Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Checking in Day 116

Feeling still a bit twisted on my vacation but happily sober and NO urges in sight. Love that!

Have Happy sober Thanksgiving :turkey: tomorrow my American friends :cowboy_hat_face::turkey::us:


Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
He isn’t a bad guy but he is firmly in alcohol’s grip.
At least we are no longer the drunks. 🩷


@Cindy1010 welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@SelfLove_42 I hope your wife and kids are all feeling better soon 🩵
@Dmcg1987 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Timetochange congrats on 150 days :tada:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I hope you get the outcome that you need from the new OB :crossed_fingers:t2: congrats on 11 months :tada:
@DanaM56 stunning photo :camera_flash: :heart_eyes: I hope you get your meds back in your system and feel more settled asap 🩵
@ShyBert sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@anon68572606 I hope your sleep improves and the anxiety settles :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Amy30 safe flight :airplane:
@Lotusflower congrats on 70 days :tada:


@Mindofsobermike congrats on your week :tada: proud of you 🩵 feel better soon :people_hugging:
@SoberMama39 congrats on double digits :tada:
@SoberWalker it’s understandable that that would be an emotional day :people_hugging: I hope your results come back all good :crossed_fingers:t2: 🩵
@Luckyredz congrats on 7 months :tada:
@Bones_80 congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Sunny11 congrats on your month :tada:
@Starlight14 sorry for the camera, glad you will be checked out though :people_hugging: congrats on 450 days :tada:
@TrustyBird sending you strength to get through this holiday :people_hugging:🩵
@Noshame congrats on 2 weeks no weed :tada:
@Gage_k02 welcome :blush: congrats on 4 days :tada:

1199 days no alcohol.
664 days no cocaine.
179 days no vape.

Didn’t sleep great Tuesday night either, was awake from 1AM. Tired. Did manage to get some broken sleep here and there today though, but it meant I was too tired for anything else apart from feeding my cats, myself, and taking my meds.

I attended an online course called ‘Living Well With ADHD’, on Tuesday. It was okay, but there was bombardment in the chat function, which I found really distracting with all the pop-up notifications. I napped afterwards as I was exhausted.

I’m really hoping I can still get some sleep tonight after all my naps today, because I really do want to see if I can make it to the gym tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:t2:



I hit 11 days an hour ago and I feel so great about it. I’ve been working at this for so long and I finally feel like something clicked, at least for now. I prepped some of my dishes for tomorrow and I feel like being sober is making everything seem so enjoyable versus being a ton of work I have to try to afford and fit in between spending money on and getting pills so I can make a perfect holiday. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: It really does get better and just never quit quitting is what I’m finding out to be so true. Sure I’m only at 11 days but I have used less days this last year than I have in a long time. I’m so thankful for this community, you are all so inspiring and supportive. Good vibes to anyone struggling. You’re not alone. :heart:


Checking in, grateful to be sober. Hopefully this will be a relaxing and only minimally stressful weekend. I have to travel for work next week though so I am mentally preparing for the challenges I have with that.


Had a good thanksgiving. I did ok with the turkey, I accidentally cooked it upside down lol. But I also made some deviled eggs, mashed potatoes and sweet potato with marshmallows on top. My girls just ate a little turkey :rofl:. And a couple deviled eggs. Yesterday I applied for a job in Plattsburgh at a place called meadowbrook it’s a nursing home and even though my CNA license is expired I still applied and can take the classes again if I have to. But they called me today for a interview on Tuesday, so I’m looking forward to that. Thanks @JazzyS I’m just pushing medicine on myself, I won’t go to the doctor’s here in my home town, so if I’m not better by the time I get home I’ll go see my doctor in Plattsburgh


Just checking in. I’m on day four or five of no alc and day three of no :leaves: since my CHS attack (cannaboid hypermesis syndrome) which forced me to also stop smoking. I feel really good. I’ve been insanely tired lately which I found weird since I’m not smoking but I read that it’s very common when recovering from alcohol. I’ve tried many times to get sober I guess my body just always forgets how it feels when I do. I woke up made a healthy breakfast took my supplements and got some good work outs in. I also picked back up on reading “quit like a woman” by holly whitaker - a book I HIGHLY recommend. I’m so proud of myself I could cry.


Never only at. 11 days is a huge accomplishment. Every day you make it to bed sober is a huge accomplishment. :muscle:
@Mindofsobermike Good luck on your interview

@mx_elle Mel your kicking ass. I’m proud of you.

Checking in. Gonna head out early across state, to be with family and drive home tomorrow night. All good over there, just football and food. Have a great holiday tomorrow guys. :love_you_gesture::green_heart:


Checking in sober about to take on my second sober thanksgiving. So far so good.

Sitting by the fire. Just gave Boscoe a bath for his big day. Hes going to be 4 tmrw. Yes there will be a puppy cake and treats for the other dogs…that was my husbands doing but i endorse it lol


Day 12 here. Can’t wait for my 2 week mark! I have to keep going. I will keep going. This time it’s for real. This time is for my daughter. I will not give up.


Day 158 AF
In a bit of pain today but not too bad. It was a beautiful day in Venice, relaxing day with my brother before he and his partner left for Spain. I’m in dog duty and house duty for the next 7 days before I get to enjoy a few days in the mountains with friends.

Looking forward to a drama free Thanksgiving. It always hasn’t been that way and often times it was spent numbing myself with alcohol. This will be the first sober Thanksgiving.

Sleep well everyone! #soberlife


It’s been a while since I’ve checked in. Just reached 500 days AF! :partying_face: Still going!


Way to be @chey.o

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@sunny11 congrats on your 30 + days of sobriety!
@trustybird hope you had a great day dreaming about adventures today. Sending you strength in getting through the holiday season. Remember we are here if you need us. It does suck when our family doesn’t recall talks / actions while they were under the influence. BTW – love Miss Garrett :heart: I was singing along as I was reading your check in.
@noshame 2 weeks of no weed! Keep up the amazing numbers :muscle:
@bomdhil wow – I know being sick sucks but I am grateful that you are doing so well in sobriety and also starting to feel better. Much love to you dear friend.
@gage_k02 Welcome to the community and a great accomplishment on completing day 4. This is a very supportive group of people who can be helpful on your journey. Hope to see you around :hugs:
@happyfeet sorry you are feeling twisted on your vacation – you look great and relaxed from what I saw earlier on the selfie thread. I do hope you take back great happy memories from this vacation :hugs:
@CATMANCAM Thank you friend :pray: OB was great but she really but not sure I am comfortable with her assessment. I am going to wait and see if I can find another opinion.

LOL – this made me laugh – glad it all worked out. Wishing you luck with the job! Sending healing vibes and hope you get better soon.
@lainenicole96 Way to go Laine! You should be super proud as you are doing a wonderful job on your journey. I do love that book – enjoy!

Checking in on Wednesday evening
336 days free of weed and alcohol
751 days free of cigarettes
Grateful to be home and off the streets on this night. The cops are already lined up for the drunken fools tonight. Be safe everyone.
It started off as a great day which turned on me. I am not willing to allow them to remove my ovary and tubes just to remove the cyst. This OB is saying that she can’t see doing it any other way. I have read on some side effects that her and my doctor are unaware of. I have talked to other OB’s today made some appointments for a few other opinions and will try to find someone outside of this health care network also. I am not going to just blindly ok a surgery. It has been a frustrating day and very emotional. Pain was intense for all my symptoms and i just felt defeated in a way. Went to pick up drinks for tomorrow’s dinner and decided to get my wiine for me… i came home grabbed the corkscrew and then realized how stupid i was being.
I really wanted to black out but why - what would that solve? How was i going to ever heal and get better if this was my go to. I have asked that the guests drink this first tomorrow or take it home with them. I am surrounded with alcohol but this particular wine is like my achilles heel.
Phew - sorry for the dump… just processing the hell out of my emotions
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart :heart:


Great to see you checking in Cheyenne – hell of a job with your 500 days AF! :partying_face: :tada:
OIP (1)

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Proud of you for showing strength in a time when auto checkout is in play and the fuck it switch sounds favorable. Cravings suck but you made it to the other side of that one. Stay safe and sober my friend @JazzyS


Awe thank you CJ - appreciate your support :people_hugging: It is scary how quickly we can get sucked into that auto check out. Super vigilant always - not one sip ever. Grateful for you and my sober friends on this forum :hugs:


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Checking In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 647
This evening, Im feeling pain and soreness from what feels like all over. My mouth is sore from my dental appt today. It hurts to chew food :weary: My legs are excruciatingly sore from the gym yesterday. Those Bulgarian Split Squats (which I rarely ever do) killed me haha. I have a slight headache and upset stomach also, I think from todays dental appt. Just kind of feeling pain all over. But grateful for another day clean and sober. Thats what is most important. Have a great evening everyone! :butterfly: