood pressure rises too high with special migraine meds. So I have to combine that with strong painkillers and it works well.
I did set up a timer for that, only for me to remind me to only take it when I’m sick. Not when I’m not able to sleep or feel stressed.
I have to find other ways to help myself with those problems.
I hope you had / have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


I’m sorry for your loss. :disappointed:


That’s awesome!!!


Yes!! I totally agree!


Thanks I appreciate you for that

You should know how much this helps me
It helps keep me accountable and on track

Thank you


Bah hahaha thank God it’s not only me…I just can’t have fruit or basil out, the flies start creating a mega army. Sorry but so funny.


Sorry to hear that, take care of you x


Weed - day 53
Alcohol - day 12
Cigarettes - day 11

Things are changing for the better. Slowly. Gradually. Almost imperceptibly.

I have been walking a LOT. As an addict - I have substituted dopamine with endorphins. It works better than any shrink I’ve ever known.

I listen to audiobooks while I walk. Multitasking in a way. I walked 132 kms (82 miles) last week. It helps a lot. And I am enjoying the audiobooks. But I think I need to change my routine. Need to cut down on the walking and do more cycling. My walking is making my joints hurt a wee bit too much. I got my bicycle fixed. From tomorrow I will try to cycle in the morning and walk in the evening.

Work has improved too. I may be getting into a new sector soon. Balance will be a problem though.


Day 1

I actually crossed three things off my list today that have been the reasons I justified using. I filed my taxes, contacted the care facility where a relative is (been putting this off for two years), and contacted two family members who I’ve wanted to for years.

I really isolated myself and built walls up around myself. I’m trying to stop doing that.


Yes they do :joy::sob: As soon as there is ANY fruit in the kitchen there are also flies. Awful :disappointed:


Just wanted to say heyy

Your a lot of help here and I love reading your posts

Take care


:people_hugging: :people_hugging:
thank you! i do appreciate you saying so and glad to be a part of this journey with you.

I see you are back at kicking ass with your numbers! Keep it up my friend. I do hope you have a wonderful day.


Amazing work on finding out reasons why you would pick up

I need to do the same

Also congratulations on day 1 :slightly_smiling_face:

I think the 1st day is the most important
It all starts with day 1