Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

@mrfantastik Way to go with your 2 months Marty! Grateful to see you doing so well on your sober journey – keep tallying up those days :muscle:
@lastry I do hope that you are able to stay clear of that chest infection – does not sound like a fun time. Sending you healing vibes and loads of energy. I do know how intense the fatigue can be. :hugs:
@soberwalker So grateful that you were able to see the triggers and were able to openly discuss with your husband. This is huge for the both of you and a big step in recovery. Love the quote too :heart:
@timetochange Think it should be 221 friend – may have jipped yourself of 20 days :hugs: Hope your hectic day goes smoothly.
@seizetheday Great work on your 1 month milestone Hannah! This is awesome work. Keep going strong :muscle: Love the attitude :heart:
@jp123 I am so very sorry love – anything you want to talk about? DO you have a in real life support group of some sort? Do know that you are not alone love. Sending you love and positive vibes and hoping that you find some love for yourself today :heart:
@hopeful32 YEAH 2 weeks in a matter of hours – that is awesome work! Keep this amazing momentum going :muscle:

Checking in on Wednesday morning
I feel fairly good considering my sleep is shit. I do have the comfort of my hot cup of coffee, a peaceful quiet morning with a lovely snow covered view. Going to not plan too much for today and take it moment by moment. Hopefully will be a productive day. I do feel lighter emotionally today so that is always a great start. Off to make things happen :wink:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 78. Yesterday evening was good, girls got to stay the night again. I asked my ex if we could switch weekends if the hospital doesn’t have it right and she said yes. So that was nice of her, girls picked out school outfits and off to bed around 9. We woke up and everything was pretty good, autumn was putting on makeup and my mom snapped at her about something, so autumn started crying and my mom doesn’t try to see her point of view she just start snapping more about it. I said mom stop snapping and arguing back and forth with her to which my mom got up and stomped her feet away. I just stayed calm and had autumn come over to me and tried to calm her down and help her understand some things and also understand her feelings. Idk redirecting those moments are not easy, but I do know my mom needs to figure out a different solution besides snapping. I get my mom is tired and is helping the best she can but snapping at 7 in the morning before these girls have to go to school for 7 hours isn’t the answer to a successful day. But with time things will hopefully get better. Idk much love everyone have a wonderful Weds


Such a good dad !!


Congratulations on 60 days! Enjoy the sober hangover free days.



Thanks @JazzyS and @SoberWalker. It got better as the day went on. Then poor Hubster said he didn’t feel well right before he went off to work. Thats definitely not like him at all so I felt less of a hypochondriac and realised that I no longer feel unwell at all!

Great day at work, and time to relax and knit while I carry on with my True Detective marathon. Have a great evening all.


Made it to 28 days. It hasn’t been easy and today has definitely been sent to try me! Anyway, onwards and upwards. Well done to everyone xx


Thank you. I really appreciate that


Congrats Happy… So glad to be by your side


Day 59
I had a long work day and am still not finished, so have to do some more work before going to bed, ugh… :unamused: Thankfully my weekend starts tomorrow at 4pm.
Didnt have the time to read here today and that feels a bit uncomfortable, but tomorrow’s another day. Have a good one y’all! :v:


Almost to 80 days. Nothing much to report. Im grateful for this place and all of you who share your lives so I can learn and be inspired to continue this sober journey. I have been so cool, calm and collected, I literally asked my husband who am I these days. :joy::grin: Forgiveness and learning to let go have been my downfall my whole adult life. I’m happy to report I am becoming much more compassionate and understanding of others as I am showing the same to myself. Have a winning Wednesday sober friends!!! :heart:


9 days weed free. Didnt gamble yesterday. 2003 days alcohol free.


Day 227. I’ve been checking in less frequently. Still sober tho.

I hope everyone is having a great day.


Day 717
Today is going fairly well. I went to the gym this morning for a leg workout and a little cardio. Excited for tomorrow… I get to see my results from the Body Scan Im getting done at the gym. Came home to tidy up. Got an email that my sons overnight care will be changed up for February. Our FT and PT nurses will be taking vacation and so there are many shifts needing to be filled. We are going to be having a training shift for a new nurse fairly soon. I am praying she works out so that she is able to take some of these open shifts. I may have to do some too, idk yet. Hopefully not. But it is what it is. I will be better prepared this time around if I have to do some shifts. Not much else going on. Just taking it easy today :relieved:


@acromouse thank you :blush: 🩵 congrats on 70 days no sugar, no binge :tada::tada: I really hope you feel better soon, nausea is awful :people_hugging:
@Mischa84 congrats on 7 months :tada: I hope your children get well soon 🩵
@Chevy55 sending strength 🩵
@Ofmiceandroach sending strength to you too 🩵
@tifflynn07 congrats on your month :tada: vent any time you need :people_hugging:🩵
@SolarEclipse congrats on your month too :tada:
@JP123 congrats on 3 weeks :tada: and the little victories :raised_hands:t2: sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I hope your sleep improves :people_hugging: sorry the green dye didn’t take, did you lift/bleach first?
@Catmama23 I hope your skin settles down :people_hugging: sorry about the anxiety spirals and brain fog, I hope they both settle down asap too 🩵
@Naomi that all sounds amazing :star_struck: enjoy if you do decide to go :sun_with_face: :parasol_on_ground: :thailand:


@Pamela sending strength 🩵 congrats on double digits :tada:
@ShyBert congrats on your month :tada:
@Milele sorry you were bullied in school :people_hugging: it really can have a profound effect, I know it has for me, and I can relate to your share. I hope you managed to get some sleep :sleeping: 🩵
@FinallyTime welcome back :blush: congrats on 12 days :tada:
@Trixie1 congrats on reaching out :clap:t2: :tada: I hope you got through any temptation.
@KrissyMae welcome back :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Michelle welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on :100: + days :tada:
@Happy_Trails that’s good news :blush: :raised_hands:t2: 🩵 congrats on 30 days :tada:
@MrFantastik congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Lastry I hope your fatgiue lifts and you feel better soon 🩵


@Seizetheday congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Hopeful32 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman I really hope this new nurse works out for you :crossed_fingers:t2:

1269 days no alcohol.
734 days no cocaine.
249 days no vape.
14 days no binge-eating.

Yesterday I caught-up here. Sorted all my meds out for the week. Did my morning routine. Went to the supermarket for the rest of my Dad’s birthday presents.

This afternoon I attended an online course called ‘Identifying Identity’, after the initial issue with not being let in, I actually enjoyed this one. The second part is next week.

The cravings to binge are so intense. I start to believe the voice that tells me it’s what I want, but I know that I don’t want to reset my timer even more.



To an amazing sober family here supporting each other


138 days af
And I greatly appreciate all the supportive ideas for my trip
Thank you :heart:


Day 1138,

Not to bad, do my things. But re-integration project with my re-integration coach goes mwa. Thoughts about buying a backpack, fill it up, empty the little amount on my back account, go to the train station, hop on a train and come back when I feel like it :thinking: