Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Wow quitting 3 things at once! You GO!


It occurred to me the other day that for over 30 years of addiction and thinking I was having fun I was actually depressed everyday and self medicating. 30+ years of depression!!! and I thought I would change after not using for a week or two :sweat_smile:
Years later and still learning.


Appreciate this xo

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Love this xo.

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Me too, sending you a big hug.

I will be sending you lots of supportive energy tomorrow. xxx :sparkles::white_heart::sparkles:


Thanks, I am going to try the vitamin D


Day 867 checking in


Congrats on all counts here. No smoking 100 days & the weed MY MAN (in a Denzel voice :smile:)!

Keep it going. Youre inspiring the heck out of people, and dont you forget it. Hope youre feeling better for it, and even on tough days I am trying to remind myself: hey man thats life not every day is sunshine and roses. Keep trucking :slight_smile:


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 620
Havent checked in today or read much. Its been a pretty busy day. Didnt get everything done that I wanted to do but got enough done that i am pleased with what I did. Surprisingly i havent had urges to use in a few days now. Its been really nice not having that black cloud over my head. I just want to stay on top of it. Anyway, not much else to report. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a good night :butterfly:


Happy birthday


Congrats on 9days


Thanks so much!


Happy birthday and congratulations on 9 days


Day 2507. Checking in. Work is so strange. I feel like I should be producing a lot in order to be doing a good job. But this job isnā€™t demanding that of me. So thatā€™s okay I guess? I just feel strange filling in my timesheet at the end of the week since I know I am not working every single one of those 40 hours. My program teaches me not to be dishonest, but the timecard is only accepted if there are 40 hours on it. So I put down those hours. Iā€™ll try tomorrow to work harder at something! Engineering - all you need to do is look serious and like youā€™re concentrating on something and everyone is pleased at what a good job youā€™re doing.

Two of my three cats are on antibiotics and probiotics right now for a stomach thing. I sure hope it clears up soon. I love seeing the kitten and one of my boy cats bonding!


131 days sober
So thankful the week is nearly over. Looking forward to the weekend again. My friend from CA is coming to visit. Heā€™s always good company.

Im feeling pretty serene this week. Grateful to be sober, grateful for this community. Thankful im able to workout with little to no pain in my back.

Im exhausted this week not sure why but heading to bed.



Not much to report.


This was lovely to read. Grateful for your psychiatrist nurse and how she has your back. Glad you are feeling good and excited for you getting back into practice at your studio space :heart:
@pattycake man I read your post this morning ā€“ so true my friend and well put. :people_hugging:
@sabrina80 oh dear friend that is rough ā€“ I am sorry that this letter brought on your past. Grateful that this chapter is closed and you are doing much better now. I do hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow and have a wonderful week off ahead :hugs:
@dresdenlapage I absolutely love mom time ā€“ glad that you were able to have a lovely chat :heart:
@chuckie22 so grateful that you had such an amazing day today ā€“ hope your puppy is good after shots today. ā€œCharlie Road Tripā€ ā€“ sounds awesome ā€“ where are you heading?

Love this Dana! So happy to read this. 620 days and facing addiction like a Boss! :hugs:

Checking in on Thursday evening
309 days free of alcohol and weed
724 days free of cigarettes
it was a long day - i was grateful for my mom coffee time this morning. i did get a start on my computer work (hoping to get caught up with it tomorrow). I did get a lot of errands completed - the driving around was a pain literally. I picked up some veggie sushi on the way home and was grateful for a nap afterwards.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you so much love :heart: :heart:



2 :lock:



Day 38:

Iā€™m tired and I can feel it wearing on me. Work has been overwhelming. I manage over 40 flooring installers and itā€™s draining trying to get adults to act like adults and just do their job. My actual title should be adult babysitter! Not sure what happened to work ethic, but it just seems like everyone wants to be paid more for working less and taking pride in your work is a forgotten concept. So thankful tomorrow is Friday, I need a weekend, hell I need five weekends.

Still sober and the thought of drinking has crossed my mind, but itā€™s all lies, a false narrative, a bullshit story of temporary relief. I know the outcome and know the reality of alcohol. Thankfully they have been just temporary thoughts. I know what the truth is, I need rest, a reset from work stress and that is just around the corner, one more day.

Going to bed sober, going to make tomorrow a better day and then soak up the weekend!


Checking in, Day 43.

This week has flown by, only half a day at work and then onto the weekend. I am not too worried about cravings right now.

I am still in the middle of what appears to be a personality crisis. Did anyone else feel like being sober made them change? I seem to be undecided as to whether I am an annoying Type A personality, or a chilled live in the moment person. The two sides seem in permanent conflict. I was about to write I hope the chilled side wins, and then my crazy side kicked in and started arguing that I would never get anywhere with that attitude :unamused::rofl: Apparently my inner voice is strong without wine to numb it!

I hope everyone has a peaceful sober day.

@Looking4Support thinking of you today :people_hugging:


Checking in Day 7)

Itā€™s incredibly cloudy over Cambridgeshire this morning and Iā€™ve already been awake for hours. Iā€™m hoping I should finally hear back from this bastard job this morning. Itā€™s really doing my head in, Iā€™ve never had to wait this long for a formal job offer before. I really hope this cloud doesnā€™t stick around, I was looking forward to a morning walkā€¦ Iā€™m still going to go walk up to one of the other villages and back. Itā€™s about 4 miles so long enough to take my mind off shit. My hands still smell like the shampoo I used last night.

We read from the big book last night and it brought on a real intense conversation with my mother. Probably not the only intense conversation Iā€™ll be having with her anytime soon - seems thereā€™s actually a lot of stuff to talk about, my dad aswell. I donā€™t think itā€™ll be too well received by him but the best conversations are usually the hard ones right?