Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Thanks love – agreed that they SUCK and i will keep on trucking :wink: – appreciate you :pray:


I havent seen a dr about it but if it persists (right now it comes and goes) than I will.

Im so so proud of u Jasmine! Sounds like today was super tough but u worked thru it and pushed past those urges and ull get thru today sober :slight_smile: hugs!

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@Rob11 congrats on all the 1s :tada:
@Dilettante congrats on the good appraisal :tada: sending strength as you navigate things with your daughter 🩵
@Trixie1 congrats on all the 1s :tada: (113 now) sending strength to help with the post-holiday blues :people_hugging:🩵
@Butterflymoonwoman it would be a shame not to see you around here anymore, but if you do leave, remember you can have your account anonymized so people can still benefit from what you’ve shared, and you can still reflect back etc, rather than deleting everything. 🩵
@Tragicfarinelli sending wishes for a better opportunity for you :sparkles::crossed_fingers:t2:I love that the kittens are bringing you joy :smiley_cat::smiley_cat: congrats also on double digits :tada:
@acromouse I hope your shoulders feel better soon :people_hugging: sending strength to ride out the hormonal dive, and your cousin’s visit, without bingeing 🩵
@JazzyS sorry you’ve been struggling emotionally :people_hugging: proud of you for prioitising self-care :clap:t2: sending strength and love 🩵
@SoberWalker sorry about the dream, I know they can be disturbing :people_hugging:🩵
@leroy sorry about your nightmare, it sounds horrifying :people_hugging:🩵
@Noshame congrats on double digits for no weed :tada:


@Jimz welcome back :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@zzz great share :blush: I’m glad you feel proud, I’m proud of you too 🩵
@LeoLeo congrats on 3 weeks :tada: I hope you feel better after your hike 🩵
@Mindofsobermike don’t spend too much of your energy worrying about the staff that aren’t engaging with you, easier said than done I know, but social anxiety is exhausting enough without the added worry of situations like that. Sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Nate2 congrats on 80 days :tada:
@Nordique congrats on 1300 days :tada:
@MooseTracks congrats on 16 months :tada:
@Catmama23 really hoping the right opportunity comes along and at the right time for you :crossed_fingers:t2::sparkles:
@Rockstar24777 feel better soon 🩵
@J_Lo_Ste sorry for your loss :mending_heart::people_hugging: congrats on 22+ years :tada::trophy::star2:


@Riley_1 congrats on the new job :tada: and for 5 days :tada:
@Chosen2001 I’m glad you came here to vent and share about it, I can sense your frustration and I just hope you managed to walk away. :people_hugging:
@SGC1522 congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Frank68 congrats on 80 days :tada:
@wahtisnormal congrats on your new PB :tada: that Thailand trip sounds intense so I can see why you’re motivated, how exciting! I’m sorry about the loss of your partner :mending_heart::people_hugging:
@Monkey welcome :blush: congrats on your sober time :tada:
@Lastry congrats on double digits :tada: just seen your update, I’m so sorry for what you are going through, there are no words :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Violagirl congrats on double digits :tada:
@Charlie_C welcome back :people_hugging::blush: sending strength 🩵 congrats on day 2 :tada:

1244 days no alcohol.
709 days no cocaine.
224 days no vape.

It started off well yesterday, I got to my appointment on time, had my blood tests and testosterone shot.

Then, I was reminded by my phone, that both cats were at the groomers at 2pm. So that changed the plan dramatically (abort de-cluttering mission!). It was so hard to capture my poor babies, Prince is the most gentle loving soul but he was so scared he was hissing and spitting at me, because I had to get access to him by moving furniture and therefore his safe spaces were violated. Wolfie was a nightmare to catch too, because he just kept running around my big chair (which is too heavy to move) but I got him eventually. They were both very well behaved for the groomer of course, and we were all home in peace within an hour. Prince only came through to see me once the remainder of yesterday, (he’s usually by my side most of the day), he also hissed at Wolfie at dinner time then refused to eat. I had hoped once we’d all slept on it, he’d have forgiven me. It seems so today, but he’s still hissing at Wolfie like he’s a stranger, despite the groomer using the same spray on them both. Wolfie seems really happy bless him, it must feel good for the extra few cats’ worth of hair to be off him and the clumps of matting that he gets gone, he seems to be thankful rather than angry with me. They did eat together fine this morning, but that was before Prince had chance to sniff him. Dinner time this evening was another fail, but they’ll be fine in a few days.

I woke up naturally fairly early today, did my morning routine and got ready to attend the online the Survivors support group, sat there waiting to be let in for 15mins, then realised it is not the 2nd Saturday of the month yet, :man_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile: so I spent a few hours catching-up here instead, then there was a Pokémon event so I played that, then I’ve finished catching-up here.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Thank you @Butterflymoonwoman and @CATMANCAM
It’s a much better day.
Absolutely love this site and all of you :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:

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Hi friends, am now 10 days free of alcohol and 4 days free of THC. I am so grateful to be here. I have a special place I go to in one of my daily meditations, a safe place to process grief. This probably sounds strange but I meet my cat Smokey there and his soul is represented in lion form. The other day another lion walked out of the forest to me and I realized it was the soul of my other cat Pookie who was with me 10 years and passed in 2018. That was actually an experience that made me believe in a higher plane. When we took him to the vet for his final moments, he briefly got his energy back to say goodbye. He looked at me and then licked my hand, which was not a common thing for him to do. He knew it was time and he was saying goodbye. Anyway I realized I still have a lot of grief to process from that. I cry every day and it’s hard but I feel lighter the rest of the day. I am starting to feel exhausted so I have to remember it’s still very early and I need to protect my energy.

Wishing everyone good day :lion: keep going! Thank you @JazzyS and @CATMANCAM for your kind words :orange_heart:


Let me second that!!! Narcissistic people can FRO. I’ll put on the FRO thread in fact. Hang in there @JazzyS . So impressive that you are able to be true to yourself and take such good care of yourself, especially in trying situations. :muscle:t3::two_hearts:


Day 196. Second check in.

Went to see wonka and just loved it… Spent the evening listening to music, primal scream, stone roses… That kind of thing. In bed by 9, not v exciting but I’m sober and not being a complete pillock :slight_smile: so that’s a bonus :grinning:


I’m not having the best of days recently, but I’ll be putting my head on the pillow now knowing tomorrow morning it’ll be 10 months and 1 day


Thank you Patricia! You are so sweet - i am so grateful that i had this place (all you wonderful souls) and so many threads to help me through this.
Life and people around us will continue to test us and trigger us - we have to learn how to not go back to our old coping ways.

I am grateful that i took a hot shower and cooked a delicious meal - now think i may crawl into bed (gratefully cleaned the sheets today so about to be heaven LOL).



Officially 6 days sober and 4 days on forum!!
Love reading everyones stories its very motivating i must say!:heart_hands: I the last 6 days i have
accomplished a few things and thinking of a few other things to keep me busy. So I decided to fill out volunteer forms in my community for starters, signed up to a gym more for doing yoga,zumba,bikes! Also last but not least get back into a sadly lost hobby i miss doing which is building large puzzles… little bit of a back story i once was on a sober streak for a period of time and i was literally halfway through a 5,000 piece puzzle and somwhere in the middle of the build i somewhere fell off track and i picked up a drink and started drinking again and didnt touch the puzzle much for a couple weeks after that just cause i lost interest and harder to focus, anyway off course this doesn’t end well… one night me and my partner got into and argument and i was obviously drunk and being a bit belligerent and he got angry at me and swipped it on the floor :sob: i did deserve it for my behavior but all my hard work gone in a flash litterly the next day i was so angry at myself and wished i could go back to the sober days sitting around building it peacfully while watching my shows… but i havnt looked at a puzzle since and its been a year since i have even wanted to think about starting another but knowing it helped me so much before to keep me focused and love the challenge i cant help but to think i should start another??..sorry its a bit long, xoxo :sparkling_heart:


18 slow but well worth days for an all sober future.


Day 689 and its a long awaited day off. I threw my back out a few weeks ago and scheduled a 90 minute deep tissue massage for today when I was creaky and couldn’t rotate my shoulder. As today got closer I was nervous but now I am very grateful I went. I am a fairly touch averse person in general and this released a lot of things for me. At times I laughed due to being uncomfortable and at one point I cried when a knot was released.

While chatting with my masseuse we had honest conversations about life and at one point “I’m sober” popped out of my mouth and a good conversation followed. I never tell people in my real life that so honestly.

Connections with people that aren’t based around alcohol or me being impaired to be comfortable are getting easier. Life is good today. Now for a nap and then some food decisions. Stay sober folks. Life gets better.


Congratulations @Louloubelle on 6 months that’s awesome! :sparkling_heart:


I’m so sorry to hear about your mum.
Staying sober through this, although it’s hard not to numb the feelings, it’s best to have your wits about you to face and deal with everything with a clear head.
I hope you guys have some support at home for your mum, some palliative care. I lost my mum to cancer a few years back and the carers were incredibly helpful.
Sending you all of the strength, please feel free to message me if you need to vent. I understand how it feels, stay strong :sparkling_heart:


Well done on 6 days :sun_with_face:
I’d highly recommend restarting the puzzle back up, i love a good hobby to keep your mind busy. It’s relaxing, and especially great to have something to turn to and focus on in the early days of sobriety.
Keep it up, keep coming back :blush:


Thank you!! :heart:


Checking in 648 days sober :butterfly:
I had a busy day reconnecting with my older sister yesterday. We are rebuilding a broken relationship and it’s nice to have her back in my life, although I am cautious and it is stirring feelings for me. Baby steps. It won’t get better unless I face these feelings.

I’ve stayed on track with cleaning up my diet and I’m sleeping a bit better this weekend. I bought some melatonin that seems to be helping, yay!

The weather has been absolutely stunning, I’ve got some meal prepping planned today, and a swim/bike ride to enjoy this lovely Sunday.

Have a wonderful day friends :sun_with_face::sparkling_heart:

@Charlie_C im really happy to see you back. Don’t give up on yourself :heart_hands:


Checking in on day 5. Happy to be sober!