Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

I never realised that we’re almost sober-date buddies :people_hugging: X


Congratulations @HolySquid on 300 days and @adeygaga49 on 3 years! Amazing :heart_eyes:


Fairly, we’re more Matlock way. We try and do Eyam carnival every year but regularly get out for walks in the peaks. Was around Stanage last week, heading over to Mam Tor next Friday, fingers crossed it’s not rammed.


You guessed right, the forum can be very much like at the gym this time of year, but this isn’t the only time of year we see an increase of new members joining and participating with enthusiasm. I always try to remember when I first joined and how nervous I felt posting and learning how the community works and show some kindness to new folks. We were all new once. Things will level out sooner than you think and maybe we will get a few folks stick around and be contributing members!

P.S. Major congrats on 300 days!!!

So, new folks, welcome aboard and don’t be afraid to ask questions and jump in feet first! :heartpulse:


Woohoo!!! Congrats on your 3 years! Thanks for coming to share the joy with us!!!


Ah I see. Nice. We’re in South Yorkshire so tend to be Sheffield side mostly. We’re currently ticking off the trig points with the boys.
Big fan of Hathersage. And love the Edale circuit, but yes Mam Tor can get a bit busy (good trig point though!) Hope it’s a quiet one for you :pray: X


Checking in
Day 686
Morning TS! Hope everyone is doing well! Just at work for another shift, hoping things go smoother today for me. Yesterday was hectic.

We dont have much planned for NYE tonight, which honestly is fine by me. For me its just another day. Thats how i look at it. Ill be in bed by 1030 most likely. Might make a nice dinner or something, but thats about the extent of it.

I am pretty tired today. Last night there were intoxicated people arguing on the balcony below us. I dont miss those days thats for sure. It was hard to sleep tho so Im feeling sluggish today.

Im excited for tomorrow and it being a New Year. I have plans and goals for lifestyle changes that I want to make this year. Basically goals related to my health and having bettering communication with my husband. Im excited to see how things progress over the next while.

Thats about it for me right now. Hope everyone has a safe, clean and sober, and addiction free New Years Eve!


Welp! My nye plans just got thrown out the window… Had a rough night. I may have described some of the things I was going through on another post last night but it got worse after that and I was up a lot of the night. What felt like reality turned out was not. Let me explain. I sat up in a panic while awake around midnight. I swore a sharp object had just been wedged into my heels. I could feel the piercing of a needle. Later my arm flailed bc it felt like someone was resting a cold piece of medal on my hands. I tried to relax and go back to sleep but visions flashed in and out of my imagination of stabbings and deep cuts. These images were extremely triggering for me and I found myself craving something really bad. I knew that meant I’d begin to unravel so I got up and took prn’s. I finally fell asleep for the rest of the night and had no more problems. Unfortunately I only slept until around 7am which seems not that early but for me with very little sleep and used to sleeping until at least 8 this was very difficult for me. I’m struggling still so my friend talked to my parents who gave them an idea of why I wasn’t availale for our party tonight. I’m disappointed too bc I was looking forward to going out with my friends. It was going to be substance free, all fun, and we were all gonna count down to New Year. I’m sad you guys. Full of anxiety and anger and all sorts of other emotions. But the only saving grace is I get to have a night in…


I’m checking in today, and I will be doing so everyday next year to keep remembering what I’m doing this for. Thanks to this community for being here for everyone and giving such nice advice and helping others in general. Communities like these make my heart melt because this is so crazily important to get people to sober up because it is not easy!! I wish everyone an amazing 2024 and wish you all the best. Much love!


True! Almost!


Sober AF yet Tired AF on day 9. So many partiers here one who vommited all over himself and peed his pants on the floor and passed out on his back then after tons of trying to wake him decided to gwt up and go into the only washroom in the house and soak while wasted falling asleep and snoring in the bath tub for hours before being kajooled out on his first day of moving in. They were at it until 5am tunes cranked yelling singing lighting yard fires starting boat engines doing construction with power tools. I made so many fun and focused self care plans for today to get through sober and should have been on the road half an hour ago yet all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. My partner is awol I miss my animals and my home. I finally have plans to see my Daughter tomorrow in the town she lives in and half a xmas do over after spending it alone sick AF in this party house yet all of her presents along with all of my belongings other than the few clothes I bought at the thrift store are locked in the house I am banned from and is locked which I dont have a key for as we never lock it. Im sorry to be blah and meh yet it is difficult to start a day feeling already defeated…:broken_heart::sob:


Oh I love it when new members come in, and I do hope we get some that make tomorrow the first day of the rest of their lives.
But Dry January is a big thing these days, and for a lot of people the only goal it holds is to make it to Not Dry February :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Day 3

Started the day well with week 4 couch 2 5k run then a 40 minute swim. The sun appeared through the windows of the pool and made underwater all sparkly and magical. It was absolutely beautiful and quite special, cinematic.

