Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Thanks so much!

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Woot day 10 double digits again. Woke up at 5 to attend an online meeting. I must be serious lol. There are issues going on but im really in a good place knowing that since im sober working my program I will be able to face them (totally with thr help of God of course).

Have an awesome sober Friday my friends!


Good morning everybody just checking in. I met my new addiction counselor yesterday morning, I like her, it seems like we’re gonna get along fine. IOP is almost done so I’ll have her and meetings to lean on. I’m glad it seems most of you are doing good. Id be lying if I said I keep up with everything on this thread, it’s the most chaotic one on here :grin:, and very hard to catch everything, but I read as much as I can. Have a great day guys.


Day 1172

I don’t check in much these days, not much really going on. Work, and kids stuff, and study. I sometimes feel a little isolated, and that I am not making as much out of my life as I could. I continue to be oversensitive and attached to my resentments. Letting go of those character defects will be a lifelong task, I feel.
My sponsor and I are currently both trying to get into a daily meditation habit. I downloaded Insight Timer. I have heard a lot about it on here, but thought it wouldn’t be much different to searching stuff on YouTube. But it is great, isn’t it? I’m a convert. And seeing the app reminds me to do it. Seeing the YouTube app just makes me search for other stuff. Maybe I will finally get into meditation after all. :woman_in_lotus_position:


He definitely sounds like someone toxic that you don’t need in your life.

@Frank68 Happy belated Birthday.
@DresdenLaPage Congrats on one week clean and Sober. ODAAT, :muscle:


Checking-in 119 days sober.
Jeeeezz what a sleepy day. If I could close my eyes for few seconds most probably I would fall asleep.
And I’m not sure if another coffee gonna give me some energy or just heart palpitations and diarrhea :slight_smile:


I needed some time to completely cut ties with this guy because I was afraid of being alone.
But I’m not alone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
That he went a little crazy with his conspiracy theories helped, at least me.


20 No form of marijuana
170 no alcohol
101 no ciggs or vapes

Just checking in :slight_smile:


This makes me smile! I argue with myself everyday🤭I honk this is all part of the self awareness we gain when we stop numbing out. It’s a welcome change!


All “honking “ aside, checking in on day 107. happy Friday, all.


@KarenKW keep going, sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Axsis I hope the new meds do help :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:🩵
@RosaCanDo sorry you’re dealing with tooth and migraine pain :people_hugging: but the fact you are embarking on this next step is growth, and I’m proud of you 🩵
@JazzyS thank you, I did get some sleep Weds night, but only 1.5hrs last night so energy is nowhere in sight today…sorry that you’re struggling similarly :people_hugging:🩵
@Mno sorry you’re feeling the way you are :people_hugging: especially as your supports are on a break. You’ll get through this 🩵 also belated congrats on 1600+ days :tada:
@Sabrina80 I hope your back feels better soon :people_hugging: enjoy your week off :raised_hands:t2::blush:
@Curtis-81 congrats on 450 days AF :tada: and for doing well with 68 days no tobacco too :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli sending strength :people_hugging:🩵 belated congrats on 30+ days :tada:
@Trixie1 belated congrats on 40+ days :tada:
@Soberbilly belated congrats on 18 months :tada:


@Hoss belated congrats on your week :tada: fingers crossed for today :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Looking4Support feel better soon :people_hugging:🩵
@Sunny11 welcome back :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@Rob11 belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon::gift::partying_face:
@Kimpantera welcome :blush: congrats on 13 days :tada:
@Mira_D congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Amy30 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Timetochange enjoy your time off :blush:
@zzz sorry about the accident :people_hugging: glad no-one was injured. 🩵
@mx_elle congrats on 3+ weeks :tada:


@Frank68 belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon::gift::partying_face:
@Noshame congrats on triple digits for no vape or cigs :100::tada:
@Kareness I hope your cats are both better soon :smiley_cat::smiley_cat:
@DresdenLaPage congrats on your week :tada:
@Wakikki congrats on all the sixes :smiling_imp: :tada:
@lorelai sorry for your loss :mending_heart::people_hugging:
@Dan531 congrats on 4 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2:

1173 days no alcohol.
638 days no cocaine.
153 days no vape.

The meet-up on Wednesday went really well, we were so similar! I will be going bowling with the group on the 7th of November. :blush:

The rest of Weds, yesterday, and today, I have waited in for deliveries, so I’ve just spent time with my cats and caught up on meditations I got behind on, and some reading.

Tomorrow I should receive my final two deliveries and then I can try to get back out walking. One of the items in today’s delivery was waterproof over-trousers, so the rain can’t stop me now!

