Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Day 50 checking in happy newyear everyone let’s make it a clean and sober one hope everyone is well


Day 6, NYE is definitely a tricky one. I had mixed feelings abut having to work from 5pm-2am, but decided to be grateful for it because it would make it easier for me to avoid drinking if Im at work. Now im home, tired, but that urge is there. Guess ill use the ol’ trusty shower technique to distract myself and go from there.
Wasnt a bad day overall. Glad i had company (coworkers) to countdown with, we all cheerd with some nonalcoholic bubbly juices so that was fun. Plus everyone was in a good mood so that was nice. No idea what this year will bring for me, there are so many things i have been wnating to achieve that just seem impossible or too overwhelming to think about.

Hope everyone had a lovely NYE 🫶🏻

Shower helped, feeling more like I can do this :face_holding_back_tears: plus it helps getting more and more tired because whats the point in drinking if im just gonna go to sleep immediately after anyway


That’s so hilarious, it’s the conclusion I came to about having 6 million limes for my ceviche. Scurvy free :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



Glad all that is over. Today’s just another day really. Fireworks are illegal here since a couple of years, and the addiction of a lot of people to do it illegally seems to be slowly getting less. Happy for that while I loved it as a kid and took a lot of risks with it, just like I did with booze and drugs and sex and whatnot.

I got addicted to a lot of it too and been working on discovering how a life without addiction is for 1668 days now. Recovery is work, lots of it, but it’s a work of love and bloody well worth it. One day at a time my life gets better, not linear, there’s still good days and bad days, sad days and happy days.

It’s life. But it’s my life and I feel I’ve gained some control over it in ways I didn’t think possible, ways other than fleeing and hiding in substance abuse and other addictive behaviours. Never again. One day at a time. Have as good a 2024 as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from my little square.


Happy New Year 2024

I slept through it :sleeping:
Guess I have to thank the continuous and sometimes torrential rain last night. Kept the people indoors and the fireworks wet :smirk:

Day 301 check in. I am looking forward to this year. The last 301 days were all about finding out what works, sometimes what to avoid, some awkward conversations and situations. I hope this year l will settle into a comfortable routine of just being me, sober. Honing my personal skills of mastering sobriety. Harnessing the positive things of sobriety.
ODAAT every day of the year


Happy :two::zero::two::four: :fireworks:

My longest distance record 24 km for celebrating of 2024 !


That’s brilliant! You summed up my list for things I miss about drinking :joy_cat: We’re scurvy free indeed this year. Aaaarh. (I did actually have to google scurvy but now it’s my new favourite word).

@KarenKW sometimes a good cry to let it all out can be cathartic. Hoping you wake up today feeling even slightly better. You’ve had a tough year, Karen, be gentle on yourself. If you ever need to shout into the ether, feel free to PM me. :heart:

Day 352.

It’s the first day of 2024. I slept till noon, now planning on doing not much all day. Starting the year chilling in my pjs with Doctor Who. Bliss.


Hello 2024.
Thank you @RosaCanDo @JazzyS @Kareness @Just_Laura and @Amy30 for your words of support. I actually managed to fall asleep not long after I posted. Got some sleep despite the fireworks and weird nightmares. So I’m feeling a little better. I’ll try to be kind and gentle with myself today. Starting with coffee. It’s a new day.



Checking in for 2024. Slept a few hours after work and went back in around 6am so pretty uneventful night which is fine with me.

You and me both. New years has always been my least favorite holiday.
@wahtisnormal Glad you worked and made it through NYE the same way you went into it. Congrats on 6 days SAF :v:
Let’s start the year off right guys. :love_you_gesture::green_heart:


Day 48. Ahh good morning everyone, boy it’s been a while since I’ve talked to you all. It was last year since Ive talked to you all
image000000 (2). Lmao haha I’m to funny. Anyways yesterday was good, got home ate some dinner. Started watching the movie dirt and realized it wasn’t the greatest idea so I switched and started playing some Xbox and then I just stopped and laid down. Fell asleep around 9 and I’m up and at work. Good bike ride to work, and I’m just looking forward to getting home. I have tomorrow off so I’ll probably play some Xbox. Feels good to have some money saved up so I can pay my rent tomorrow. But other than that everything is good much love to all and hope you all had a great new year. Let’s leave 23 in the past and focus on positive thoughts and intentions


That looks really good Amy. I’m too scared to even attempt a Welly so great job :+1:


Happy new year! Day 191.

Nice to not wake up with a hangover. A quiet evening but better than a reckless one.
. Resolution : stay sober. Drop a stone in weight by summer


Checking in. The end of the year went pretty well, I spent it at my buddy’s, he lives in a house at the very end of a little village, next to the forest, he has a cat and a fire place, we had some nice chat, I baked some good stuff and read a lot. It was all so quiet and peaceful, just what I needed. I’m heading home tomorrow, a bit anxious about that, I’m afraid to loose this mindset, but I plan to change my everyday routine to slow down a bit and focus more on my well-being. I know it’s not about the circumstances, but mainly the mindset, it’s not about the picture I’m looking at, but the lens I look through to see it, so I will work on creating this inner peace at home too. Being in a new year helps a lot, I think it added a bit more ease and acceptance to my grief.


Day 806 AF,

Good morning, gang.

Happy New Year!

Hung out at the in-law’s for a bit and then went to my mom’s. It was a chill NYE. Ate way too damn much. Fuck it. Diet starts starts today. Had some laughs, danced, and played loteria. My sister announced her pregnancy. Happy for her. We slept at my mom’s. I always have flashbacks at her apt. We lived here with my wife back in our early 20’s. A lot of drunken moments happened here. Anyways, glad I made it through another calendar year sober. It’s a trip being sober this long. Thought it was impossible. But here I am, thanks to yall.

Have a great day, everyone. It’s 5 am. Gonna shower and get ready for the day. Peace. Love yall.


Hello and happy new year! I’m back, with a renewed commitment to living alcohol free. Currently on day 6. I still take CBD (once daily) but plan to phase that out once I have a few months of alcohol sobriety under my belt. I don’t yet have a job but I’m not giving up hope. Finding so much healing through meditation on the Insight Timer app. It’s helping me to work through the toxic emotions keeping me stuck in addiction. Thank you @JazzyS for the mention :smiling_face:


Happy New Year,for so long all these years just seem to run together,not Happy or sad just another day,but this year is full of promise,I know because it is the first one sober,free of alcohol, and drugs,they say that the way you bring in a New Year,is how it’s going to be,but I know this is just wise tale because without work, perseverance,and putting recovery first this year will end up like so many others,so again Happy New Year,I am off to a meeting, remember stay strong,do the work.


Day 1,298 clean and sober today. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Here’s to a beautiful 2024 one day at a time. I’m very, very proud of everyone here, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Wow that sounds like such an amazing time at your friends place!!! I’m glad you could relax and enjoy yourself bro. I love what you said about it’s not the picture but the lens we use to see it. Damn that was deep and beautiful. Proud of you man, hell yeah :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I absolutely love this!


236 no alcohol
167 no vapes or ciggs
6.75 no form of pot (thc cbd hemp)

Happy new year