Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Day 50. Tired but feeling good, well other than having a short fuse at the moment… Went to a meeting at the local hospital last night for in patients who need help. Felt like I made a difference by being there and sharing my story. I will be going back.

Have an awesome day everyone!


So this will be first one to check :slight_smile:

I got his free ebook, as well. Good stuff.


Fucking sober was a podcast I listened to twice. Just a gal getting sober and pointing out the tragic comedy in all of it.


Ohh that sounds good.
Thanks everyone!


Here’s a post I bookmarked a while back to work through. This has great reading suggestions that are all over the board.

Welcome aboard!


‘Not so anonymous’ was a podcast i found that was quite funny.


Checking in day 5

Hey all how is everybody doing
I got a anotjer few days work from a friend of mine it yas been great getting up and been busy the past few days mood has been good and feeling great set back last week in a much better place headwise this week thank you to all of you for your advice comin on here and been active on different discussions really helps :heart:


One year without a cigarette soon to come on Sunday :blush:
It wasn’t my first DOC to be honest but still it feels good.


Day 432

I don’t know if it’s the medication but today, I don’t know, I’m nervous bc of my appointment tomorrow but still I’m able to don’t loose my focus. And more energy, the urge to do something but don’t know what.
It’s also the 2. day of my period so it could be that too. I used this energy to do a kettlebell workout, and now I feel incredible :heart_eyes:
Yes it’s pretty late here, 9:30pm. I won’t be able to sleep anyway so nothing wrong with such a workout.
I also ate yesterday and today. Not much, but more than in the last week. And I’m drinking enough water again.

Okay, I really need a shower right now.

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Evening check in at 84 days, not sure I checked in this morning. This cold is still pretty bad but able to work through it. We are a cameras on team but luckily I could mostly be muted through calls so they just saw me sneezing and blowing my nose constantly, like an exaggerated mime artist :sneezing_face::rofl:

The cravings for chocolate are strong but no wine cravings at all. In fact the idea is pretty awful right now. Which is great!

I really hope everyone is well, I am barely keeping up on here atm. I am reading but it isn’t necessarily sinking in.


Checking in
Day 662
Good afternoon TS fam! Hows everyone today? Today has been an alright day for me. Its chilly and snowy here where I live and i had some running around to do, so I did that early on before the weather got worse. I went and picked up some baking ingredients for my holiday treat tins and for my husbands work Christmas cupcakes. Next week will be extremely busy with baking. Im excited about it! I havent done any baking in what feels like ages!
Ive been using my chrome book for journalling and for writing gratitude lists also. Its the 2nd day in a row that I’ve completed this and I feel positive about adding this into my recovery. I want to see how this can improve my life if i do it more often. Not much else going on. It was a lazy afternoon. No gym again :frowning: but eating hasnt been too bad. Ya thats about it for me :butterfly:


Just wanted to share that my friend Stacy had some groceries and flowers delivered to me just now because I’m sick. What an awesome friend and surprise!


Day 327.

After being on the road (well… up in the air and then on a train) for most of the day, I’m finally home. Feeling a bit meh… it sucks spending a fortune to go away only to spend most of that time sick as a dog in your in-laws’s tiny guest room.

I’m also really behind on work, so this weekend is gonna be manic.

On the bright side, I’m definitely on the tail end of this cold from hell so I can finally move on with my life. And tomorrow we’re picking up the little pupper munchkin from the kennels. I really missed his little muzzle.


616 days…does anyone else feel like if they hit their ‘friends’ up for cocktails, theyd have more friends in their life?
Seriously, its been hard losing everyone and all i can think some days is how lonely I feel.
Still going to stay sober though. Going for a massage now! Have a great Friday, or Thursday for those on the other side of the planet :yellow_heart:


Welcome @1DAATime Someone on here once said…id rather be sober wishing i was drunk, than be drunk wishing I was sober.
Eventually you get to the point where you dont even wish either of those things…one moment, one day at a time.
If you lapse, keep reflecting and coming back on here. I reset my counter so many times. I even deleted the app several times, but now im 616 days. So many people on here have had similar experiences. Youre not alone. :green_heart:


Checking in sober.

It was a decent day but now I’m exhausted and my anxiety is pretty bad. Not going to drink. And hoping I sleep better tonight.



You deserve some tea and a hot bath! :blush:


I’m indulging in a little dark chocolate. :blush:


Thought this was a beautiful representation of sobriety :blue_heart: