Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Hey all, checking in on day 1324. I hope everybody has a good one!


136 days af!
Rolling right along


9 months weed and alcohol free :muscle:

What a way to wake up and celebrate my time clean than day 1 of workout and sugar free :face_exhaling:
Blessings to y’all 🫶🏻🫶🏻✨


Day 29
Waking up alert and motivated feels good on a Monday. No drinking needed


Day 12! Yesterday would have been a prime day for the old me to drink. I did not. Still had trouble falling asleep and woke a lot but stayed sober. One day at a time indeed. At the start of December I got to 14 days then gave up. Remaining vigilant this time.


@hollieberry great to see you checking in and with 500 days Holly!!! Woot Woot! Keep that awesome streak alive :muscle:
@acromouse deep breathes my friend- hope it went smoothly for you today. Hopefully the electrician is good enough to know which line is which :crossed_fingers:
@tryingthisagain WOW – even more impressive that you are working through your stresses and terrible life events in early sobriety. This is a huge accomplishment and I hope you recognize it as such. 24 days and going strong :muscle:
@happyfeet There it is! 6 months of being addiction free! Appreciate your check in’s :heart:

@leroy Way to go with quitting cigs too - i know it is not easy. You should join us on the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) thread. I found that when i was truly ready to quit the cigarettes this hypnosis app from Surf City Apps! really helped! Quit Smoking Hypnosis | Surf City Apps . Along with nicotine gum. Sending you strength in continuing down your addiction free path.
@Rockstar24777 Hey Robbie – feel like I haven’t seen a check in for a while – hope you are well…
@hopeful32 12 days and staying vigilant is a awesome way to start off a week. We will have some rough days/ nights. I know it takes time for our bodies to adjust to sober living too. Just keep doing your best and working on ODAAT – it does get easier and you will be happier / healthier in the end. :hugs:

Checking in on Monday morning.
managed to get up early and ready for the day. I did not sleep much last night as the pain was intense and kept waking me up. grateful for coffee and it’s magical powers LOL. Getting ready to go to my pre operation appointment (not sure why its like a month before the actual operation). Oh well - got me up and moving. Hoping the sun comes out today - been a few days of the doom and gloom weather (i don’t mind it but enough is enough).
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Great job xx


Good luck today on pre operation. What are you operating? Maybe you said already, but only air, dust and cotton in my head latley :woozy_face: :see_no_evil:

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Thanks love … operation is like 4 weeks away. Having an ovary and my tubes removed due to a large cyst.
Appreciate the luck :people_hugging:


Ohh yes, I remeber you mentioned it. Hope it will be all good :grinning::grinning:


Checking in on day 201. :heart:


Day 24. Yah


Happy sober Monday. Day 104 on this warm (30F) Chicagoland morning. First day back to work in person after being quarantined from the Rona.


Okei, sober strokealarm. Or anxiety. Least convenient time.


Day 57 alcohol free AF
I am happy to be sober. Life is good even when it’s tough :heart:


Ah shit. After years of anxiety I still think I’ll die of a heartattack when I get a tight chest, dizzy and a pounding heart… Hope you’ll get rid of that fucked up feeling soon! :people_hugging:


264 no alcohol
185 no ciggs or vapes
1 full day no form of marijuanna

Still kinda sad i messed up my marijuanna streak. But atleast its over and i can start my streak again. It was 0%thc and only cbd but still broke my goal


I’m struggling to understand the CBD issue, as I’ve seen many state similar to yours.
There is no active thc ingredient in it so no ability to have affects of mental issues from drugs. They help stress, pain, joint issue, sleep disorders.

I don’t take the stuff myself but have many friends that do and even friends in the military that are prescribed it.

Not asking to be cheeky in anyway, just trying to understand the issue that exists as it’s a natural substance which seems better to take than pharmaceutical pills if the option was between the two.



Day 76. Girls went home around 4 o’clock yesterday, and I just ended up kinda relaxing. Was nice to cook myself a dinner, made some home made french fries, and a mushroom Swiss burger. It was delicious, and then I hung out with my mom and step dad until about 6 o’clock and from there I just went up stairs and kinda relaxed, had a hard time falling asleep I was up until about 5, but didn’t sleep all day so that was good. I woke up at 12 and now I’m just waiting for my girls to come home. Tonight I’ll probably head over to hit a meeting here, and yeah other than that things are going pretty good. No cravings or burning desires while being here in town. Feeling pretty strong in that area right now which is good. So yeah much love talk to you all later


I was wondering the same, but I can understand if somebody doesn’t want to be dependent on any substance as I heard some eventually have a hard time sleeping without it. But I don’t know if that’s true… Would love to hear what your thought are on the subject @Noshame