Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

I appreciate you very much

Thank you for being here along my side with everything especially during these times

I can get into it more but I’m not ready
And everything is ok here I promise I will be fine but time is ticking and it’s testing me

Work is great
Wifey is doing amazing

Life is good
It’s just a time situation


@mander0712 wow 93 days is impressive! I do hope that the antidepressants help. I know that idle time and alone time can be a little lonely. Are you able to pick up hobbies to keep yourself busy and I find that when I see a finished product of something I worked on that this gives me so much joy. Seems like you are doing great on your sober journey and utilizing all the tools. I do hope that your heart heals from your past relationship soon. :hugs:
@trustybird OH sweetheart I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I know it’s been some time since you two talked but I’m sure the news is nevertheless gut wrenching. We are here for you if you need to talk. Sending you much love and comfort. Addiction truly is a nasty beast. Grateful that we are working on ourselves and shedding its clutches. People_hugging:
@rob11 Have you looked into a different sponsor? One who will be better equipped to deal with the steps and trauma? I do hope that you do find some comfort in completing step 4 :hugs:
@ceeds WOW – I love it! Taking the day off for self care :heart: What a fabulous idea – I do hope you have the most wonderful day taking care of you today!
@sabrina80 I do love your sense of humor – thank you for that! I know the fear of not replacing one addiction with another and definitely relate to dealing with migraines. They are such a pain in the ass. I do hope that you are not having to take these meds too often :fingers_crossed:
@soberbilly :laughing: I absolutely love this – words not needed and words can’t express how much I love it! Thank you SB.

We will not rush you to open up but do know we are here whenever you need to talk. Grateful that you work and marriage are amazing! Its ok to have bad days and not feel 100% even when everything around you is perfect. I find that doing daily gratitude’s has really helped change my mood and way of thinking – still, I do have many days that it is super difficult to come up with any gratitude. I just want to scream and cry and am far from thankful – this is when I remember the basics of breathing, having a safe place to live, food and water…etc. Just throwing this out there in case gratitude practice may help you until you feel ready to share your burden.


Second check in today.
My psychiatric nurse called today and has offered me access to a support worker in the coming weeks. Just someone I can go for a walk or a coffee with and have a chat. She also put me in touch with an alcohol service on the south side of the city that looks interesting. They have individual support workers and also peer support groups. I may call them tomorrow to see what other services they provide.

I’ve also signed up for the morning yoga session tomorrow as I’m finding that’s a good start to my day.

As ever it’s one day at a time.


That’s quite good really! :+1: Good luck with it all, I hope you get the support you need!


Evening check in, just short of 20 days. A couple of hours away but will easily make it today. Funny how some days are a lot easier than expected.

I have had a bad headache but managed to stick at work so pleased with that. I am really struggling recently with feeling ill a lot. Think the peri-menopause is not going to be kind. I drove home from work in my lunch break so that meant I could go straight from the desk to my bed at 5 which really helped.

I have eaten my way through the headache so feeling a bit gross, but not craving wine so that is a win. Just about to have a bath and then read until a reasonable hour to call it a day. In the past I would have thought that a waste of an evening, what disordered thinking!


Well, I tested positive for COVID. Ugh!!!


Hey jaz thanks for checking on me. I’m having a hard time, just really struggling to understand some things even when I tell them I don’t understand it and they try explaining a different way I still don’t understand. Not really in a good headspace, missed class yesterday and then beat myself up for it. Just feel overwhelmed, then department of social services sent me paper work that I have to have my professors fill out all the way back untill August when I started school. It’s not a big deal but it just feels like a lot, I was so proud of myself and then now I’m being down.


You could literally spend your evening throwing poop up a wall and it would be more productive than drinking lol. Be proud girl. You are having-what seems like anyway- headaches a lot. I’m not sure if that’s something you suffer with anyway, but might be worth getting it checked.

