Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Just checking in on day 123, enjoying the cool weather today on my day off
Have a good day everyone :white_heart:


I actually realised I got a day ahead of myselfā€¦

Checking in 6)

I had a really long chat with my dear mother today. I went to hers at about 11am and we chatted about all sorts. She asked me if there was anything she couldā€™ve done differently as a mother and the truth is, no she couldnā€™t. My mother was the best mother I couldā€™ve asked for. Iā€™ve always appreciated the relationship I have with my mother, especially in adulthood. We didnā€™t talk for a while (my drinking obviously) but now weā€™re on really good terms. We talk for hours about all sorts - banging the world to rights or just listening to each other speak, itā€™s quite therapeutic. She has a lot of wisdom to pass on - I donā€™t have kids but my brother and sister do, I hope they get to hear the wisdom she had to offer them one day.


617 today. I read something yesterday and it is simple but made me think of this fine group of folks.

Yesterday I beat my personal best for consecutive days lived. Today Iā€™ll try for a new personal best.

Rough, sad, happy, joyful; do it sober. šŸ©·


Late lunch break check in.
Heart is still pounding from a hectic work morning.
Going to go for a walk in the cold air and chill TF out.

Iā€™m thinking of you all, proud of all of you who are celebrating milestones lately, and wishing you all a pleasant rest of your day/night. :+1:t2:


Thank you for your kind words. Grateful that we are on this journey together and able to uplift each other through our struggles.
So lovely to hear that you are doing well at the moment. Each moment in time is all we can worry about and at this moment we are well :pray:

Have a wonderful day my friend :people_hugging:


Iā€™ll bookmark this and definitely take a look. I think I do better to read them and work that way as sometimes my listening can be super distracted. I donā€™t always get the best out of meetings as my learning is reading style. I turn up still though and try my best!!!

Attended an AA meeting today. Lots about ego and acceptance seems to be following me around lately and thereā€™s definitely something in that for me to work on.


Hi all, checking in almost 42 days.

Was back to work today and it was really good for me. Half day tomorrow which is the best of both worlds. Headache is back though which is annoying. Managed it without painkillers though so not too bad.

Reading more than posting but still here. Take care all


I hope so too - 3rd is definitely the best weā€™ll get from this group this year.

The performances are getting better, just need the game intelligence whilst playing at the higher level to come along with it.


Checkinā€™ in on day 26 :grin:
I am having THE best day! Getting so much done and feel Greaaaaat!
Had a super session with Psychologist :+1:
Picked out a coat for my puppy ( shirt haired wussyšŸ˜‚) ā€¦ will have to post a pic when I get him wrassled I to it.
Heā€™s getting his 2nd set of shotā€™s in 10 minutes.
Dropped a ton of squash off again at the Food Bank and will start volunteering next in 2 weeks.
Iā€™m heading out for a ā€œCharlieā€ Road Trip next week while hubby deals with the siding crew. HA!
Have a few more errands to run and then home.
Wondering why I drank so much when I feel this good without it.
I Love Being Sober! :metal:
Hope and wish the same for you all :grin:


Awesome! Great job.

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Day 9. Also my birthday. Not celebrating with an alcoholic beverage as i would have. I have made it to 2 meetings today. Tackled the bigesy fear that was on my plate today as well (with lots of prayer and giving the issue to God).Ive been off the ā€œdetoxā€ med for 2 days now. Now if i can onlynstop eating this dang Halloween candy haha.


Hells yeahā€¦3 weeks of being a badass! Keep stacking on these glorious days :muscle::muscle:
200w (1)


Happy birthday :partying_face: Well done on continued sobriety today. Great birthday gift to yourself!


Happy birthday Frank.
Congrats on the 9 days.
As long as I hit the pillow sober I didnā€™t care what I ate. Time to fix that shit later.
Good to see you back on track.
:pray:t2: :tada::birthday::partying_face::balloon:


Hey L.
I see you got your pic back up. I hope youā€™ve been improving since this post.
Thinking of you.



At home sober. Sleep time.


Congrats on day 9 and a very happy birthday Frank
:confetti_ball:: birthday :birthday::balloon:


Day 285.

Checking in. Sober. Still depressed, but slowly getting better.


Evening of day
19 no marijuana of any form
169 no alcohol
100!!! No cigs or vapes

Just came back from practicing my driving skills. I did much better then the 1st time. Ill be ready for my test in 6months :slightly_smiling_face:


Here I am checking in, day 12 and feeling good. My husband drank last night, didnā€™t phase me.