Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Not giving in to the addictive habit will help and make it slightly easier the next time you’re triggered. Not even noticeable on a time to time basis but in the long run it will get ever easier as you learn other ways and train other, healthier coping mechanism and habits into your system. Keep going. Glad you made it through this one X


Day 10
My head is clearing up and I didn’t experience any anxiety today. Also 10 days of working hangover free, woop woop!
My dog seems to be happier too, more walks and attention :sweat_smile:


Great job Naomi!
Congratulations on your 10 ODAAT’s

I swear my pets were/are more lovingly, if that’s even possible, when I quit drinking. They still do. Or maybe I can be sober and appreciate their unconditional love and give it back in return. Either way. It’s a beautiful thing.


Thanks Eric!
And yes, unconditional love… Our worlds would be empty without them :dog::cat::two_hearts:


Two and a half days in, first big hurdle: traveling. Heading to the airport where I usually grab something quick to eat on the plane. Eating ahead of time to help, but I know that this binging ritual is more about comfort than actual hunger.


congrats on your 2.5 days… travelling can be a trigger for sure. Smart move on eating ahead. Also check out our Traveling Sober thread - it may help you on your trip. Maybe some pointers that would be useful. Keep strong :muscle:


Woah, today just disappeared. Nothing important to report. Suddenly it is bedtime and I have really cold feet :cold_face:


Hi all, evening check in with 90 days. Finally getting over the cold but work is very busy. Not really had a chance to stop today. It is the work Christmas party tomorrow afternoon. Just painted my nails. I am not too worried about it as I didn’t drink last year and it isn’t a crazy kind of event. Sorry for not being more present, hopefully I will catch up now.


Congrats on 90 days @JennyH !!!


2 posts were split to a new topic: Check in seeking help

Are you drinking right now? You still have time to stop, it doesn’t have to end in blackout drunk


Well done on 90 days! You’re doing great.


@RosaCanDo congrats on getting through that chapter :tada: I’m sure your MIL is very grateful for the help.
@Naomi congrats on double digits :tada:
@JennyH congrats on 90 days :tada: enjoy the party :partying_face:
@Lile01 pour the rest down the drain and start over, sending strength :people_hugging:🩵

1220 days no alcohol.
685 days no cocaine.
200 days no vape.

Just a little check-in with todays numbers.

Today is also 6 months no patches. I’m down to using 4-6 (mostly 5) Lozenges per day, and the mouth spray. Really pleased that this long road seems to be working for my nicotine quit. The cessation nurse seemed pleased when we spoke yesterday afternoon too.

I really love having a clean home, I have been able to fully relax all afternoon, feeling quite serene, it’s a welcome feeling. Hoping for a good night’s sleep now. :sleeping:



Honestly, ive just been whiteknuckling it lately. Im not gonna lie, i havnt been to any sort of meeting in about a week. Iv also started a little savings account on the side ans whenever i wanna spend money on scracth offs or the local gas station slot, i transfer the money into the account. $600 saved so far. But that money can dissappear in an instant if i end up at a casino. Poker is my real gamblng addiction


Evening of dayy
217 no alcohol
148 no vapes or ciggs
0.77 no form of Marijuana

Proud of my progress
Lots of self refection

I realized im a husband and father. Just had a appointment today and we are 31weeks on track with a healthy baby in the belly

I relized as father i must make sacrafices. I need to be ready to drive at anytime. I need to work hardervthen i ever imagined. Sleepless nights with work in the morning is the least of my worries. I just want my wife and baby safe next to me.

As a male i have to be strong and protect
As a husband i need to be there for support 24-7
As a father i need to do all of that through blood sweat and tears

Marijuana makes me weak and useless. I dont need it for med for anything. Same goes for alcohol. I hate those substances with a passion. Both stunned my life growth

I refuse to let substsnces get in the way. At 12am in the morning will be my first full day sober from cbd and thc

I will be less sellfish and help with love whenever i crave also be4 and after i crave

I will step up to the plate
Easier said then done but ive been making huge progress and ill continue

Im hitting up a online meeting now

Take care everyone
Sorry for the messy rant


@Jules000 I had similar experience: went through a traumatic event at around 6-8, totally forgot it and then remembered it at the age of 18. I’m not sure how I dealed with it, but the fact that I forgot that caused a big breach of trust in my mind, in my memories, in reality. I think speaking with a therapist would be really helpful in this situation.


Checking in on day 141
Beautiful starry sky on my walk tonight.
I’m super tired today though, I only got about 3 hours of broken sleep last night. I’m hoping a sleep meditation and sheer necessity will mean that I sleep better tonight. Wish me luck guys :crossed_fingers::sleeping:


Day 24 of no weed or alcohol 100% sober, ive been using both since i was a teen, tried to get clean from alcohol before but never weed, i was sooo scared id never get my appetite back and now im enjoying food so much🥹 pretty dang happy about that hehe. Developing cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome was such a blessing in disguise because i never thought i could live without weed.


Good afternoon sobriety fam :slightly_smiling_face:

So ‘Cyclone Jasper’ has since passed overnight and is now just rain. Didn’t get much of it where I’m staying luckily, although Cairns was completely closed as a precaution, some regions being evacuated and many shops having sandbags at doors. Was eerily empty for a day or two, not sure what it was like nearer the coast but I suspect much heavier… Might check it out with a friend later.

Otherwise I’m still sober. There was a moment yesterday when I was frustrated and bored due to being locked up at home due to the storm with nothing to do and my two foreign flatmates and one of their relatives just spoke foreign with each other (one-on-one they’re cool but not as a group) and I felt left out and had nothing to do and nowhere to go. Went to my room, vented and reflected on phone notes, played some guitar, wrote some people on whatsapp and browsed a bunch of youtube videos on boredom and relapse prevention.

Plan for today? Meditate (it’s been a while), and I might try to get a haircut, go for a jog and go shopping before work in the eve. If I have the time I’ll sign up for kickboxing (maybe not the best time in the rain without a car, and weeks away from intending to travel haha but still!) and I also want to check out one of those dna ancestry finders sometime…

I hope you have a lovely &/or productive sober day or night folks! :seedling::sunflower:


Day 54 - I am SO! Happy Dan and I finished our first song together in the musicians unite thread! Go check it out!