Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

@Tragicfarinelli I appreciate you! Keep racking up those days too! :pray:t2::four_leaf_clover:


@Charlie_C … I’m glad you’re back!


I liked when he says I’m going to sing a little song that you won’t get out of your head and starts dancing in the bottle :rofl::rofl::rofl:… Umpa lumpa :notes::notes:


Holy shit holy squid!!!


Day 202. Checking in. Trying to stay positive. Hope everyone has a good. Night.


Hello all. New to the community. Hit 100 days sober today. Pretty excited to continue this new way of life. After 40 years of partaking, it’s time to move on!


Welcome aboard! Glad you are here,and big congrats on 100 days sober!


Welcome. 100 days is awesome.
Party Ballons


Just got an update about my brother. He is taking less breaths and he is showing signs now that he could pass any moment.

Right now… It’s really odd. I feel at peace with this, where normally I would be gasping for breaths of my own while having a panic attack. I’m calm and not crying even. I feel sad absolutely, but I am being the foundation for my own family to begin grieving, and that is something completely new to me.

I believe my brother and I got to a place where our friendship, bond, brotherhood was whole and genuine. Full of love, concern, and nurturing. We got to say to each other what we needed to say before things went sideways.

Even though we’ve had turmoil throughout the years we love each other so much and I am definitely going to miss him. He was not only my brother but also held the role of a father type figure for me. It’s definitely going to sting for a very long time.

I am dedicated to moving through this in the most healthiest of ways, honouring myself and his legacy as I watch over my niece’s, his daughters.



It was good to be back at work. And I’m really glad that my schedule only has early shifts now, so much better for my night routine, going to bed early every day and rising early too. Even when that means getting up at 6 am on my days off. Still working on a good sleep routine and I feel this is a good step in the right direction. Just like cutting back on my phone time will help I feel.

I do remember how I fell into a semi-coma being drunk every night, into a black abyss of nothingness, waking up drowsy and hungover after 5 hours or so of not-sleep. Never again. On we go to my Sunday morning shift. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.
@HolySquid Yay you! Big congrats friend. Keep going. Hugs.
@Jimz Congrats on your full week! Great work James!
@Happy to have you aboard Kendra and congrats on your days! Never feel sorry for sharing. It’s what his place is for. Happy to have you aboard :people_hugging:
@Chole Have a good rest of your today. Great work on making it through the cravings. One day, one hour, one minute at a time when it has to be. You’re doing great!
@JINXER Welcome to the forum GW! Congrats on reaching triple digits.
@Charlie_C It’s good to see you back friend. Let’s do this. Together. :people_hugging:
@ForrestKump Good days and bad ones John. Using never helps with any. You’re doing better than you think. Congrats on 202.
@anon68572606 Take care of yourself


Hello and welcome, yep sometimes we just gotta grow up :wink:


No words just thoughts of :heart::heart::heart::heart::pray::pray::pray::pray:


@catmama23 great work on double digits! Grateful you are able to cry and do a daily release and are working to conserve your energy. Much love to you friend :hugs:
@jimz 1 week is awesome James – keep up the great work! :muscle:
@Divadawn711 welcome to the community and a great job on your 6 days. Grateful you are keeping yourself busy – that was key in keeping me from thinking about my urges. Puzzles are a lot of fun and would love for you to get back into something you love – we have a puzzle thread here that you could show off your work on.
@forrestkump How are you doing John? For me, practicing gratitude helps me gain positivity. Here if you need to talk.
@jinxer Welcome to the community GW – congrats on your triple digits ! Keep going strong – glad you are here with us.
@anon68572606 Grateful that you and your brother had the time to rebuild your bond and patch things up and that you two got to see each other recently. Sending you comfort my friend. :people_hugging:

Checking in on Saturday evening…
381 days free of alcohol and weed
796 days free of cigarettes
So grateful for all of you!! You guys rock - thank you so much for your support. I am finally in a good positive place after a week of being a mess - feel so light and airy now. I love it!
Got a lot of shit accomplished this afternoon. Will meet my deadline to get all paperwork for businesses to accountant by tomorrow. Spent some time on knitting my blanket. Did two 20 min indoor walks and got to spend some time this evening with my sis.
Another day winning this battle we call life! Wishing everyone a addiction free day / evening.
Much love to all you warriors! :heart: :heart:


Day 454

Ready for this work week to be over. Next week is my little ones birthday :sparkling_heart:


Welcome GW
Congratulations on your 100 days. Feels good don’t it?
I hope to see you around.


36 days in the bank

Another good day.
Took the kids to a playground then spent the afternoon swimming at the beach.
No real cravings just feelings of gratefulness that i wasn’t hungover or drinking


5 years, 1 month and almost 9 days of continuously being sober from alcohol. But who’s counting?! All started right here, which boggles my mind. Wherever you are on this journey, hope you had a good sober day today!


Great to see you Tom! One of my shining examples when I started out! Makes me happy to see you here friend. Thanks for dropping by and checking in.


Thanks lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: X



What a nice day it was. Able to get the sleep I needed without an alarm waking me up. Turns out it’s 8 hours. Who knew? Used to be more like 12-14. What a waste of time that was :roll_eyes: The rest of the day was some more cleaning, some prime, and time spent here. It’s nice having the time to be more active. Albeit, the hours pass too quickly sometimes. Finding that screen/life balance is important.

A younger coworker text me out of the blue wanting to hang out. I kinda went on a date with him about a year ago, but I don’t even know why I said yes in the first place. I wasn’t interested in dating at all, and I already know work relationships are unwise. I was impressed by his boldness, and I think it just felt good to be asked out for the first time in a looong time, especially while I was still a bloated mess. It was a nice time but I did make it completely clear I wasn’t interested in dating anyone, and that I felt bad if I had led him on. We’re still cool and all, but it was unexpected to hear from him. I declined. I’m still no where near interested in going down that road again. It’s been nice getting to know myself for what feels like the first time.

Someone recommended Suspiria, which has been on my watchlist for a while (bc its 2 1/2 hours long), so today was a good day for it. It is quite good. Finishing it before another good nights sleep :sleeping: (if I say it, it’ll come true :sparkles:) Proud of each and every one of you that keeps showing up. You help me more than you know :heart: