Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Day 35 in the bank
Bush walks in the morning. Beach in the afternoon.
Checking in Sober and content.



Not the day I imagined but still turned out good. Cleaned a smidge this morning but was hit with tiredness around noon and took a nap. The ex arrived before my daughter so she was immediately gone after school. Did some more little stuff, had dinner and then my friend invited me over and I was there til 1:30. Weā€™re on the same schedule. No work, no kid, no responsibilities. A little weird having entire days to myself, but Iā€™m not complaining. Looking forward to tomorrow.


Day 11

Today officially marks my new record. Only went 10 days in the past. Still feeling like i can actually do it this time, im super proud of myself and im loving it. I think the urge also hasnt been there as much because im just tired of making myself feel like shit. Now I want to be the healthiest version of myself, and i want to make sure my actions are congruent with my values.

Today was also my anniversary with my boyfriend who is no longer here. Didnt get much time today to think about it. I just miss him. And i have to check actual dates but im pretty sure now hes been gone longer than we were even together, which is just entirely fā€™ed up. We were supposed to have our whole lives together. Finally had something good in my life and then it was gone in the blink of an eye one morning. But i am still actively trying to make my life as good as it can be and as enjoyable for myself as I can, and im doing that every day by staying sober.

I also started training myself on how to run a 10k (basically starting at zero) because im going on a trip in 3 months to thailand with my martial arts class and the training there is really intense. The warm up every day is 5-10k. So its actually kind of nice that i have a legitimate motovating factor to push myself and grow and do something ive never done before, its nice to have an actual solid goal. Its nice to be doing something new.

Ive also been crafting more, i made my first perler today and the process was a lot of fun (pic below). Im totally gonna start making these in my free time. Ive got so many ideas lolol


Keeping fit is the best way to help with craving I think. Hobbies also are helping me. Day 5 and Iā€™ll reach day 6 today. Weekends are the hardest,Iā€™ve got through Friday, letā€™s hope I get through today.





I was looking at your post waiting when it will start moving, morphing etc :sweat_smile: You tricked me this time :wink:


Welcome to TS Monkey! Thatā€™s some impressive numbers there!


Hallo lovely people :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Iā€™m on day 6 and finally had my first night of calm and recharging of sleep.

Iā€™m feeling full of gratitude this morning, waking up to a snow covered city. Having breakfast with my little daughter.

I am finding joy in delaying gratification, setting goals and plans and working hard and determined on them .

The fact that I am still here, getting to see my daughter grow up together with my husband, is enough reward for now .

Building decipline is SO important. I know we all got this .

Do something kind for yourself today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you :grin:


Day 10

Friday night always brings some struggles as it was always my ā€œpermission to go BIG on the drinkingā€ evening. Compared to what I wonder? Drinking 2 -3 bottles of the strongest red wine I could find every night of the week? It doesnt even make sense when I type it out.

Friday night is now my UFO night (unfinished object knitting). I am going to grab an unfinished knitting project at random and work on it when I sit down for the evening. Then I wonā€™t feel bad about starting so many new projects that live in the UFO box. Win-Win :slight_smile:


Day 5 sober!

I had a very insightful psychology meeting yesterday that really made me think about things, so I thought Iā€™d share it here:

The graph represents a normal level of stress. We all have problems arise that heighten our stress levels (bills, work, family, etc). When we choose to deal with these problems, our stress levels decrease. However, if we donā€™t deal with these problems, they will begin to accumulate over time, often resulting in a massive meltdown over something that might seem very minor, potentially causing us to drink.
The danger level is the tipping point; if we deal with our problems, we tend not to get to that point. If we donā€™t, weā€™re always skirting dangerously close to relapse.

It was very impactful for me as Iā€™ve begun to acknowledge that Iā€™m using alcohol to block out traumatic memories and the negative emotions that come with them. For me, angry = drink. Sad = drink. Anxious = drink. And so on.

I also realised that 80% of my time is spent with alcohol (14 units takes approx 14 hours to process, 1 hour buying, 3/4 hours drinking) so 19 hours of my day used to revolve around alcohol! How crazy is that? No wonder I felt so isolated and tired all the time.

I came home from my appointment and needed to go shopping but realised I had my ID with me. I could have chanced it and promised myself that I was strong enough to not give in, but Iā€™d had a rough day and knew Iā€™d be skating on thin ice, so I went home to bed instead and will get my shopping today, sans ID!

Anyway, these were just bits Iā€™ve taken away and wanted to share in case it strikes a cord with anyone else.

Have a good day, all!


Beautiful figures :pray::heart::clap:


Thank you :grinning:


Well done, Iā€™m with you on 9/10 days. Friday becomes early to bed after a box set, gym and cooking. Although last night we got a take out :hamburger: and finished The Night Agent.

Doesnā€™t get old waking on Saturday mornings does it?


To be such a person was and is my main goal in this life. This plus integrity.
Thank you so much for seeing me as such my friend :heart:



Yeah, well Chapter 3 is about to over soon. 4 months of sobriety is coming and Chapter 4 is on its way soon :hugs:



Some people like to use Chips, some dont. Iā€™m using doors :sweat_smile::hugs:


(Thatā€™s a joke btw)


Checking in day 36. @JazzyS, thank you for the encouragement yesterday, it means a lot. I hope everyone has an amazing day :v:t3: and :purple_heart:.


Day 196 :slight_smile: done the hoovering, made the bed (always like a nicely made bed) had a shower and now itā€™s time for the fun loving criminals

With a coffee and some biscuits.