Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

I actually did erase the number and even blocked it but I was going to reach out to her on Facebook :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:ā€¦so I have blocked her on there too nowā€‹:+1: thank you so much for the encouragement and advice :heart:


Thank you :grin:

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Thank you :grin:and yes so thrilled about a sober Christmas!!!:christmas_tree::gift: Iā€™m starting to really settle in to being sober and I love how itā€™s becoming my new normal. writing that message gave me the ick. :tired_face: So happy I played that tape :tada::tada::tada:


Day 198 check-in. Iā€™ve now been clean through most of this year, yayy. :smile: I have so much work that I would probably have to work on Christmas Eve (Iā€™m
a freelancing PM and all the yearly reports are now) :smile: Iā€™ve also enrolled in 3 courses during the past few days and Iā€™m really amazed by how productive Iā€™ve become since I quit gambling.


21 days in the bank.
3 weeks
Another sober day



Where is the off switch for this wind thatā€™s blowing :wind_face: :leaves:? Itā€™s relentless these last days. Well, Iā€™ve got stuff to do. Christmas lasts 4 days for me, starting this morning with a brunch with my cousins and sis. Iā€™m working the weekend too, some of my last late shifts ever. I donā€™t think there will be many patients in to stay over for christmas and new year after.

Monday and Tuesday is Christmas proper here. Iā€™ll be off and back to sis for diner with her sons and their partners on Monday. Which is nice enough but now it all feels like a bit much. Iā€™ll make it. Thinking back to some family diners in the past it will be better without booze. Much better. Never again.

So now Iā€™m going to have one more coffee and get going. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Be absolutely sure drinking or drugging doesnā€™t make anything better. Only much much worse. Much love from Amsterdam.

@Its_me_Stella So glad you got where you are now friend! :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:
@SoberMama39 Yay you and thanks for sharing your struggle and how you overcame it! ODAAT for us all. :people_hugging:
@Just_Laura Iā€™m glad you got this space to vent but what you write makes me think that maybe you should learn to stand up for yourself in these sort of situations - in a healthy adult way of course. And I know how you feel and I know how it works for folks like us. When you master this art please share how you did it so I may learn it too :hugs: :kissing_heart: :upside_down_face:


Day 188. I was pretty miserable yesterday. I donā€™t really know why. I canā€™t tell if my problems are real or not. I feel like Iā€™m losing my mind. Hopefully these feeling will pass soon.

I hope you guys have a good day today. Hope I do too.


Today is hopefully going to be a slow and peaceful day. We donā€™t have much planned. Depending on the weather and how the wind develops Iā€™ll take a walk. Some last minute presents still need wrapping. My daughter has to finish packing for her trip. Just small stuff.
Wishing you all strength and patience.


Checking in soberā€¦ One day at a time :sparkling_heart:


Morning guys, checking in Day 101 from alcohol and day 86 from cigarettes Saturday morning before work. I hope yous all had a nice safe Friday night and a good start to your weekends. TTYL


Thanks Doreen, how are you holding up these days??

Todayā€™s beef stew will be with carrot and dark beer. The other one is with garlic, red wine and a lot of herbs and spices. Served with mashed potatoes and haricoverts in bacon.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s ok to write this here, but about the alcohol part: I slow cook for 10h. Research shows thereā€™s 5% of the alcohol left after 2.5h at 78 degrees Celsius, so 10h will leave very little to no alcohol.
Personally I donā€™t mind putting beer or wine in a stew, but I can imagine this will not be okay for everyone.


My okeyish mood became very fragile in the last few days, I can hardly focus on my days and my evenings got filled up with anger, hurting and overthinking again. My general approach is a lot better than it was a few moths ago, but it doesnā€™t really seem to help, when Iā€™m utterly hurt. I canā€™t wait for this year to be over. Iā€™m really grateful for my kids, they give so much credit to me but I keep letting them down by having hard times again and again. I read a lot here lately and that makes me realize how grateful I am for my sobriety. At least that is something I can give them, but they would deserve a lot more, yet I long for stepping out and choosing my pain over them and that makes me feel like a terrible person.


Checking in day 8 sober. Woke up on this grey cold miserable Saturday morning at 8am, had a quick breakfast and went on a run. Canā€™t remember the last Saturday where I wasnā€™t nursing a hangover and feeling like crap.


Day 1,289 clean and sober today. Back to work for me. I hope everyone has an amazing day, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hell yeah Stella!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


@SoberWalker oh thatā€™s great to hear Claudia. I am so happy to hear that it went well, that you clicked and that you will continue with it. Happy Saturday to you :people_hugging:
@just_laura man that sounds frustrating as hell. The crappy scheduling and the lack of teamwork. You are handling it a lot better than I ā€¦it is ok to let management know in a non tattling way when things are not getting done or people arenā€™t pulling their weight. You canā€™t be responsible for others shortcomingsā€¦glad you were able to rant here and feel better.
@Its_me_Stella congrats on your 3rd sober holiday season. Looking forward to celebrating your 4 years in a week. Love that the obsession has been stripped from you. :hugs:
@MrFantastik yippee :clap::clap: congrats on your 3 weeks of sobriety :muscle:
@ForrestKump I do hope that today is a better day for you John. We are here if you need to talk / vent. Do reach out here or to someone in real life if these feelings stay persistent.
@Jasty2 I somehow missed your cigarettes free timeā€¦86 days is fuckin awesome Joe! Thatā€™s whatā€™s up.
@LeoLeo congrats on your 1week plus of sobriety! Love the hangover free weekend mornings. Many more to come :hugs:

Checking in on Saturday morning
Didnā€™t sleep well. I feel like I am over tired and my body just canā€™t find sleep mode. Going to get ready for work. Glad I was able to get a lot of paperwork done last night as I donā€™t think my mind is focusing well today. Oh man Iā€™m dreaming of that sweet day when I will be able to enjoy coffee again :joy:
Wishing everyone a safe and addiction free day. Remember that you are not alone. Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Thanks. I think that might be the reason for my less than chipper attitude. My apologies to everyone in advance if I come off snappy. :grin:


Lolā€¦no worries at allā€¦we have all been thereā€¦the attitude and nerves get better and stronger the more time you stack on. Here if you need to screamā€¦I do know how frustrating the beginning was.


Hey all, checking in on day 1287. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 202 AF.

Iā€™m slowly chipping away at the list of things to do before Christmas. I just got all our vegetables from the farmers market and Iā€™ve rewarded myself with a pot of rooibos tea and a couple of mini mince pies. Theyā€™re playing very festive music on the radio and Iā€™m beginning to get in the mood.
Wishing everyone an addiction free and festive day.