Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Can anyone please tell me; when is the best time to seek a sponsor?

Hi all, checking in. I realize itā€™s been almost a week since I came on here. I havenā€™t gone more than a couple days off here since I first joined in 2019.

I am going through a challenging space professionally and financially. It is not impossible and we do have pathways to where we want to be, but it will take focus and persistence. In the meantime, the space I and my wife are in is mentally and emotionally heavy; itā€™s exhausting.

Fortunately I have been able to check in with my recovery contacts from my SA group in my city. I have a list of people I call, and there are meetings. I just left one of the meetings. One of the speakers was talking about how it became easier for him when he started proactively talking with others (appropriate persons - people who were in a position to receive them safely and constructively - he mentioned these were his SA recovery contacts, especially his sponsor) about feelings and thoughts that he had kept secret in his addiction.

That really struck me. My addiction has been about hiding, hiding feelings from myself and my loved ones. It is so deeply woven into my history that I donā€™t even realize it. Itā€™s reflexive, habitual, automatic.

I need to keep breaking the chains of these things Iā€™ve been hiding. I need to open them up to the light. I need to open the doors and windows and let the fresh air flow. I need to clean and correct, and I need to share, to invite others in.


thank you Mulan! I am grateful you got that boosted laughing :laughing: and yeah to a great therapy session :heart: Oh yes, I do think extra Vitamin D will be super helpful.


congrats on passing! What a awesome feeling :clap: :clap: 410 days is also super awesome :muscle:


Day 9 today and felt energized and productive! I do notice that my body is still metabolizing things differently and I think itā€™s going to take me a while to find the right balance of food and nourishment to have me feeling my best. But so far, Iā€™ve been loving the energy I have, even at this early stage in the game.

Thanks for sharing your journeys everyone! Itā€™s motivating to hear how much better it gets if you stick with it :blush:


Day 138 AF
Iā€™m exhausted today. My energy levels are not what they should be. I was able to workout this am.

Sleep well everyone


Checking in before bed. Oh boy did I procrastinate and have no focus on anything tonight after work. But I kept the sober streak going, and didnā€™t waste time on my phone.
See you again here tomorrowā€¦



Well I didnā€™t get that good sleep I was hoping for. I fell right asleep but something woke me up after a short time and then my mind was wide awake, laying there for hours. Luckily it was a super boring day at work. I found small, easy things to keep me busy.

Something Iā€™ve noticed myself doing more often is picking at my skin. Usually at times like now, where Iā€™m sitting watching tv. It takes a minute to realize Iā€™m even doing it. It happens when Iā€™m not thinking. This isnā€™t new tho. I remember sitting in study hall in highschool, bored shit less, finding ā€˜scabsā€™ on my scalp and picking at them the whole class. Itā€™s come and gone over the years, even before highschool now that I think about it. Dermatillomania. Though Iā€™ve never actually seen anyone about it, or my other self diagnosed conditions for that matter. Maybe itā€™s time I do.

Anxiety is definitely my original #1 reason for drinking. Iā€™ve always just kinda lived with it. As a child bc I didnā€™t know any better, and during sober-ish periods of time. I need a new doctor first, as mine retired last year. I should make a list of everything I should accomplish this slow season, instead of just going with the hibernation flow and then POOF! itā€™s spring already! Idk.

Iā€™m gonna light a candle and wind down for the night. Youā€™re all amazing :clap: Goodnight :heart:


Day 45:

Pretty good day today. Not a lot of sleep, but ehhh, thatā€™s the norm these days. Super busy at work this morning, but took off at 9:30 to pick up my mom and head to my daughterā€™s second and third round of the state volleyball playoffs. Her team wasnā€™t expected to win, but they played their tails off. Ended up winning both games and made it to the quarterfinals that are this Saturday. Again, she was beaming with excitement. Couldnā€™t be more proud of her for all the hard work sheā€™s put in to get to this point. Also awesome that I was out of work most the day.

Got home and had to spend a couple hours working to catch up for while I was at the games. Made some grilled chicken for dinner, did my day 2 of the November workout challenge and just crawled into bed.

Another day happily sober. Sweet dreams!


Checking in.

This fucking pinched nerve in my neck is killing me. I canā€™t sleep cause it hurts like hell when I lie down. So Iā€™m sitting downstairs all alone, drinking coffee :relieved: Storm CiarĆ”n is trying to break my windows (but here in ZuidHolland is not that bad anyway, @Mno probably has it much worse) but it feels so weirdly calm. Everybody else sleeping, it so quiet. When Iā€™m just sitting it doesnā€™t even hurt so bad. Fucking neck. Nothing else to report.
Hope you all will have a good day my sober friends!


Between 04:34 and 05:02 on the third Sunday of any month where the moon is in apogee or perigee to the Earthā€™s centre.
Or whenever you feel comfortable and ready to commit to the full process.
The sponser should also be willing to commit as half-arsing the steps leaves you with half an arse, and nobody wants half an arse.


Day 132 didnā€™t sleep at all, so noisy here. I need to remember head phones or something . Ambulances, traffic, police mostly going by most hours. Working 8_12 but I think I will need to take Monday and Tues off in case


Congratulations for the 1400 days @Dazercat :confetti_ball:

Take good care for yourself @Timetochange . Iā€™m sorry to hear about the heart condition of your dad. Hope the next surgery will help him forward.
Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover:


Checking in on day 369.

Aaaaalllmost made it to the end of another week at my new job. When does it stop becoming my new job? Iā€™m at the end of my 3rd week :grin:

Hope you all have a fantastic Friday. Will try to check in again tonight.


Hello all, checking in Day 50.

This is where it started to go wrong on previous attempts, thoughts of moderation creeping in. Not this time, I have acceped that complete abstinence is the only way for me. Quite liberating really.

Happy Friday everyone, hope everyone has a lovely day. It is the calm after the storm in England, lovely to have the windows open wide rather than the crack they have been.

I will be back this evening to celebrate my 50 in the best way, with people who really understand :blush:



The storm passed, but itā€™s still windy and wet and dark outside. Itā€™s the weather itā€™s supposed to be this time of year, but it somewhat limits me in the possibilities of what I can do today. This is the first time Iā€™m sorry I cancelled my gym membership earlier this year. I might look into something where I can do individual sessions or something, and not a continuous subscription that I donā€™t use for more than half of the year.

Maybe itā€™s also a good idea just to recover and take it easy as yesterday was a busy free day for me which included over 3 hours of walking and biking trough the windswept and soaked town. Maybe today Iā€™ll reflect on happenings within myself, what is happening here, and in the world at large. Hang around and catch up on some reading and tv is also a possibility :sunglasses:

Or maybe a bit of all. One thing which is sure is it wonā€™t include any drugging or drinking. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love form Amsterdam.

@JennyH Yay you! Seems to me you found the right attitude and mindset friend. Congrats on 50 days. On we go.


@JazzyS when is your birthday :birthday:? Thank you for your help

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@Wolf182 how wonderful being so close to a year! Congratulations

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Great thoughts Matt. So true.


Have you been to a doctor or chiropractor about the pinched nerve?