I too have made myself feel so bloated and ill eating wedges. I decided to made wedges out of the spongey sad potatoes left in the spud sack… To go with my salad and leftover chilli and cheese… Quite a lot of leftover potatoes, but hey I’ll do them all in the ninja and freeze them right?

No. I’ve eaten the lot. Too delicious and crispy and tasty at the time, now I feel like Albert Bartlett himself.

Let’s call it carbing up, Gym bud :smile:


Throwing poop up a wall :rofl: My bath and book sounds a lot better than that or drinking.

Yes, have always had headaches, but this is ridiculous. I do need to try and do something about it but hate the fuss of the GP.

Sounds like we both ate too much potato (mine was cheesy chips). No regrets, especially now you made it seem like an intentional part of my gym routine :grin:


This made me laugh :rofl: x


Checking in
Day 598
Wow i cant believe my timer is almost at the 600s! For some reason this is really baffling me :grinning: just the number itself is mind boggling when to think at one point i couldnt get past 3 days clean.

Today i woke up tired (as usual… will need to figure where the issue is). I even tried melatonin last night and it did nothing :confused: Got my son on the bus and then attempted to lay down until 11am. But phone calls and text messages kept me awake. Got up and decides to exercise. I finished another virutal Conqueror Challenge. Im doing the Marathons to Athens challenge and i finished it today. All 42km was done on the elliptical. Cant wait to receive my medal! Hubby is going to get me another one in a bit. Im thinking of doing the New York Challenge bcuz ive always wanted to go there.

Did some tidying up in the apartment and made sure to do my prayer this morning too. All in all today is going well. Hope everyone is doing well too! :butterfly:



Late evening checkin.
I did hard work today, laying a carpet in the hallway and staircase of my parents house. :woman_mechanic:t3::muscle:t2: I killed it :rofl:

Later I met my niece :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
She’s just such a cool and taff 10 year old.

I had thoughts about drinking. It’s the “forever” thing.

But I am sober now.
Tomorrow I can stay sober too.


Oh Mike I’m so sorry that you are still struggling.

Please do not be hard on yourself. You should still be super proud of how well you are doing. Not that your teacher is a bad teacher but for some we need a different teaching style or different examples to make things stick.

Have you tried looking up examples on Google or YouTube for clarification?

Were you able to find a tutor?does the class have a TA that could be available for a one on one?

Are you chummy with any other students who may be able to help with a different perspective?
Do not be so hard on yourself. I see you putting in the effort. I do know that English and writing is not an easy subject. I was always a math and numbers / equations mindset so have not had to deal with the reports you are dealing with.


Checking in on day 101, a little worn down from work but feeling hopeful today.
Hope you all are well :white_heart:


OH man - i’m sorry love – I do hope you don’t have any severe symptoms. Get plenty of rest and fluids (i do hope someone can help take care of you). Wishing you a speedy recovery :pray:


@JazzyS Thank you so much for your heartwarming welcome! :heart:

Day 3 here, and everything’s okay. It gets a little bit harder in the evening, because that’s when I used to have some wine with my husband after dinner. But I’ve replaced that drink with zero-sugar flavored water and chamomile tea, and so far so good.

You guys are awesome, and just reading your stories is truly a huge encouragement!


Thank you :blush:

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Oh no! That sucks. How are you feeling?


Welcome @MyLife21 and congratulations on your 3 days. Good job replacing the wine. Be aware of your triggers and break the old habits.
You’re doing great!

@Cp25 awww Cynthia I’m sorry to hear about your COVID. Hope you’re better soon.

@Butterflymoonwoman hi Dana it’s so good to see you posting about your Conqueror Challenge. I’ve got this app too and I love it!!! It really made me walking out of my room :joy: I’m doing the Nort Coast 500 at the moment. Do you do the 2023 challenge as well. I’m so excited, I’m sorry :joy:
I guess we should start a The Conqueror thread :balloon:


Thank you so much @happyfeet ! :heart:

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