Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Checking in at almost 36 days sober. It felt like the days were stacking up so slowly, but over the last week I’ve noticed a shift in my mindset. Instead of filling the hours with trying NOT to use, now my routines and habits are built up and I’m filling my time with so many positive and healthy things. When I reflect on my adult life I realize I’ve never felt more clear or sure of myself as I do right now. I’m not perfect because perfect isn’t real so it is just unrealistic to strive for. What I am is a work in progress taking it one day at a time. It has all clicked this time. I was always waiting for it to click. I really was ready to give up and maybe even consider all of you sober people here crazy and just flat out liars about this life I could have if I just do the work. Sorry for that :worried: my addiction would do anything to justify my bad behavior… but I get that now!!! I’m starting to have the life I’m supposed to have, not the life I was portraying so I could cover up my use of pills. Now I’m an open book and I’m not living in fear of people finding out my dirty little secret. I’m so grateful for this app and everyone here. Hope everyone is having a sober and serene Sunday. :sparkling_heart:


Maybe you are right! I feel very stuck and inert. Not been to the gym in two weeks nearly and am getting all internally head wrecked. You are correct though,I do have a couple of kits! :pray:


1y 2m 29d AF

Just checkin in, how is everyone traveling coming up to the silly season? Are ya good? Anxious? Stressed?

Looking forward to not having to lace up the work boots and wearing Hi-Vis for two weeks thats for sure.

Hopefully the holidays dont go to fast, then breeze through the next few months till our next adventure to Bali in July. Will be nice getting out of the cold and into some heat again.


@danam56 I know it was easy to shift addictions until I started figuring out what I was trying to fill (ps – that hole was a bottomless pit). It helped me to talk with someone. I do hope you are able to talk with someone and get some help with the depression. Sending you love and hugs. :heart: :hugs:
@frank68 Way to go on 2 months of sobriety! Keep going strong :muscle:
@mrfantastik You are most welcome friend. Grateful to see you doing so well with your sober time
@ashley_luvz_starz Love the message today and hell yeah to staying positive – we can keep going strong. Hell of a job with your 263 days!
@juli1 sorry for the rough evening Jules. So grateful that you listened to your clear mind. I know how hard it is (especially at the beginning) – keep holding strong my friend. We got your back here love. Sending you strength :muscle: :heart:
@sunshine-girl You are doing amazing Julia. Grateful that 1 day is in the bag. Keep fighting for yourself friend – you can keep stacking on the days.
@jennyh hey beautiful friend – I can imagine how the chaotic days can become overwhelming. Sometimes you just need time for yourself and that is ok. I thought I was being a bitch last year when I withdrew from my social circles and then realized I was taking time for me and its ok to be selfish for your own self healing. Just don’t let go of your recovery tools. Keep doing what you need for yourself :heart: Sending you love and comfort and hope that you are able to find calmness. We are here for you!
@misokatsu Sorry that you are feeling this way Flo. So sorry friend – a terrible feeling to feel underappreciated. Sending you love. Your birthday week is now beginning – I do hope you are showered with love. Many loving birthday wishes for your special day.
@rockstar24777 So excited for you Robbie – a passport and the freedom to travel and explore— looking forward to all your adventures!
@nordique Damn those dreams. They can be so lifelike and terrifying. In a way us waking up feeling bad about the dream just drives home our commitment to sobriety. You are doing great with 1281 days! Keep going strong – I do hope the dreams FRO. 3.5 year milestone is amazing friend — way to go :clap:


Quick check in on my two weeks mark.
Have a good day/night folks! :raised_hands:


Thank you so much jazzy! That means a lot :heart:


Congratulations bro :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks man!! Didn’t even realize it had passed haha


Checking in sober.

I made myself go downtown and finish my Christmas shopping. And finished off the scarves I was making. Those were my goals for today. My place is a mess, but that was less time critical and can wait. Trying to prioritize so I’m less overwhelmed. I’m glad I’ll have the week between Christmas and New Years completely off.

