Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Hey Jasmine,

You are such an amazing, lovely soul. I always appreciate your thoughtfulness and encouragement. Your warmness is felt. Sending you blessings. I am super proud of you keep at it, your walk is inspiring.:purple_heart:


Happy & Healthy
Day 234!!


Praise Jesus!!!




Uck. I just had a sneezing fit. Felt kinda good tho. Work was decent. My daughter left with her dad as soon as she got off the bus. Rained all day so just been chilling. Super excited for bed :sleeping_bed: Mmm. Sleep :sleeping:


1153…5:50am and bed in about 2 hours. Used to be up all night drinking and taking drugs now I’m up all night working.
‘Im not making a killing but I’m making a living’


Good morning, day 13. Up early, drinking a coffee. Have a good sober day all!


Look at you Charlie! 3 years! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
I still remember your difficult early days and your determination to get where you are now :facepunch:

Congratulations!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Morning all, checking in on Day 65. I am finally starting to relax and come back to the world. I have been really struggling this last week, probably longer really, with the lack of control I had over my new job. Even though it was good news I have still withdrawn introvert style, and struggling to engage with the world. Hopefully that can improve more as the weekend goes on. This was my first significant test though and I didn’t drink.

I am sorry for not being very present here, and feel I have missed loads. I was reading but not sure I absorbed very much.

Thank you all for being here. I anticipate similar behaviour on my part in a few months when we try and buy a house :grimacing:



Coffee. I’m getting better at not going for my telephone when I wake up in the middle of the night. I’m glad about that. Makes for a better rested Menno in the morning. Not being hungover helps too of course. Friday night used to be my typical ‘binge till I can’t ride my bike no more’ at the bar night. And get on my bike regardless. Never again.

I will switch to early shifts tomorrow. And take it easy today. Glad I did a lot yesterday. The social stuff didn’t quite happen, I just interacted with some professionals -the guys delivering my new washing machine, the mechanic at the bike shop where I dropped of my road bike, and the people at the growers/grocery where I got food for this weekend. I might call a friend and ask she if she’s up for another coffee today.

Everybody have as good a day as you can all friends. Sober and clean. Love from the edge of Amsterdam.


Day 1064,

Ordered a second hand camera online. It will already be posted today :blush:. It used to be hobby of mine, but lost it somewhere. Handed my camera over to the daughter of my ex. Like I didn’t need it anymore. As I told the therapist she right away said, so you were pleasing. It feels I gave pieces of myself away throughout my life, time to take them back.

For the rest a lot of recovery work.

Greetz :heart:


Hey fellows, I’m sober for almost 20 days, all good, I’m productive (cleaned refrigerator completely, and cooking), doing sports etc. I’m a bit in a negative mood though because as it seems it’s kind of difficult to find a woman, partner, at my age of 42. My fitness age is 34, I’m really fit but I wonder what women want really because I think they’re looking for a handsome tall man mostly… Grrrrrrrr


Day 6 I’m back on the horse was at a meeting last nite need to get myself back upto 3month before doing service will get there slowly got on my knees and prayed today will continue that going forward :pray:t2:


Day 147. Tidying this morning and then relaxing. Maybe watch the creator but first I’m getting jobs done. I didn’t drink last night. I said to my wife the house was full of wine, rather than I was feeling tempted. (the wine is for visitors over Christmas) I need to say how I’m feeling more clearly


I’m heading into day 7. I was surprised at the 5 day mark but making it a week is definitely something I have not done in quite some time. I’m super cautious about it all because my little addict voice is in the background, even as I write this, throwing a fit. It’s so annoying. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a toddler standing there not getting their way. I’m just coasting along feeling great but yet this little devil on my shoulder pops up and has a million reasons why popping a few pills today would be no big deal, as a matter of fact it could be fun. But it’s all lies, lies I’m telling myself, it’s so frustrating. I knew I was going to end up here in this headspace, I have been bracing myself. The first few days are so focused on physical symptoms they kind of fly by and then I physically feel better so the real work begins. I just don’t know how you all have gotten so many days under your belt but I’m willing to stick with it and do the work to find out. I am just noticing so many different things this time. One thing I know for sure is i can do this, at least for today. I’m not going to get ahead of myself because that’s where the trouble starts. Have a super sober Saturday everyone!!!


Hey all, checking in on day 1252. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 64
Heading to see my sister for an overnight stay, which has often been a trigger for me in the past. My sister and I are incredibly close and she always has alcohol at her house or at her cabin. She knows I have quit - she is a very light drinker and is always supportive, and the last few times I’ve been up there I have successfully remained alcohol-free and this time will be the same.


Day 67
Up early. Happy to have gotten to an in person meeting last night where I got to meet in-person the women who has committed to connecting with me every day for thirty days. If all works out and we both feel like the relationship can work on both ends, then she will be my sponsor. After my last relapse in the summer I felt that I needed more help and accountability. So I am currently going to both AA and Na meetings. Online and in person. I know that eventually I will have to settle on one as one of my character challenges is moving around a lot, connecting and then moving on. I also need to remember that My higher power is where ever I am and in others. Weekends have been difficult for me since I’ve been home from treatment. Looking to keep it simple. Connect and stay present.:purple_heart::pray:t5:


Good morning!
Back to day 1 after some backsliding.
This week I had a 4-day sober streak and last week I had a 3-day streak.
Hoping that this is the start of a longer streak.


And that’s all we all can do and that’s all we need to do. At least for staying sober it is. No future tripping. Glad you’re here today and congrats on your progress SoberMama. :people_hugging:


Thank you. I honestly feel different this time, and not the same “different” I have felt before. This time I’m more clear about what I want and need than ever before. Have a great day friend. :people_hugging:


Checking in on day 167 AF.
I woke feeling not quite as perky as earlier in the week, but I got myself some coffee, did the NYT puzzles to wake my brain up and then I had my shower. Normally when I turn the shower to cold it gives me a buzz but this morning I actually enjoyed the feeling and stayed under for a bit longer.
The weather is a bit dull but I took the recycling out and went to the farmers market where I got some lovely vegetables.
I’m meeting a friend for coffee in a bit and then it’s pizza night here.