Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Checking in after a productive and relaxing weekend. Went bowling Friday evening - something new i started about a year ago to get myself out of the house and make some new friends. Saturday i went and test drove a bunch of vehicles. Its time to get rid of my Jeep. The warranty is up and it’s costing me money constantly getting little things fixed. Now, i have to decide what i want. I thought I’d narrow it down, but i liked several models. Im not in a rush, so i have time to do some research. I also baked and decorated a batch of cupcakes for my mom to take to her church luncheon. Today, i didn’t leave the house. I started cleaning and doing laundry and got a little carried away. I cleaned furniture, rugs, floors, you name it. Then i did my nails because i trashed them cleaning. Winding down now and planning for a busy week at work. I’m grateful for another sober weekend and knowing I’ll wake up hangover free tomorrow. Thank you all for welcoming me.


Checking in on 968 days af


Way to go Charlie — 1 + month is amazing friend. Great to see you checking in! :tada: :clap: :muscle:

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Day 2608. I’ve been busy but wanted to check in. Things are going well. I am in a good place. I just keep plugging away at things. My twins have just started their 2nd semester so it’s too early to worry about grades, lol. My daughter went to her first school dance last night and wore a pink dress. She looked cute. The three cats keep me company when the teens are holed up in their rooms, which is all the time lol.



Checking in before bed. Tired, boring day. Goodnight :heart:


Day 718 check in. I had a relapse dream last night involving red wine. I could taste it and I’m grateful I woke up panicked but sober. I played the tape through inside my dream and felt the hangover too. I’m not sure if I am proud of myself for using my tools in my dream or if I am concerned that I dreamt about wine. Day off and I made it out for dinner and the movie American Fiction with my husband. That is all I have the energy for today.


Day 841 AF

Hey, gang.

I hope everyone’s doing well.

We’re finally at the tail end of this sickness. I’m ready to go back on my walks and start exercising. I’m tired of being inside the apartment all day. Remote gigs ain’t for everyone.

I started watching Loudermilk. I didn’t know Will Sasso was in it, lol. I grew up watching that dude on Mad TV. The good ol’ days.

Well, it’s back to the grind tomorrow.

Keep up the good work, y’all. We’re killing it.

Goodnite! Take care.


I couldn’t fall asleep until almost 5 this morning. But I did eventually fall asleep. I’m glad you had a nice day! You deserve it :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Thank you, yes saturday february 3th was “the” day :blush: But celebrate it next wednesday. Saturday I had to work and was too busy.

And also thank you @happyfeet , I kept it quit so no worries :hugs:


Checking in right quick before heading to bed.

Today marks 313 days clean and sober :pray::latin_cross::slightly_smiling_face:

So happy and proud of myself to be on this amazing journey. ODAAT!!!

G’nite and God Bless!!!


End of Day 34:

Really good day today. Slept better last night, which felt so good. Got up and had a delicious breakfast and two mugs of coffee to get me going. My son came over and we went fly fishing, beautiful day on the river, just not a lot of fish, but it’s all about the time with him and being out in nature.

Got home and tried to burn my house down making dinner. My son loves rice-a-roni so i started browning the rice. Ran out to start the bbq for the pork chops and spent a little too much time outside. Came back in and the pan was billowing smoke. Pulled it off just in time, just a little flame, luckily i had another box of rice!:rofl:

Pork chops turned out great. Good dinner with my son. Took him to get his new stereo installed in his 4-runner, it was his xmas present. Then home for a good 45 minute Peloton ride, a good stretch session, shower and now in bed.

Today would have never happened if i wasn’t sober. Grateful!

Pic of my son on the river today.


Happy Birthday @SoberWalker
Celebration continuing!
I think it’s a new decade for you … best wishes for it to be your best!!’
Big hugs



*Day 1965 :walking_woman:
Had a short 1 day weekend :hugs:
Went to the cinema yesterday, but what a strange movie it was! Didn’t like it at all. Well made I guess, but not my type of movie. I waited the whole time if something happened, a big bang, but it wasn’t.

Had the plan to walk but didn’t. Couldn’t find motivation for it :hugs: So this picture is a few days old.

Today? Work.
Looking forward to tomorrow, the final so last tattoo session for the messed up tattoo of 2 years ago. Bought a little present for the shop owner who took care of it and all on his cost. But it took 2 whole years of laser, waiting and some new ink. But this summer I can show my arm again :sweat_smile: I hide it for 2 summers!
Glad I went trough all of this sober, I know I would have drank even more to get trough this if I did so.
Have a good start of your week! :raising_hand_woman:


Thank you! A walker gif, that’s cool! :blush:


Day 483

Just checking in. Alarms going off in a few hours.


75 no sugar, no binge
31 UPFs

Yesterday I had a very relaxing day and was hoping for a good night’s sleep. Well… Turns out something triggered my histamine intolerance and the night was exhausting. I’m not giving up and now having high hopes for tonight :wink:
One night at a time :sleeping:

Funny thing how the idea to reach for some addictive behaviour to deal with a bad night hasn’t even crossed my mind. I’m not even really too upset. Even keel, smooth sailing :sailboat:. You people seem to have a strange influence on me :grin::people_hugging:

Today starts a new group in my Creative Computing Class. I’m very much looking forward to new kids, new ideas, and as kids go: new shenanigans :rofl:.

Also yoga, nice stormy weather, and lots of other stuff to enjoy :blush:

Wishing you wonderful beings here and everywhere a day of joy, light, peace and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::candle::dove:


Checking in on day 463 alcohol free.

Heading to the office in a wet and wild West of Scotland.

Have a great Monday everyone.


You’re very kind @JazzyS. Thank you.:pray:


65 days in the bank

Finished work, took the kids to school then went to the gym.

Came home relaxed for a bit, finished a film I started yesterday, got some groceries, picked up kids from school, took them to the gym, home for dinner, homework, kids to bed, layed down and listened to some music with them for a bit.

Wifes home. Camomile tea on the couch.
Days done.


Day 226. Short day today. 8_3.30pm

Had to work on Friday which is a non work day for me… Had a good weekend, went to Porthcurno… But I was tempted to have a beer. Quiet voice saying one would be OK

I didn’t
Thankfully. Have to be aware that temptation is always close. Some times it’s closer than other occasions.