Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Sweet job Dana – way to go!!!


Awe ur sooo sweet!!! Thank you!!!


Checking in.

The depression and overwhelming guilt are subsiding. Just sitting with my son. The life of a 4 year old. Children are so innocent. No crippling life long issues. My boys see they’re mom and dad together, happy, they don’t know my war, my do seated struggles. And they won’t. But unlike my dad, I’m going to fight hard not to put my son in harms way.


Love you my dear friend


Checking in Day 59)
I have a turkey and mustard sandwich. This is all the thought process I can deal with right now. :slight_smile:


@JazzyS thank you :blush: I’m proud of you too 🩵
@Just_Laura congrats on 10 months :tada:
@TrustyBird sorry for your loss :mending_heart:
@Sunshine-girl welcome back :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@SoberWalker I’m sorry for how you’re feeling :people_hugging: I really hope the coach will help :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵 I’m glad you enjoyed dancing at the 80s party :dancer:
@MrFantastik congrats on 2+ weeks :tada:
@Naomi sorry about the loneliness, I can relate :people_hugging:🩵 but congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Soberbilly congrats on 600+ days :tada:
@NJR9876 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Wakikki I hope you got through it :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵


@ShadowCopy congrats on your week :tada:
@Claartje welcome back :blush: congrats on 4+ days :tada:
@NDS1209 welcome :blush: congrats on your sober time :tada:
@DanaM56 good that you’ve recognised it :clap:t2: now you can work on it :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Frank68 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Nordique sorry about the dreams :people_hugging: but congrats on 3.5+ yeara :tada:
@Kareness congrats on 7 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@Tragicfarinelli definitely reach out to your doctor rather than the fuck it button, sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Mira_D congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Smootie8220 congrats on 2+ weeks :tada: sorry for the challenging times, sending strength 🩵


@Butterflymoonwoman congrats on passing your course :clap:t2: :tada:

1224 days no alcohol.
689 days no cocaine.
204 days no vape.

I’ve been falling asleep really early, then waking up at 11:30pm and not being able to get back to sleep even though I’m still tired. With insomnia though, some sleep is good sleep, so I’ll take it.

Today, well, yesterday now, I felt very low again, but I managed to lift my spirits by starting my Xmas presents wrapping, an early start for someone who usually ends up doing it in the early hours of Xmas morning, I got through a third of it until I reached my pain limit (from sitting on the floor), today I plan to do some more, maybe even finish it if I do some in the morning, and some in the afternoon. Then I will put my little mini tree up. :christmas_tree:

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:

It’s now 4am here, so I’m hoping I can fall back to sleep now I’ve caught up here. :crossed_fingers:t2:



Day 90:

Life has been busy, but really good. Can’t believe it’s already 90 days, but I’m feeling great and couldn’t be better. Sure my life still has problems, but my ability to manage the problems and my reaction to problems is a night and day difference from when i was drinking. Love that I’m working out again regularly, feeling better physically and mentally. No complaints, just focusing on progress.

Hoping everyone keeps pushing for one more day, Goodnight for now!


Huge congratulations on ur 90 days!!! Woo hoo!!!


Thank you!!



Back to work after my week off. It’s early but that’s OK. Although seeing some daylight when I get up would be nice. That’ll have to wait for some months. Anyways, I spent my week well. Finished it of by a classic little round of biking to the ocean and back yesterday. Even saw the sun for quite a bit. This week it’s back to wind and rain and whatever but I’m good. I’m sober and clean and all the rest follows from that. One day at a time. Have as good a week as you all can friends. Love from my ride.


Day 193 check-in. I’ve now been gamble free for more than half year and let me tell you, hitting that 6th month milestone really made me proud of myself. A lot has changed, and it’s all positive.

Holidays make me very anxious, since me and my daughter have spent last Christmas Eve being transferred from one hospital to another, because her VP shunt malfunctioned. She has hydrocephalus and I always am a bit scared around major celebrations that something will go wrong. This year I’ve tried to provide her with the best Christmas experience I can think of.



So. From 4:30pm Friday to 3:30pm Sunday, 48 hours, I worked 30 of them :scream: Leaving me 18 hours to sleep 2 nights and get anything done. Nothing got done. Now there’s just a week left til Christmas! I’m actually not really stressing it, but I also can’t wait for it to be over.

Work was definitely a struggle yesterday. I got an hour break from 4:30/5:30 but otherwise was on my feet from 11am to 1:30am and was limping by the end. I’ve been battling an ingrown toenail since Tuesday (I think it started from wearing heels at the X-mas party), and by Wednesday it was unbearable putting pressure on it. I was scared it was getting infected so I’ve been taking extremely good care of it and luckily it’s gotten better each day :pray:

Hope everyone has a great Monday :grin:


*Day 1916 :walking_woman:
Goodmorning all!
Had a good weekend, but still tired because of lack of sleep. But that will be solved in a couple of days. Had a lazy day yesterday beside a walk so that was good.

This picture I made yesterday when we went outside. The sky turned blue just when we went for that walk, it was boring grey before that. It was like it changed just to welcome us :blue_heart:
And that blue with that last winter rose was a beautiful combo in my opinion :blush:
Today? Work. A little stress for wednesday because I know I get a joboffer that day I’m going to refuse…and friday I have the initial interview for the coach. It’s a week of changes and I hope they turn out good.
Have a nice day all of you, let’s put some effort in it to make it a good one! :raising_hand_woman:


16 days in the bank.
Quiet day. At home with the kids. Got a nap in before back to work for nightshift again tonight.


Thank you! Got myself thru the weekend and pushing towards ten days.
It’s this forum and it support keeping me accountable. :muscle:t2:


Day 177. Feeling full of cold or something similar. Working Monday to Thursday this week.

Managed three social events this weekend, not tempted to drink. Tinnitus is bad this morning but I am sure it will ease later in the day. Working 8_3 today. Then maybe watch love actually this evening


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C h a p t e r . I I I : P a r t . 2

H i g h e r . P o w e r



Woke up in the early morning hours with a panic attack. How I hate these :roll_eyes: Took me almost two hours to finally relax.
Looking forward to my last classes with the kids before Christmas break. And Yoga.