Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on over 5 years sober!!! Very impressive!


Day 34
Exercising daily gratitude and reflection is so beneficial. It makes me aware of my thoughts and more compassionate with myself. It is something I didnā€™t do in my previous sobriety attempts.

Today I was thinking about the biggest benefits I experience being sober:

  1. No anxiety (This is sooo amazing! This alone makes sobriety worth it)
  2. No hangovers, shame or guilt
  3. More time, no more lost days in bed
  4. More money to save
  5. More (positive) self reflection
  6. Improved health
  7. Better sleep
  8. Better skin
  9. Being able to meet up spontaneously (no more planning around hangovers or cancelling dates)
  10. Longer walks with :dog:

Ofcourse life still happens, but itā€™s so much easier to cope with shit sober than with a hangover.


Ughhā€¦ I feel you on the resolutions! Work out every day, wake up earlierā€¦ 2/6šŸ„“. Also trying to not beat myself up.


Dau 357.

Checking in. Very much sober. Exhausted. Love you guys :heart:


That is very interesting. Only after many years I am realising that I had very long and deep post traumatic episode that I actually was drowning by using alcohol. I had a hard lesson on how dangerous it can beā€¦ Again alcohol only made everything worse. Basically it only made things worseā€¦ Complex emotions +plus mixing it with drugs or alcohol = no way it gonna mix well.


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