Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Happy Birthday, Menno, wishing you a nice day today and the best year ever coming up! You’re just getting better! Best wishes! Hugs to Luna. :purple_heart::people_hugging::purple_heart:


DAY -1141


Happy Birthday Menno! Hope you have a fantastic day celebrating with your sister. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

I’ve only had one sober birthday so far, but they truly are a superior breed to their drunken messy counterparts.



Lang zal hij leven!
lang zal hij leven!
lang zal hij leven in de gloria
in de gloria, in de gloria!!

Hieperderpiep, hoera!!!

Gefeliciteerd Menno :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:🩷🩶


Day 296.

Today is cleaning day! But I feel highly unmotivated to do anything. But at least I’m sober, lazy, and unmotivated :joy_cat:


Haha same here :joy:


Thats insane WTG 100 days 4 U stay strong always​:+1::ok_hand::muscle::checkered_flag:


@mx_elle Congratulations on one month!

@happyfeet Triple digits! Amazing stuff!

@Mno Woo, happy birthday! :birthday: I hope you have a lovely day. Life can be hard work sometimes. But I hope it can be more meaningful and joyous for you this year.


Day 1181

The finishing off the leftover Halloween treats led to binge, which led to another the next day and the next. In the end it was 5 days of sugar headaches, constipation and feeling irritable. Turns out I am still not great at moderating. Who would have thought it? :rofl:
However, grateful that I am feeling back on track today. And that drinking never occurred to me. It really was amazing (or not) how there was this snowball effect of feeling negative and lazy and angry. Recovery really does require effort on all areas.


Oh how very very true this is!! My alcoholic logic spills over into every aspect of my life. Even if I’m not drinking.


It will get better each day you have to be proud of yourself.


Hey all, checking in on day 1240. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 52.
Setting an intention to check in with my younger self throughout the day, and to speak to her with kindness and compassion. :heart:


Happy birthday dear Menno. Wishing you a marvelous day and a great time with your sister. Hope you can make it a quality time and enjoy it the way you’d like to.
It’s my last nightshift tonight, ughh. But after it I’m off work for a few days and starting my holiday next week. So there’s something to looking forward to.
Thank you for sharing your journey on here and thanks for your support @Mno I really love reading your posts. It’s always helpful, supportive and caring.

Here we go together for the next 24
Have a great sober day everyone :pray:


I don’t know if I’m more sad or more angry.
I have herniated disc in my neck. And probably I made it to myself by pushing myself to much into running, kettlebells, pushups etc. What it means - no sport for me for at least few weeks. And I really need it as it is my sort of meditation, doing workouts helping me stay away from getting wasted, it’s huge part of my well being and my life in general. That’s all I do. I’m a mother and I working out. Not much more. I know it’s not the end of the world but I hate it so much. My Dr said I must let myself recover or can have bad consequences if I keep pushing myself to hard. I don’t know now. Must find some other hobby. Fuck my life.


Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that, must be so disappointing and frustrating. When I hurt my knees running I could at least do other activities. Do you have any idea how long you will have to rest?

This is why I have been putting off my gallbladder surgery, because I am finding the gym a huge part of my recovery. Hope you feel better soon


Thank you so much @JennyH , @Need2makegr8strides and @Misokatsu It’s so kind of you to take time to celebrate a little with me :blush::pray:


Happy birthday to you my friend :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 95,

Just checking in. Had a few slips this past week, not good searches on youtube, i didn’t have a full blown ‘relapse’ of PMO on a porn site, but enough on youtube where i need to make adjustments in my plan. This was early saturday morning, i managed to right the ship the rest of the weekend, though guilt/shame beat me up pretty good. WillPower only gets me so far, i gotta do a better job at killing the greed/covetous thoughts early, especially when i see warning signs, which i did all last week. This week, i’ll make out my 7 day plan and stick to it.


Awwww I’m so sorry to hear that @Mischa84 , this is devastating but don’t let it push you down. Think of other things you can do. I know it’s not that easy with the little ones always around you but I hope you will find something that keeps you on track.
I do love my walks. Call it mindful walking, being present here and now while walking slow, calm and peaceful and enjoying the little things around me. It’s not always working the way I wished but it helps me to distract myself from overthinking everything.
Wish you a speedy recovery my dear. Stay strong!