Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Checking in day 428! Our kickball team won the championship yesterday- no a super competitive person (especially for things like social kickball :rofl:) but always fun to win. The after party was at a bar- I went to get my little medal. The team took celebratory shots of tequila and drank some potion out of a communal trophy (ew). Iā€™m so happy with how instinctual saying no to alcohol is, and how disgusted it makes me. Donā€™t foresee any trips to bars any time soon :sweat_smile: canā€™t believe I used to think they were fun.

Feeling tired today! I think I didnā€™t hydrate enough yesterday, but beats a hangover.

Wishing everyone a magnificent sober Monday :sparkles:


Thank you @JennyH @mx_elle @happyfeet

I donā€™t know how long I must rest. Dr said I have to take it easy for few weeks. Of course a lot of questions came to my mind already after the visit so I must call and get some more info.

Also she wanted to prescribe me some medication I should take longer time, even when pain is gone (donā€™t remember the nameof it), but then she realised Iā€™m taking antidepressants so I canā€™t take them togetherā€¦ So only over the counter painkillers (she gave me diclofenac which I took 3 hours ago and it killed shit, not helping better than normal ibuprofen).

@mx_elle I wish I would have any talent to make art :slight_smile:


Dad still in hospital. Not sure when he is getting discharged. I can stay till tomoro but then I have to go back to Cornwall. So frustrated


Happy Birthday Menno! Enjoy your day. :partying_face::star_struck::sunglasses:


Checking in! Day 276 ( 9 months ) sorry I havenā€™t been to the app latelyā€¦ Iā€™m dealing with carpal tunnel issues and Iā€™m due for surgery on my right hand December 14th, two weeks after I will be doing my left hand. The symptoms are so bad Iā€™m on getting about 2-3 solid hours of sleep per night. Besides my medical issues which seem to be never ending life is pretty good! The other reason I havenā€™t been on the app as much is the ads, ugh does anyone else seem to think they are getting worse, more frequent and longer!? Anyways, Iā€™m still very thankful for all the support and this platform! I hope you all are doing wellā€¦ Iā€™m just taking life 1day at a timeā€¦ hereā€™s a little photo dump from my cabin trip a few weeks ago that I took to get away, reset and refocus for the journey ahead. I already spoke to my doctor about my addiction and have let them know I cannot have any opiates AT ALLā€¦ so will just be taking ibuprofen and Tylenol after surgery!


Sitting in my sonā€™s living room in Ohio watching hi and my grandson play video games.nthey offered me a glass of wine with dinner last night and I declined. I told them that I am 23 days sober and plan to stay sober, they are glad.

Apparently they have been worried about me for a while, but never said anything.
Kim d23


How about walking or are U Completely laided up.


Ok. Road Trip is over.
Checking in ā€¦ 37 days Sober :tada:

Itā€™s forever since I ā€œchecked inā€ā€¦ buckle up!

Sooooā€¦ my visit with my friend was odd. She offered me a snif and a sip of her Gin drink and I lost my shit! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
So to say the least I cut out time together short and headed back to berts the next day, I would this friendship will stay Long Distance. Iā€™m ok with that. Sticky kids arenā€™t my thing either :weary:
Spend 4 days hoteling it, reading The Power of Now ( struggling with that), having lots of naps and eating my face off.
The not drinking part of my life is easy, I have no urge to drink, infact itā€™s no longer a part of my life ā€¦ Iā€™m over it. ,:muscle:
I have been reading up on everybodyā€™s posts and I see a ton of support and a ton of repetition, itā€™s like some on here donā€™t want to change their addictions for the better.
A lot of hand holding with no improvement of behavior, kinda like FB. That makes me sad.
I certainly do appreciate everyone who supported my journey and keep an eye on my progress, much love to you :purple_heart:
There are so many threads going on and a lot are redundant for me. You guys keep doing you.
Iā€™ll be watching for your pet and food photos tho, they bring me joy.
Keep up the good fight yaā€™ll. Addiction can be overcome.


The kids always worry but seem to keep it quiet


Itā€™s been a couple of days since Iā€™ve checked in, but itā€™s day 134 AF for me. Iā€™ve been a little down lately, so Iā€™ve been distracting myself through art which has been a huge help.
Hope you all are well and have a great day today :white_heart:


No no, I can walk. Iā€™m not on bed rest.


Well it looks like your doing great people think drinking fixes shit it just f it up also a depressant stay strongā€‹:+1::ok_hand::muscle::checkered_flag:


Dam brand new here gotta learn how to use this


Welcome to the App. A lot of great stuff in here and the journaling part is helpful. Enjoy. :grin:


Day 628. Mental health is demanding attention so no reason to pick back up now. Onward and through is the only way. šŸ©¶šŸ©·


Checking in, sober, next month will be 2 years!
Today have not been a perfect day, but its been a pretty good one, so Iā€™ll take itā€¦


Checking in for day 105.



Evening checkin.
At home sober.
Learned a lot today about it architecture and communication today.

Had a meeting :turtle:
There are still thoughts about drinking these days.


Having a bit of a butterfly feeling in my stomach lately. A nervous energy i would say.

I do notice my daughter is coming around now, and I see she is coming back to her normak state. That trip to see my mom and nephew was too much for her, and I have to respect that and how much the last year and a half took out of her. How challenging it was for all of us, but espevially her when we were all living together. I have learned a valuable lesson; and will listen to what my daughters behaviour is telling me. I have come to understand that children do not say generally how they are feeling or know how to articulate things (they may not even know exactly what is happening to them), but that behaviour is a form of expressing. Its expressing an unmet need, fear or hurt, worry and trust issues. I think of my behaviour as a teenager and how I was just treated like a shit, when really I was such a ā€œgood kidā€ and it was taken for granted that I took all the stuff growing up so well. I think i gave said before how much I HATE when peopke say kids are resilient. Kids are kids, and at some point they are going to grow up and start to thibk about whay they have lived through and feel anger and be mad; and be less afraid of acting out and displeasing people. I am sure my daughter will go through stugf at some point because of what she has been through, and how hurt her parents have been these past few years. I know it wont be easy, but I hope to remember that she isnt just being a shit. She is expressing and acting out, becayse she had hurt she didnt know what to do with as a child. God I love my kids so much & i am so grateful for my sobriety today. I know I am still in a difficult place; but dribking does absolutely no good. I want to contibue to heal and grow for them and myself.

Monday is my home day. Groceries, cooking, cleaning and laundry. Applyibg for a few jobs, and the rest of the time working part time with my husband (he gets me 9-1) and then i try to take care of the rest of the house, school, appt stuffs so he can keep working. I am very proud of him. Cant say im not without a bit of fear, money is TIGHT. I like having this schedule worked into my life. I have been thibking about how I had 3 kids in 5 years, and then took a parental leave for my nephew a after returning feom my last mat leave. Its interesting what vecoming a mom does to your perceptiob of ā€œproductivityā€. Xo. Love you all & stay strong. And if today you cannot be strong give yourself a big ass hug & have a snack. Xo.


2 form of Marijuana
180 no drinking
111 no vapes or ciggs

Just checking in