Made a veggie stir fry and played with the kittens all day, they are sold out now, proper tired. Both are curled on my legs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Planning a chilled night in with a couple of movies and some nice food, Merguez sausage with Med vegetables and couscous. Will stay up to watch the London fireworks on TV if we feel like it, but might just go to bed and read :heart:

Happy and healthy sober new year to each and every one of you. Wishing you courage and support and happiness in 2024.


404 :muscle::tada: happy sober New Year’s Eve everyone have a great new year

Chilling watching based on a true story on sky max it’s got penny from big bang in it not a bad watch

Peace :v:


Hey Family.
Just a quick one to give everyone my love and thanks for being here for me in some of my hardest times this year. @JazzyS I have to thank you for all the kind and encouraging word you have spent your time to send me, they have gone a long way and I will be here for you, if you need as long as I can :v:t5::blue_heart:.
@Mno thank you, I know that old habits can seem like the only option at times but, there are so many ways to get to bed and see another sober day, I was tested yesterday but passed with flying colours. :v:t5::blue_heart:.
@acromouse thank you, it was tempting but, for all of us this is a enemy not a friend and that numb feeling changes absolutely nothing. Cry, sleep do anything to get through the day. Tomorrow is beautiful :v:t5::blue_heart:
@SoberWalker Thank you, I am very proud of myself because I know how easy the option of drinking is but I chose the ‘‘hard way’’ and I feel much better because of it. I’m still in the process of finding some other activities to focus on and when I do, I believe I will no longer be tempted by what anyone else is doing, it was just because I could see she was numb and trying to hurt me and it made the words Fu** it go through my mind. But I didn’t fold and I hope anyone that reads this can find inner strength at the hardest times and just say no. :v:t5::blue_heart:
I wanna wish everyone a happy new year and I truly love and appreciate everyone from wherever you are in the world that is on this journey with us. Stay strong family :v:t5::blue_heart::sunrise:


Quite enjoyed that series myself as well :grin:


Closing out 2023 with day 683 alcohol free. I like rhymes. :upside_down_face:
I’m nervous for my work shift. I work in an area of the hospital where I get busy if traumas are brought in and today I am working on my own. Stay cool NYE partiers in my neck of the woods, that’s an order.

I will fortify for this how I know best, with coffee before and the treats for a good dinner if I get to take my break. I will remind myself that I can only do my best.

2023 has been pretty good to me. I’m almost 2 years sober from alcohol and I am picking apart all the addictive other tendencies I have as well. I keep trying to get more trusty like my namesake and I am getting there slowly.

I’m ready to open up to a new year to see what it brings me. Whatever it hands me I won’t chase it with a drink. I’ve been down that road, that avenue is closed. I wish you all a safe start to 2024 and continued resolve as we fight for our lives. 🩷


Day 190. Second check in. Have a fabulous new year’s eve. Avoid temptation and all that and here is to a sober 2024


I am checking in today and doing so in preparedness mode.

The last update for my brother is that since he’s been moved to the hospital for his tumour, it has progressed tremendously.

He is in pain constantly and has recently broken down with hysterical crying, calling out for our dad. This is breaking my heart and twisting my gut. The emotional devastation this is causing for me is only but a small portion of the pain he and his family are going through.

I’ve been putting some thought into my emotions and I’ve come to an understanding that I am not only grieving my brother’s pain and the news I am certain to receive any day now, of his passing, but also the role of a father. The connection I had with my dad wasn’t great until 5 years before he passed. He knew he had cancer and hid it from us but made sure he took moments to be with me and my family when he could. Because he was rarely around I relied on my brother for help and support. Though my brother put me through so much pain and abuse, the last 12 years we have managed to heal our relationship with the most work being done since he too was diagnosed with cancer.

This one is devastating, and I know the worst is yet to come. I am more prepared this time, and supported.

Beyond this, we have come to realize these three foster children are going to have to move on. They are hands on 24 hours a day and they are running us thin and ragged. We have another week to go until the foster organization opens back up for the holiday break and we intend on giving them notice the moment that occurs.

Until then we’re just going to do the best we can and give them what they need. They have made a lot of gains since being with us already so that’s been good. We’re hopeful the next home for them can continue to do the same.

The biggest news yet is that we are moving this summer. We’re leaving the west coast and moving to a more central location. It’s going to be so different. Flat… Cold… Mosquito infested, but also filled with financial hope and a brighter future.


Woot Woot!
I’m checkin’ in on the LAST day of this year.
I am feelin’ Good! Thrilled for 2024 and starting it SOBER!!
Will start back with my Psychology appointments in the new Year and get my arse back in shape!
YASSSS …this new year is gonna ROCK! :grin::metal: