Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

@Tragicfarinelli - :clap::clap::clap: Go on girl, proud of you !!! Yes it is scary. But you are strong. You’ve got this ! Wishing you all the best on your new adventure :ok_hand:

@LeoLeo Congratulations on 3 weeks !

@Mindofsobermike keep checking in Mike. It’s always good to hear what’s going on with you 🫶🏻

@Nordique Nice numbers :ok_hand:t2:

@MooseTracks Congratulations on 16 months :tada:


Thank you Jazzy!!!


Thank you Jazzy :purple_heart: I’ve stuck to my plan and my day is muuuuuuch better!!


9 days alcohol free
3 days THC free

Feeling down today, but stayed committed to my sobriety and recovery activities. I meditated and exercised, and then all that was washed away after getting another rejection email. The backstory here is I quit a toxic job in September to protect my sobriety, which ended up launching me deeper into drinking and using the longer it took to find another job. I spiraled so deep and almost died a couple times. Shortly after my 40th bday I knew I had to heal. Meditation has done more for me in a week and a half than AA did in 6 months (meditating 1-1.5 hours a day). There are meditations on almost any topic you can imagine, including addiction and recovery. Anyway, I still don’t know if it was the right decision, and I may not know that until well into the future, but it’s done now. Almost 4 months later and still barely anything. I had one interview scheduled in December that was canceled at the last minute and another potential gig that fell through. Now we are running out of money. It’s terrifying but I do have the luxury of time, meaning I can focus on healing myself and getting healthy again. Maybe this is the best thing for me right now, to pause.

I just wanted to get that off my chest as I’m feeling low today. Sometimes things feel like a constant uphill battle. I really hope I get some help from the universe soon to point me in a direction. Right now I can only focus on what I can do TODAY and in this moment. I am clinging to my self worth but it’s hard when you get rejection after rejection. I do think the application/interview system is so, so broken.

Anyway, ODAAT. Wishing everyone a good sober day :yellow_heart:


Awww you’re welcome Mira. Proud of you for walking through this sober, great job :blush:


Day 1,302 clean and sober today. Just being lazy on my Sunday off. Been feeling a chest cold and sore throat coming on so I’ve just been resting. Proud of everyone here, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thanks Lou and @JazzyS . Will see what’s what.


o n e . o n e . z e r o



Checking in. I am being inspired by reading checkins. Wishing all a healthy day.


635 days AF
It is fundamental I keep my routines not to fall into any mind games about drinking or smoking.
That is over, at least for today it is, and not planning to do it tomorrow.
Routine is a game changer to me, to keep a constant is what has helped me get this far.
Like now, always read here before sleep.
Thanks to those of you who post more regularly, and if anyone in need of help here to listen.


It’s odd how some things just happen at the right time.

Lately as mentioned in my previous post I’ve been feeling like I’ve been in a darker than usual place. I’ve had some moody dispositions lately too. I know I have a lot going on so it’s pretty common to feel the way I am, but it’s no reason to stay here.

I was working towards publishing the business website yesterday and began looking at some inspirational people and thoughts and came across this YouTube video. It helped shed some light on where I am today.

Hope it helps someone else too.

This was another powerful video of his that really helped me further my understanding of myself, my brain, my body, and my thinking.

I remain sober and cast out those people who come against me like villains in the shadows and my negative ways of thinking that seem to bombard me like spam callers and emails

I wish each and every one of you days that increasingly get better and more hopeful as we walk this road together.


Checking in. 22yrs 2 days sober.

Buried a friend today and it just doesn’t seem fair.
I was at a place that i wasn’t well, in my heart and socially, so i split.
Now, he died Dec 15 and his widow tells me that i was his only friend that actually listened.
He was bed ridden for a year and i didn’t know.
I have guilt and some remorse
I’m going to miss my friend.
Still sober.


33 days AF
I had a friend over tonight who brought his own wine and when he left there was still some wine in his glass. I had to stop for a moment to say to myself I would not drink it, it felt weird to throw it away.
Crazy, it’s the mindless habits that are more difficult to change than the conscious decision to not pour myself a glass. Sad though to have the urge to finish somebody else’s drink :see_no_evil:


I’m so happy you were able to overcome the trigger and the urge. If I were in your shoes I’d ask them before they poured it to make sure they took care of it all in the next situation, so there are no risks in that sense.

Congratulations Naomi! You must feel proud?


Menno, c’mon man. Gene Wilder all the way! My dad had to fix that VHS so many times :laughing: The book was good too tho​:+1:


Checking in day 5

Today was a good day! I was successful in the new job I applied for.

This year is looking great so far :raised_hands:t3:


Some help…please!

I’m within feet of a bar at a very nice hotel. It would be so easy to order 1. Just 1. Albeit a double LIT…but…

I hate hate hate this! Why for the love of God and all that’s holy do I have to be faced, reminded or even remotely tempted with having a drink?

When I made the decision it was for good. For life. For real. And I’m doing it. I don’t want to have to face that anymore like for real. This is really pissing me off. Not only do I want a drink and no one in a million years would know, but this is something Im going to have to face the rest of my life?? Omg. It makes me distraught AF

It’s like going through a divorce, (which I have…twice) and having to see your x everyday and not be tempted to engage or go back to whatever the hell or reason you divorced in the 1st place.

I wanna scream, cry and yell. It will pass it always does, but sometimes, like now, seriously I just wanna say fuck this world and IDGAF and why the fuck not?!


Thanks for the support


@catmama23 Oh I am so very sorry for the road you have been on and so grateful that you are still with us and on a road to recovery. The job market does suck big time – I am hoping that the right opportunity opens up for you very soon. YES – meditation has been a life savor for me. Grateful that it is helping you through :people_hugging:
@j_lo_ste 22+ years!!! WHOA that is frickin amazing! I am so very sorry for your loss. Your memories will always be with you (I find that I can keep my loved ones alive in my mind and keep them close in my heart). Sending you comfort as you grieve and say good bye. :people_hugging: :heart:
@riley_1 congrats on your 5 days of sobriety and being successful in your new job! Keep it going :muscle:
@chosen2001 Can’t have just one! Why not turn around - go for a walk elsewhere? Or go to a meeting? OR maybe find a place to sit and review posts from some threads here. You are not alone - here if you need to talk. The addict mind is tricky and we need to silence it by keeping busy. You would know if you had a drink. Try not to think about it for the rest of your life - just for today you are not drinking. Alcohol really has nothing good to offer. It is literal poison and you do not need that in your body. Do scream / cry / punch the air — let it out in whatever way helps! Here for you friend :hugs:


Big thought here, is it just one? I rarely successfully have had one drink in my life. This is a craving for alcohol, probably brought on by life stressors like a divorce. Don’t do it. When you quit you wanted to be where you are right now, don’t go backwards. Sending strength.