Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Thank you @mno for taking the time to share this with me & remind me that my feelings make sense. I am coming back to the basics, as @CATMANCAM has said…I am so grateful for this place and one of the greatest tools I have is being able to be here. You’ll be hearing from me a lot in the coming months, because I need to be here now more then ever. Xo. And to my Miss @JazzyS - your ongoing support means the world. Thank you guys so much for being here :heart:


Good morning! Checking in day 35. Feeling very blah today, I found myself fantasizing of getting something today in the super early hours when I was up (sleep is still choppy at night) which frightens me a bit. I’m going to stay busy today with tasks I’m listing out for myself and hop on an online meeting. I hope everyone has the most amazing day. :v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Day 356.

Checking in. Sober.


Good morning day 52. Up and showered this morning and off to work. Was definitely cold out this morning but luckily no ice. Idk what’s going on with me but my mind just feels stuck on repeat, like I keep replaying things in my head over and over. I feel a bit of anger, and idk just almost like I’m over stimulated and full of anxiety. I like it here at work, for the most part. Mostly for the elderly people, yes some of my co workers have been extremely nice to me and talk to me and talk me up to the boss and want to keep me. But when I’m walking the halls and try to say hello to other people, I just like don’t get anything back. It’s annoying because I watch them talk so happily to other people, it’s like they are nervous to talk to me or I’m awkward or maybe I’m just ugly idk. But part of me just wishes I could talk to people and like click with them. I did see me therapist Wednesday and told her I wasn’t sure about this medication bc I’m just not, so she of course said let’s add another medication and put me on propranolol which is as needed for stress or anxiety. Idk last night I just noticed I couldn’t stop thinking so I took two tablets before bed and I think it helped me fall asleep. Idk, she wants me to try it for environments like a.a where there are lots of people. But I am a introverted person, I don’t really want to go to any events in the first place I just wanna be able not get do tongue tied when I talk and feel so awkward. Idk I just feel crazy and stupid sometimes and honestly don’t even know why I post sometimes.


Day 147*

I’ve been struggling with imposter syndrome at work. I met with someone from my sober group for dinner last night and talking it through was really helpful. For a 4 day work week, it has been dragging. Need to snap my mood into a better place instead of just stewing. I’m ready for a relaxing weekend and some healthy distractions.


Day 112 and ready for the weekend :grinning:


Good morning, grateful to be able to say this,sober and actually mean it,80 days and counting,Have a great day if it’s not that way,try to make it like that


Hey all, checking in on day 1300. I hope everybody has a good one!


I hope you’re doing okay - 55 days is amazing!
I totally relate to the social anxiety (general anxiety, too) and the trial and errors with medication. Unfortunately, I have no words of wisdom, but I totally get and see you.
Your feelings are totally valid - don’t let your mind trick you into thinking you’re anything less!

Here’s to day 56, and the rest, friend! Keep going.


Day 461

Work day done :white_check_mark::+1:
I have a slight headache because work was stressful but manageable. I wasn’t as chaotic as I used to be :grimacing:
For Monday there is a huge strike announced. Farmers plan to shut down traffic in many german cities, mine included. I just ordered a bike, the same I rented last year. I’ll need much longer to get to work but at least I’ll get there :+1:
Maybe it’s not as big as some say, we’ll see.

Now heading home, looking forward to a relaxed weekend :blush:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


plugging along at day 1317……

Enjoying morning covfefe :coffee:

I love coffee sooo much. I couldn’t drink it when I was hung over. Just the thought of it made me gag. So every morning my coffee is a small reminder that heck yeah! No more mommy juice, I get coffee! Gratitude!!


It’s good to see you checking in :slight_smile:


Checking in day 488 and officially :one::six: months sober! No major updates, but suddenly feels like a year and a half is one the horizon (one day at a time).

Hope everyone has a fabulous sober Friday :sparkles:


I’m glad you mentioned Wonka. Just yesterday I was telling my daughter they were making a new one, but I had no idea it was already in theaters. That’s where a commercial free society gets you! I hope they do the original justice, bc as much as I love Johnny Depp, I did not care for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :-1: I hope you enjoyed your afternoon! It’s good to see you doing so well :blush:


Checking in on day 177.


Thank you for your kind words…


I personally can say I did not enjoy Wonka when me and my girls watched it in theaters. My mom and the girls did like it but idk definitely to me didn’t give the original any justice


Hopefully the meds worked out for you. I hope you’ll be able to settle in at your new work environment. As a fellow adhd’er I know how hard it can be sitting in an office setting and receiving all the input. But also in a work environment I need connection. At the end in my last job they wanted to tuck me away. But that is not the solution. I was like what the f*ck do you think. I hate it when people think for me :joy:. I know it might be a bit out of your comfort zone at the moment, but that’s were the growth is. Wish you all the best :pray:


& @Just_Laura Now the question is what’s the original for who? For me it was this one (you already know I’m old :upside_down_face:):

And I liked the book best :wink:


@tragicfarinelli OH my goodness – how liberating and freeing that must have felt. So glad that you are distancing yourself from the toxic space. Sending you luck in finding something that is more suitable for you :hugs:
@jimz welcome to the community James – great work on your 5 days of sobriety. You are most definitely in the right place – do hope to see you around.
@acromouse thank you friend – grateful that you are out of the depths today – may it be upward from here!
@leoleo 3 weeks is amazing! Woot Woot! That hike sounds amazing – have a fabulous time
@iamthechange Well done on your 35 days Ami. The sleep is so damn tricky at the beginning of our journey. I do hope that it regulates for you soon. Grateful you did not give into the fantasy. No good ever comes from our DOC’s. We are here for you :hugs:
@mindofsobermike I’m sorry Mike – that has got to be annoying situation at work – not sure why these humans are so unapproachable and willing to engage. You most def are not ugly. Some people might feel awkward themselves (they talk to the people that they know and don’t know how to reach out to those they don’t know)… still, a smile never hurt – hope it gets easier. Wishing you well with your meds – glad you did get a good nights sleep.
@nate2 80 days is great work – keep that momentum going! :muscle:
@nordique So great to see you checking in with 1300 days!!! Woot Woot! Keep up the great work :muscle:
@moosetracks 16 months is awesome! Keep that going!
@girlinterrupted With you girl – Love that Coffee! Glad to see you enjoying your mommy juice in an awesome mug!

You guys rock – hell of a job on your milestones!