Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Keeping on keeping on.


Second check in on day 397 af and day 18 social media detox

Now, after eating, I had time to catch up on here.
Iā€™m snuggled up in my blanket watching a polish horror movie that seems to be about some kind of demon or vampire. Didnā€™t figure that out yet. But itā€™s quite good, way better than The Popeā€™s Exorcist.
I knew itā€™s trash but I was curious anyway :grimacing:

Made another huge step today but donā€™t want to explain on here what exactly it is. It was overdue far too long, today I finally made a step in the right direction.

Iā€™m tired, but the good kind of tiredness you feel when youā€™ve been on your feet the whole day being productive.

Iā€™ll be in bed early today, Iā€™m already yawning :grin:

Much love fam :heart::kissing_heart:


Checking in Day 13)

Doing good today :slight_smile: Second day in the new job and I met a few more staff members today. They all seem somewhat defensive but then I guess thatā€™s just the ā€œnew guy vibeā€ I give off :sunglasses:

Still reading the big book although I wasnā€™t able to make my meeting tonight - Iā€™ll definitely be going Saturday morning and Monday night though.

I got an unexpected phone call today, pleasantly surprised which was nice. Another congrats to @Englishd for your 6 years sobriety today,

I donā€™t have much else to report other than still sober and super tired


@Sunny11 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Chosen2001 congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Misokatsu thank you :blush:šŸ©µ
@Timetochange sending healing vibes for a strong recovery for your dad :sparkles: glad you were able to get there safely to support everyone.
@JazzyS thank you :blush: šŸ©µ congrats on 2 years smoke-free :tada: so sorry you feel sad :people_hugging: I hope your doctors appointment went well :crossed_fingers:t2:šŸ©µ
@pedromitch welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Dazercat congrats on 1400 days :tada:

1179 days no alcohol.
644 days no cocaine.
159 days no vape.

Feeling a bit better, and the migraine is minimal now, My temprature has stabilised so I think the fever has gone. Still in pain but itā€™s manageable.

Online course was hard to sit through, I just felt really awkward the whole time, and it wasnā€™t really about what I thought it was going to be about, so Iā€™m really hoping the second session next week will be. I had to colour the whole time to stop myself from falling asleep.

Returned some of the gifts I bought because I didnā€™t feel they were good value for money, and I feel I could get much better gifts for the amount they cost, so I have slightly more xmas shopping to do now but I feel glad that I felt able to return those ones.



672 days AF


Evening check in, 49 days. Nice to see everyone and celebrate their success.

Long work day today but really interesting. Got to go on a site visit which I really enjoyed, and made it home in decent time considering London traffic and this storm. Now tucked up in bed listening to the wind and rain. We havenā€™t had it like those on the south coast though.

The whole family are tired today, looking forward to my half day tomorrow and then the weekend. Hope to spend some time together :heart:


Thank you so much. I did manage to turn it around and had a really good day. Very tired now but a good tired.

Congratulations on the amazing milestone @Dazercat

Glad you are starting to feel better @CATMANCAM

Everyone, thank you for being here and sharing.


ah hell yeah - i loved reading this and so grateful that you did have a really good day :heart: :hugs:


Wowwww, what a number.


Fifty tomorrow, wooooppppp! :balloon:


Glad you are feeling better Cam.


2 weeks Sober today! :blush::heart::tada:


Congratulations on ur 2 weeks!!!


Thank you!!!


Iā€™m sorry to hear about more surgery. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way and hope for a quick recovery for your dad. Iā€™m glad youā€™re able to stay there and support your family.


Congratulations on 1400 days @Dazercat that is an amazing amount of sober time. Wow!
and also I want to say thank you Eric for all the wonderful, inspiring, heartwarming posts. Every time I read one of your posts I immediately feel more positive and encouraged and hopeful that I can keep on doing the good work.
Thank you for being you :pray:


Sober day 4. Woke with a migraine again, but meds helped.

Had a decent interview today and another scheduled for tomorrow. I would like a new job but donā€™t need a new job, so itā€™s not really stressful.



Busy day today and -round to say I am at Day 19 and feeling GOOD. Have a great day everyone!


-round should be proud


Day 410 AF

Finally resat that license I needed and passed!!
Super stoked.

Last night I had dinner with my old sponsor from the first time I got clean. Was awesome seeing him and being able to explain how hes helped me by giving me the tools to use to stay AF.