Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

People being rude have always encouraged my drinking.

Nowadays people are still a nightmare but I’m sober and trying to ignore them.


Day 151, checking in after work. I was reflecting on some of the past posts I made just before I relapsed about three years ago… I feel quieter now and probably more aware of my sobriety and how easily I lost it and scarily how it took me three years to get back on track. Quietly blessed I am sober today. And that’s what I want each day forward. To appreciate it, not fight it


What an utterly shitty day…found out i have to go for a camera up the posterior as i have a mystery lump which is worrying, dont feel well with a cold then a speeding fine got posted through my door because id been driving 37 in a 30 zone :see_no_evil: my bad, sorry just needed to vent…these things are sent to try us :roll_eyes: im sure tomorrow will be a better day. Least im 450 days sober.


:sunny: Checking In :sunny:
Day 647
Hey TS fam! Hope everyone is doing well. Been a fairly busy morning so far. Got my son on the bus to school and then did a workout. Got ready to go to my dentist appt (where im going now). And then will pick up my sons antibiotic on the way home.
@JazzyS Thank u for thinking of me and asking about my sons MRI. I did email his primary nurse for oncology but havent heard back yet. We do have an appt this monday to go over results so i will for sure find out then. Just was hoping to find out earlier than later.
Have a great day everyone!


Omg :frowning: I seriously hope ur day improves. Thats a lot of sh!t in one day to deal with.


Sending positive thoughts your way about your son!


UGH sorry for the shitty day - i sending you healing vibes and hope everything is ok or at least that they are able to address the issue asap and get you back to a healing path. :pray:

Vent away Kelly - i hope it helped!


Day 644. Thanksgiving is looming for me so I will check in through the weekend. Back to work today after two days of illness and rest. I watched two movies last night instead of hours of mindless TV and both were adventure travel based. Today I will dream of adventures.

I woke up at 7:30 to husband vomiting. It was either alcohol or sleep eating based. We will talk about it later. I can’t fix him but I can obsess for hours about the shoes I would need to buy for his funeral when he chokes in his sleep. This is hyperbole, or maybe not.

I am running through all the tomorrow scenarios already. Will my sister be drunk? Will I cry when I see my Mom? Will she confront me about my 20 plus months of sobriety? How cute will my nephew be when he calls me Aunt Em-o-we? This I can answer, very.

“You take the good, you take the bad, you take em both and there you have…” I think I’m Miss Garrett. I’m sane, I promise, just nervous. Stay sober.

Edited to update: he doesn’t remember vomiting. :slightly_frowning_face:


Day 53
Stay sober my friends :purple_heart:


Thanks @Butterflymoonwoman @JazzyS

Means alot, il be ok just not one of my favourite days, still plenty positives to be grateful for but today can FRO lol


196 no alcohol
14 no weed
127 no vapes or ciggs

Day off today and tomorrow
Slept all day
I guess i needed it

I didnt buy nicotine lozenges
I dont want to but we will see
I have like half a container left

Staying low key at home today
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving

Have a good day everyone


Sending strength and love to our American friends for tomorrow. Hope you all have a wonderful day & please post pics - I get jealous of this holiday every year ! :heart: X


Thank you Anne! :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Let’s both stay in the now, instead of worrying about the future. It’s not in our hands.
But that’s difficult :face_with_peeking_eye:


Ugh. Sorry about the hubby :nauseated_face: When I was still with my daughters father I’d be waking up at 7am to get ready for work and find puke on random things all the time. Don’t miss that but I feel your pain :tired_face: hope you have a good Thanksgiving :heart:


Check in Day 33)

Its been a few days. If it hasn’t then I just don’t remember writing!
Fuck! So, my dear mother got me a laptop to write my book on and start recording music again which I am absolutely stoked about! My spare bedroom now has the bed removed, the desk replaced and I am basically living in it :stuck_out_tongue: I had a snap interview at a local restaurant tonight which turned into a trial which I enjoyed so hopefully hear back from them on Friday.

Feeling good about my sobriety at the moment which is refreshing. On the way home tonight I had a real hankering for a pint but quickly reminded myself that thats a load of bullshit and alcohol can FRO.
My sponsor is away for the next 6 weeks and is sending me some stuff to start step 4. People in the rooms keep telling me its quite a scary step to complete but then a very close friend of mine said its not…I suppose, its just what you make of it?

Had a real irk about someone manipulating me the other day that I didn’t notice at the time. I confronted them about it yesterday as I felt like it was a shitty thing to do - Ultimately, I let them do it so Im taking responsibility for it. Another person from the meetings said to me “If you behave like a doormat, don’t be surprised to be treated like one!” … couldn’t be more true. But then, my M.O through-out my addiction was to either be a bully or a doormat. Its a fine balance to have to learn and I’m pretty sure i’m going to struggle with this one…especially as its quite deeply rooted in my nature to try and help people but when does helping become over-reach? Plenty to think about over the next few weeks and months. Until then, I’ve decided to tighten up my inner circle, limit time on my phone and just let my creative juices flow with music and writing and stay in my lane, well and truly.

Hugs not Drugs



I can say that this time being sick has helped me to mantain sobriety. I had to choose the important things in this life


Hey everyone! I decided that I should do small things like this tracker app to help me when I’m down. So day 4 almost finished!:muscle:t2:


Hey welcome to the community. You should definitely spend some time on here interacting with people. It really helps a lot. No judgement at all. Just addicts helping addicts. :v:


Welcome! You’re doing great!