Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Day 331

Long and tiring day. Going to bed sober - as soon as possible :sleeping:
Like now!


Day 487

Today I went to a meeting where our bosses inform us about news, and one of them even had his 10 year anniversary.
I was very pleased to see that they only offered alcohol free drinks :blush: One of my collegues made delicious vegan and vegetarian food.

In the past I avoided those meetings like the plaque. Standing alone somewhere in that room with noone to talk to? Awkward! What will others think of me? What if I get a panic attack?

Iā€™m honest, I wasnā€™t feeling well today. I didnā€™t sleep enough and I didnā€™t drink enough water. My mind tried to convince me to cancel the meeting because that would be safe.
I went there anyway. Because the only way to get better is to do it! To tell my body that itā€™s safe.

I even went to some of them and started to talk to them. And it was no big deal! I had a snack and went home. It was nice :blush:

Itā€™s very late again lol, Iā€™ll hate myself tomorrow morning :grin:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


Day 35 and doing ok, I guess not having a social life has itā€™s advantages. Pleased that despite the alcohol in the house Iā€™ve been strong. Following @JazzyS advice and doing one day at a time.

Iā€™m so grateful this community is here.


Iā€™m in Louisville Kentucky too!!! :hugs::hugs: whoa :exploding_head: hi sober neighbor!


35 days free of alcohol
29 days free of THC


I am accountable for my sobriety!


@happy_trails There it is! Congrats on your 30 days. Keep going strong :muscle:
@lastry Glad you are doing better Fiona. Hope you enjoyed your day of knitting and True Detective :heart: Sounds like a lovely day
@sazlou Look at you go with 28 days under your belt! Sorry that today has been trying. How are you doing now?
@naomi you are doing great my friend ā€“ I know some days just get too busy. As long as you keep your needs in the forefront and your addictions far away then you have won. I hope you have a wonderful evening and looking forward to celebrating your 2 months with you tomorrow :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman I do hope this new nurse works out and is able to step in for the most if not all of the open shifts. :pray:
@catmancam thanks Cam! I donā€™t bleach or lighten the hair prior to dying. I know the results can be less but I do get dye made for darker hair so that I am able to see some color (especially in the sun). This dye did not show any color ā€“ it did not even add a tint to my greyā€™s. I wonā€™t give up my searchā€¦ I know it took me a long time to find the perfect purple and red dyes LOL. Congrats on your 2 weeks of no binge-eating! Donā€™t listen to the cravings friend ā€“ you are doing an impressive job :hugs:
@sabrina80 great to see you checking in friend. Glad you stepped out of your comfort zone and attended the meeting. Glad you were pleased.
@violagirl Thatā€™s awesome friend ā€“ glad you are staying strong with 35 days under your belt! WE are all here for you too :people_hugging:


I seem to be in a rinse repeat stage, perhaps itā€™s the winter cold and being semi retired.
Been hitting the gym (basement) 2-2.5 hours per day for past couple + weeks, and enjoying that immensely, but then I mostly sit on phone either here or other social media platforms.
Need some warmer weather.
My wife and I booked a condo in Mexico for 18 days in March, but our dog sitter bailed and unfortunately one of my dogs canā€™t be trusted around just anyone (he has massive anxiety and bites, mostly me 3 times) but a couple others to point he gets put away when people are here)ā€¦ anyway, I bailed on trip so my wife could still go and sheā€™s being joined by a coupe of her girl friends from BC.

But doing well, sleeping better, brain has calmed down immensely at night and digging the workouts and slow weight loss. Digging 26 days sober and looking forward to beginning another month sober.

Nicer weather will be here soon and Iā€™ll have tons to keep me busy, till then perhaps pull out a few LEGO sets I have awaiting to be put together and read a bit moreā€¦

Love this group of people. Your stories (good and struggles) all inspire me and help me stay on track, so thank you so much :blush:


That one day in sobriety when nothing huge happenedā€¦just a normal day that when you look back over makes you realise that your life has started to become about something other than your addiction, thank you day 520


@JazzyS thank you for your message. Iā€™m doing OK now. Bed time here for me. Tomorrow is a new day. Keep smiling :smiley: x


My most dear friend @JazzyS I am in day 5. Last relapses put me really doen and discouraged but thanks to God I started again to try and here I am with 5 days sober although I am not doing well with food. Jasmine, you must know that you are one of the reasons that helped me to want to try again and be accountable here


Hey sweet friend - so very good to hear from you Thomas :hugs:
Grateful that you are here with us on the sober path with 5 days! I am sorry for the struggles with food. Just take it one day at a time love. Remember that you are not alone in this - please reach out when you are having issues.

I know food is one of your battles. Sometimes we canā€™t fight all our battles at once. Find the strength to keep sober and with enough days you can then concentrate on the next battle.

Keep connected Thomas :people_hugging:


Thanks! I was so blah after work yesterday this was the only place that brought me joy! Its 119 days i was too frustrated to even in that moment :joy: i got to work from home today so it was much more pleasant and zero cravings! Congrats on your time you are rocking that shit :heart_eyes::100::heart:


Checking in sober.
I will catch up soon on all my favourite threads but Iā€™ve had a flair up of symptoms and barely functioning. Iā€™m sober, but recovery has taken a backseat. I will be back at it soon.
Love to all you amazing sober warriors :fist:


Thanks for your support :two_hearts:

Iā€™m definitely learning that the things I donā€™t wanna do are probably the things I should be doing! It is nice to be comforted by the fact that Iā€™m not alone in this struggle and many of us face similar ā€œdemonsā€ letā€™s call them on a daily basis. Some chose to acknowledge them and some chose to ignore them. Iā€™m chosing to acknowledge them and move forward with a bit more mindfulness and grace. I wrote a sticky note on my work laptop to remind me of this sentiment. Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t always be easy and there will a helluva lot of challenges but I do feel strong enough to face them today and thatā€™s all that matters.


Congrats on 28 days!! Thatā€™s huge :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Hello neighbor! What a small world!:star2::star2::star2:


Oh i am so very sorry Kiki! Sending you healing energy ā€“ do hope that you start feeling better soon. I do know how exhausting it can be when everything flairs up. Much love dear friend :hugs:


i love this. I too have sticky notes all over the home and car with affirmations and reasons for my sobriety. We gotta find whatever that works for us. I totally agree that we should feel through our urges and feelings so that we become stronger and it is easier to deal with when they arise again.


Day 717
Im tired :tired_face: Its been a looong day and im craving to do some self care. Ill be able to do that shortly, once my son is asleep. I caught myself kind of glorifying my old drug use today and ended up getting a craving for my DOC. Had to do the usual things to remind me that Im not missing out on anything good. Eating has been hard today. I havent fallen off track but the urge to binge is there. So the sooner I can get to sleep the better. Sometimes i wish i could just go to bed early so that i didnt have to fight urges to binge (evenings are my worst time). But i gotta stay up until my sons nurse arrives. Tomorrow is a busy day and I want to get some good rest. Hope everyone is doing well today! Hugs :people_hugging:


I just checked out their website. I think you may have just hooked me on Overnight Oats.

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