Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

You made it through today, despite being triggered and experiencing some bad shit. I feel you’re stronger than you think. You can do tomorrow too. And the day after. Odaat friend. You’re not alone. Big hugs🫂


Checking in sober.

Up at 4am and after a full day of travel I finally made it to my mom’s.

I’ll be asleep early tonight.



Thanks Mno. will be waking on sober 33 days :heart:


Checking in
Day 677
Todays been a day. Could be worse i guess, so trying not to complain too much. Had alot of running around to do this morning. Then came home to bake (made Nanimo bars), give my son a bath, clean up the apartment, and now i finally have the opportunity to somewhat relax. My husband went out to a work Christmas party and so its just me and my son tonight :blue_heart: I am still experiencing knee pain but i was doing a bit of research on supplments that help with joint pain. So might give one of those options a try. Plus getting back into fitness and losing some weight would sure help. I was feeling very overstimulated earlier. I really needed to isolate for a second and take a break which couldnt happen. So it was tough. But now im feeling slightly better. Im just excited for Christmas and even more excited that we are all healthy to celebrate it at home for a change :smiley: Have a great evening everyone! :butterfly:


Yeah you will!! You might feel weak but we are here to remind you that you are actually strong as hell. Dust off the day, pivot to make a new grocery plan and keep being awesome. Alcohol sucks.


Checking in on a windy old UK day.
Good day at work. I’m off now until the 3rd of January :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
I had a bit of a thought of drinking on the drive home. I’ve not really had any urges for a while, but the first night of a holiday was always an excuse to drink and ‘unwind’ . It was almost like reflex thinking, my brain remembering what it usually does.
I flexed my sober muscles though and told that idiot voice where it could go :fu:
I’ve had a lovely evening, fancy hot chocolate and a movie. Even better to know is that I’ll be waking up sober tomorrow :hugs:
Sending everyone power and positive thoughts.


Checking in on day 41. Feeling pretty good lately, but I’ve gotten way behind in here. I have had some drama and issues arise over the last week but I’m very happy to say I did not give in. I wanted to so so so so bad. Yesterday I woke up ready to get some pills. Like what?!..why?:woman_facepalming:t2: So I asked myself literally out loud why?, then I played the tape and after hours of back and forth I decided not to throw it all away for really nothing. I even went as far as to write out a message to a dealer but I deleted before I sent it. It would have made everything worse. This will be my first truly sober Christmas in my adult life. Good night sober friends!!! :heart::sleeping:


Good work @SoberMama39


I’m so proud of you! So glad you decided not to throw it away. 41 days is awesome. Wish you a very merry sober Christmas :heart:


1188 drugs and alcohol 18 gambling. Did go to the beach today and stood with my other half while she put a few quid in the fruit machines but I didn’t have a go and took the winnings while she was up and put it all in the saving pot. Still a winner :wink:


Stew sounds amazing, what is the other one you are going to make? Good deal on your 19 days!


SHE BENT HER KNEEE… I’m a proud sis :heart_eyes:


@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I hope your treatment went well :people_hugging: congrats again on your year :tada: :trophy: :star2: so glad you got through your milestone malady urges :raised_hands:t2:
@Deelzebub congrats on 200+ days :tada:
@Lola I’m glad the work xmas thing went okay :santa:
@anon68572606 I really hope you get the support you need to get through this very challenging time :people_hugging: you are doing an amazing thing for those 3 vulnerable young children 🩵
@Lotusflower congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Mno I hope therapy helped :people_hugging:🩵 Love the photo :camera_flash:
@Juli1 I’m proud of you for coming right back here 🩵 sorry about the situation that make it hard to cope :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@acromouse congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Fireweed congrats on 1900+ days :tada:
@Girlinterrupted congrats on 1300+ days :tada:


@BJM congrats on 1700 days :tada:
@Nony glad you came right back and restarted your walking :walking_woman: :man_walking: 🩵 I need to restart mine too!
@Tragicfarinelli sending strength 🩵 I hope you can get the food you need for Xmas :crossed_fingers:t2::christmas_tree:
@SoberMama proud of you for deleting the text 🩵 maybe delete the dealers number as an extra precaution. Congrats on 40+ days :tada:

1229 days no alcohol.
694 days no cocaine.
209 days no vape.

Checking-in with yesterday’s (Friday’s) numbers…

Didn’t do much on Thursday, apart from re-potting my two new baby plants, then waited in for 4 seperate deliveries.

Yesterday (Friday) would have been my Mum’s 63rd birthday, I met my brother at the cemetary in our hometown, and we took some flowers down to her grave. We’ll be going again before we go to our dad’s on Boxing Day. I am spending Xmas at home alone, but my brother invited me to their house on Xmas day early morning, to watch my niece open some of her presents, so that will be really nice.