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@looking4support How are you holding up today? Any news yet about your brother? I know the fogginess and feeling of losing your mind is intense – I too went through spurts of this and I believe it is a case of PAWS. Hang tight my friend. This too shall pass. I had started to write things down and carry my notebook with me so that I could keep track of everything. Wishing you a peaceful and comforting Friday
@jennyh totally on board with the inner struggle of personality types. I too feel like I am more a Type A but recently have been forced into a chilled laid back personality. I do see myself immediately going to my Type A as soon as I feel even a bit better. I think now I am trying to find the happy medium and not lean on either personality types as the “one” that defines me if that makes sense. I wish you luck as I know this is not an easy struggle.
@amy30 sorry about the mold problem – I do hope you are able to get it under control. From watching shows like House I am deathly afraid of all the health issues. Hope you are also starting to feel better :hugs:
@Tragicfarinelli I am so sorry that you are struggling. I do know that depressive episodes can just take over and leave you feeling empty and blah. Great job in doing self care and trying to break the cycle. I honestly do not know what works best but I do know when we let ourselves just wallow in the feelings – that’s when we get sucked in further. You are doing great and we are here for you. Sending you hugs and hoping your days start to turn around for you. :hugs: saw your update – it is all about choosing our battles – hoping the meds start helping soon for you.
@wakikki 666 oooh – what a number! Girl you are crushing it and yes those are some weird dreams – crazy how our subconscious is still linked to the addict mind and tries to trick us. You are stronger and smarter than the addiction. I do hope you are also feeling well these days and are able to eat foods without anxiety.
@frank68 woot woot! Double digits is awesome! I do hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday. Keep up the great work :muscle:
@mischa84 :laughing: you always make me laugh – thank you for your humor. I do hope the coffee gave you some energy :wink:
@soberbilly Thanks friend :hugs: 550 days is amazing! Have a wonderful trip and happy birthday to your grandson! :birthday:
@lorelai so sorry for your loss! Much love and comfort for you today my friend :people_hugging:
@catmancam Ah the damn energy levels – I have given in to taking a nap when needed just to keep going (most times I just rest my eyes for a few hours as I can’t fall asleep but it does help). I love that you are doing meet ups and will be going bowling soon – super fun! Loved reading that the rain will not stop you now- yeah to waterproof over-trousers! I do hope the deliveries for today come soon so you may be able to get a walk in today :hugs: Much love my friend – hope you have a fantastic day

Checking in on Friday morning –
Not sure why i set an alarm. my sleep is all over the place and i do give in and let myself sleep in when i know i have only had a few hours. I am grateful that i was able to see my mom for breakfast and she made me a lovely meal for today. LOVE that woman :heart: I am not doing well at all and trying to stay positive - this body is not making it easy. i am grateful for the support around me. I have a lot of accounting to do today and possibly will bake for the restaurant if i have the energy and the focus to do so.
I do hope everyone has a wonderful addiction free day! Sending everyone so much love :heart: :heart:


Trigger warning :warning::warning: Suicide :warning::warning:

Day 391 alcohol free
Day 12 social media detox

I thought about that poor human being who committed suicide today on a railway track.
How absolutely broken and alone must he or she have felt? So sad that people do this because they think there is no other way than ending their life.
I thought about that moment back then, before I started my first long track of sobriety, I was sitting on the kitchen floor with a knife in my hand.
I thought no one would miss me.

There is always someone who would miss someone who commits suicide.

If this ever should cross your mind:
You’re not alone, there is at least one human who would dearly miss you, you only want the pain to stop but not the life inside you.
Please, get help.

I am okay.
I ate (so not hangry any more :blush:), I had a long nap, now I’ll shower and then? Dunno. Maybe reading, maybe Netflix, maybe I go straight back to bed :wink:

Tomorrow I’ll see my hairdresser, go grocery shopping, enjoying my day.

I’m glad that, back then on the kitchen floor, something stopped me from doing something stupid.

Much love :kissing_heart:


The good thing is that you knew you should have given the money to your mom… you’re still at a place that you recognize what’s going to be a problem for you. Now it’s just a matter of building up the fight, no half assing getting sober, you know that… I’m gonna always be rooting for you bro, reach out if you ever want to.


:people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging: so very grateful for this

Your post was powerful and my heart goes out to the soul in todays tragedy :broken_heart: :cry:

Much love to you Sabrina :heart:


Much love to you too Jasmine :people_hugging::heart:
I’m very happy to be here :smiling_face:

@lorelai yes, but not only that family. The one who drove the train and I’m sure some of the passengers too are affected by that tragedy :pensive:


Yeah man I love yah. And super proud of you, you’ve been by my side for 4 years now man and I can’t thank you enough. I knew to give the money to my mom, even told her I was going too. And then I spent it all. I’m still here I always will be, this place is like family too me, @Englishd means a lot to me too, I’ve always looked up to him. I know you guys are just speaking truth and looking out for me.


I’ve walked the road you’re walking right now. Hell my final relapse started in Saranac Lake.

Insert cliche about it’s always darkest before the dawn.

Ride it out. Don’t lose connection. Get ready to get sober because the work starts now.