Now I’m trying to motivate myself to make a nice dinner for myself.



Congratulations on your 7 years @Kareness
That’s huge. Hope you had a nice meeting.
Thank you for sharing your milestone.
And btw this picture is amazing! The cat is beautiful and looks like a real character :wink: But the colors and shapes in this picture are just wonderful. It a pizof art. A modern Still life! I love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


5 day check-in :grinning:


Congratulations on 5 months @Mira_D
Congratulations on 7 years @Kareness
Congratulations on 3.5 years @Nordique
Congratulations onv2 weeks @Naomi

You are all rock stars :metal::metal::metal::tada::partying_face::heart::partying_face::tada::metal::metal::metal:

Checking in after a quiet Sunday. Nothing much to report, but sometimes that’s the beauty of it, eh.
No drama, no guilt, no frantically trying to tidy up after a messy drunken weekend while nursing a hangover. Just a quiet Sunday :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Thank you! :heart:


Checking in. Another 100% clean day in the books.


:partying_face: :ok_hand: :dizzy: :handshake: congrats on 2 weeks


5 yrs no drinking. Still atleast 1 drinking dream a month. Im just grateful when i wake up and realize its all good lol i absolutely hate them too man. congratulations on 3.5


@deelzebub so sorry for the bouts of depression. Grateful that it is not as strong – I do hope that it passes soon. Much love to you dear Delia.
@kareness Way to go Karen with your 7 years of awesomeness! So amazing love – keep doing what you are doing. Life is so much better sober :tada: :tada: :clap:
@tragicfarinelli Oh sweet friend I am so sorry that you are dealing with these feelings and that the meds are not helping you. I do hope you are able to talk with your doctor and possibly get a better dosage. Here if you need to talk about anything. I do hope you are able to feel lighter and better soon :heart:
@mira_d way to go Mira! 5 months is amazing! :tada: :clap:
@smootie8220 congrats on your 2 weeks + of sobriety Lys! I am grateful that you are navigating through the stress sober and clear minded .
@anon84358113 Oh that is fantastic love – so happy for that “clicking” moment. What a sweet revelation. Keep going strong with your sober self :muscle:
@naomi congrats on your 2 weeks of sobriety – keep stacking on the days!
@steve92 way to go with your 5 years of alcohol free time. Very impressive – keep going strong :muscle:

Checking in on Sunday evening
361 days free of alcohol and weed
776 days free of cigarettes
Had a lovely day hanging with my family this morning (my sis was here too). My tenant did not work out - can’t believe how irresponsible this generation is. Rescheduled 2 times and then had to change time today as she was running late. So waited for 40 min to find out she was still going to be at least another hour … no respect for other people’s time. I backed out and said i was not interested. Had fun playing cards with my brother and now chilling with a movie. A nice Sunday overall.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Glad to know I’m not the only one still dealing with it, thanks man!


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Checking in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 672
Another clean and sober day. Had my renewal CPR/First aid training to do for work which took the entire day. It went well and I passed with flying colors. Unfortunately my memory isnt the greatest so I will probably have to refresh my memory by looking thru the book every 6 months.

Had a using thought today and I swear I could smell my DOC at one point. Weird. Brushed that thought away and kept on with my day.

My son wants to go to school tmrw (Mon) and Tue to see some Christmas concerts. I was initally going to keep him home so that he potentially doesnt get sick before Christmas, but… he wants to go and I cant say no to that. So he will go for those 2 days and then Wed he has an appt anyway, and Thur and Fri he will stay home. Im just praying he stays healthy :pray:

Not much else going on. Hope u all are doing well :butterfly:


Evening of day
221 no alcohol
152 no ciggs or vapes
4 no form of marijuana

Moved rooms to a bigger room
Have a little living room now with a new lazyboy recliner that me and my wife love

Our kitty is doing good but unfortunately we will need to rehome him :frowning:
Itll just be safer for our child