I still need to finish the last third of my wrapping and put my mini tree and baubles up. I ordered some bright pink tinsel and that came yesterday so I did put that around the flat straight away and it makes me smile. Will try to finish up today.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@kareness Thank you so much Karen :pray: Sorry for the bad news – I do hope you are able to get a second better opinion.
@juli1 hey love way to get back on the horse! I am so sorry for the panic stricken day you had. Wish I could reach out and give you a hug and let you know that you are not alone. Nothing to be ashamed of – keep trying. It just takes that one time to mesh and take it home. We got your back! Remember you are a badass rockstar. :people_hugging:
@soberwalker How did the intake go today Claudia? Hopefully the rain held off for you. That’s a beautiful ring – thanks for sharing.
@acromouse wow – 30 day milestone is awesome – keep it up. You should be super proud of yourself.
@mindofsobermike Thanks Mike – appreciate you friend. Glad you did get something for you – to help keep you busy – to help with your mental stability :hugs:
@deelzebub Thank you Delia :hugs:
@selflove_42 oh man the sickness merry go round from kids and school. Sending healing vibes to you and your family – hope you all get better real soon.
@girlinterrupted Good to see you checking in with 1303 days of sobriety. Grateful for your sobriety!
@dazercat Hell yeah – see you checking in Eric – checking in with your third sober holiday season and so damn close to your 4th soberversary. Thank you friend – you are an inspiration! Many loving vibes your way throughout this holiday season. :heart:
@blm So lovely to see you checking in with such an awesome number – 1700 days is super awesome – should be very proud. :muscle:


@nony Great to see you back at it and congrats on your 8k+ steps. :clap:
@forrestkump wonderful job with 187 days. The holiday season can be stressful and I know that the negative thoughts can be overwhelming. We are here for you if you should need. You are not alone John. :hugs:
@tragicfarinelli grateful that you got through the triggers / cravings today. So sorry about your Christmas dinner not being delivered – that would piss me off a bit too. Grateful you were able to salvage the evening and do so sober. :hugs:
@sobermama39 Way to go with your 41 days of sobriety – excited for your first sober Christmas :heart: So grateful that you played that tape forward – I do love that tool! Keep pushing forward. :muscle:
@catmancam Thanks Cam :hugs: The treatment was awesome but very painful. I do feel like it is going to help in the long run so the pain is only temporary. Glad that you and your brother were able to visit your moms grave yesterday. Happy birthday mum :birthday: Do share your tree pics when you finish up with decorating :heart:

Checking in on Friday evening
366 days free of alcohol and weed
781 days free of cigarettes
It has been a whirlwind of a day today. Started the day with a visit with mom then ran errands. Had a dental appointment and then work which was a bit hectic. Hoping that tomorrow will be quieter. Last day of the restaurant being open for this year. I am exhausted and ready for bed. Sweet dreams my sober friends. Wishing you all an addiction free day / evening.
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hi Jasmine, the intake went fine. She asked a few questions and I started talking and didn’t stop :blush::face_with_peeking_eye:
It didn’t rain that much but the wind was heavy and there was mud everywhere. Conversation went well and we both decided to give it a go!


Good work on toughing it out and staying sober



Ugh. Work was annoying before I even got there. Not one day goes by where we don’t get a group text saying either ‘who wants the night off?’ or ‘who can come into work today?’ The schedule is never accurate to what’s going on. I don’t ever answer unless it’s ‘who wants to work?’ I will be there, at my scheduled time, no matter what. I’ve called in once in 8 years.

Wednesday, we had too many people scheduled, even after calling a couple off, and last night there weren’t enough. The other manager server who did a party alone left when it was done but didn’t do her side work after (typical). Me and 2 others were left to do everything else, which was a lot of heavy lifting. Our busser worked the next morning and said she’d finish up the few things left to do. It really wasn’t a lot.

So, I get called up to the office as soon as I walk in the door. The one who left early last night was apparently furious those small things weren’t done, even tho that busser who said she’d take care of it was there with her. Idk what happened with that. So I’m thrown under the bus bc I didn’t ‘check everybody’s work’ the night before. Then she’s talking about teamwork and helping others events, even if you weren’t scheduled for them, yet she’s the first out the door once the other managers leave. I just thought 'if we’re supposed to be a team, why didn’t you do any silverware before you left? ’ Half was from her party and it took us 45 minutes to get it all done. Of course I didn’t say anything and just agreed. There’s been many times I come into unfinished work, and you know what? I just do it. And not waste my breath. People have off days. Whatever. My old boss said I was her favorite bc I was the only one who didn’t blow up her phone telling her everything that wasn’t done by the last shift. I’d rather not waste time talking about others mistakes and get it done. That feels like teamwork to me :woman_shrugging: Idk.

Welp. Only 7 more days anyway. Gotta unwind now so I can be back there in 9 hours. Yay :unamused: Thank you all who read my rant. Felt good to get it out. Grateful for all of you in this space :heart:


Day 1454 and I’m still clean. Third holiday for me too twinnie!!! @Dazercat

I think its finally gone. I think the obsession finally left my building. The obsession wasnt stripped from me like I hear it was from others. It was made tolerable at around 9 months and thoughts were lessened as the years went by. Its been about 3 weeks now since I have thought about substances. Thats the longest I have ever gone in my life.

I am 7 days away from 4 years clean.

We do recover.
