Checking in daily to maintain focus #62


Started my pc before doing my journal. Not wise. It took me three times as long to finish journalling. I did learn how nice it is to have just the journal to occupy my mind, and not be distracted by all that goes on elsewhere as seen though my computer screen and keyboard.

Anyhow, one day off. Easy mode on today. Not much plans but some ideas. Might go to the cinema today. Will keep you posted. No drinking or drugging will be involved. That’s for sure. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Pic is from Istanbul, 2009, one of the trips I did with my mum. Some memories resurfaced. X


Still here still sober I was thinking last week why don’t I just drink once a year on newyears eve like a reward for going sober the full year and that can be my thing but that’s my alcoholic brain trying to work its way back in hope every is well


Congratulations on your 34 days @Hidden and I’m so happy for you that you had such a beautiful day with your son. It’s sounds perfect to me and the scenery is simply stunning :heart_eyes:
Have an amazing day 35 my sober friend.


I did a long walk yesterday and your picture reminded me so much of the one I took.
I just had to share it with you.

Have a lovely sober day Claudia


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 66. Still in a major funk, just trying to work my way thru it. On a brighter note, my dog is getting her stitches out today, they took the drains out of her head last week and the stitch removal is supposed to be the last step in her recovery process so I’m excited for that. I hope everyone has the most amazing day.
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Thank u for that. So important. Last time I caved in it started off with ‘just one’ and then took me three years to stop!

Today listening to


The ocean side kept blown down. But the other side, wooohoo, what a ton of snow. Drifts like a meter and a half high. It was a stay home, shovel and drink hot chocolate weekend.
**View off deck


Thank you very much!

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Day 387.

Happy Monday, my sober friends. Just checking in. Love ya guys. :heart:


That’s incredible so pretty :heart_eyes:


Day 83. Quick check in, first day of work. Here till 4. Much love everyone have a good Monday


Thats how the story of my life rolls…

Happy to see you had a great day, hope for a wonderfull monday aswell :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Hey all, checking in on day 1331. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good morning all!
I am going to head to the Y to do aqua fit, then off to an AA meeting. May do a bit of shopping after. My husband has been busy with his woodworking out in the garage. So shopping better than sitting on the couch! Have a great day everyone! :star2::star2:


Day 111 ooooo a palindrome haha. Have an awesome sober day my friends!!


@trustybird OOH I know the dreams are bad enough but being able to taste the wine. I would be in trouble. I am grateful that you were able to play the tape forward and use your tools in your dreams. Shows that even in your subconscious you are living for sobriety. :pray:
@scorpn Thank you friend :hugs: I do hope you feel well rested this week and things work out for your daughters on line school.
@dmcg1987 Oh my that addictive brain is tricky. Just letting you think that the New Year’s drink would be a “reward” will open the doors for anytime you do something reward worthy. Such a slippery slope and I know I’ve fallen for it way too many times. Great job for realizing the lies and sticking to your sobriety.
@iamthechange Sending positive healing energy your way friend – wishing all goes well today with the removal of the stiches and the recovery process
@chevy55 Oh what a lovely view – thanks for sharing. Grateful you were able to stay safe and warm.
@wakikki thanks friend – hope you are feeling better today :pray:

Checking in on Monday morning
A crappy night sleep. I need to call the dentist and get this mouth splint fixed. It was working great up until a few nights ago. now it has caused bruising and cuts on the inside of my upper lip and my lower jaw is very sore. Have my consult with the surgeon this morning and then a consult for my mom. Grateful to start it relaxing with a cup of coffee.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hey hey hey! I know it’s been awhile my friends! How’s everyone doing? Well, today’s my big day… one year clean and sober! I did it… I fucking did it!!! Not one relapse after a five plus year addiction. I overcame so much in one year and also accomplished so much. Got my license back after 19 years of not having them. Got my own vehicle. Moved to another city. Met my daughter for the first time. Adopted an amazing doggo who is now my best friend. We go everywhere together so I guess it’s safe to say she’s my service animal. I’m blown back by just how much life has changed for the better. So many of you helped me in the beginning when I was questioning everything and everyone. I just want to whole heartedly thank you all. Seeing your stories and accomplishments fueled me to want to keep going and do better. Going to get a sobriety tattoo today to remind me of just how important this date is and how important it is to keep it going! I know I haven’t been on this app much but that’s because my life is BUSY busy right now. Please just know I am aware of how important this app is and was to my sobriety. Here’s to another year, a great year! ODAAT!!! Peace and love to you all!!!


Oh Billy…i have tears in my eyes reading this…im beyond happy for you :heart::pray:


So good to see you Billy!!! Omg- 1 year sober is amazing friend.
So happy to hear all the positive changes that have occurred in this 1 year for you. So many more to come my friend.

A tattoo? Love it- please do share a pic with us when it’s completed.

Much love to you - grateful to be on this journey with you :people_hugging:


Congratulations on such an amazing milestone and life turn around.
You are now living the life of inspirational story for others to aspire too. Very well done!