Day 374.
Just checking in. Sober.
Depression/random anxiety attacks are kicking my arse, but I’m still kicking. Well… I’m mostly lying down and feeling sorry for myself. But I’m doing it sober!
Day 374.
Just checking in. Sober.
Depression/random anxiety attacks are kicking my arse, but I’m still kicking. Well… I’m mostly lying down and feeling sorry for myself. But I’m doing it sober!
I can definitely relate to this but am learning it does pass even if the emotions feel very strong at the time. Sometimes I sit on those feelings and sometimes I do something to distract myself.
Checking in Day 14
Alcohol and drug free
2 weeks down hoping a lifetime to go
Goodluck everyone fighting any internal or external battles today
It took my body mind spirit a long time to achieve equilibrium/homeostasis once I stopped drinking. Had I ever actually had it previously since my tween years when I started drinking and drugs? In reality, I think not. Once I made that realization, that my body mind spirit needed serious time to heal, I found a bit more peace with the feelings of dis ease and sleep challenges. But for me, who drank etc for 40+ years, it was a lengthy period of adjustment. But now…entirely worth it to be who I am without the added substances. Giving it time and not falling back into old behaviors is what we do. Sending some naps and rest your way.
Story of my life.
Day 23
Peaceful day without alcohol
Congrats on the 2 weeks JP.
Things that helped me with my depression.
Weekly, goal based, therapy.
Written down positive affirmations (cheesy AF, but effective).
Improving my diet. I stopped eating all fast food. Tried to eat something green in every meal. Reduced my sugar intake (not eliminated)
100 ounces of water a day, water is medicine for me. There’s noticeable changes in my mood if I’m not drinking enough water.
Exercise. 20 mins a day as often as I can.
Finally, medication when it was necessary. I’m like you around meds. Not a fan, but when the time came that I needed them, I took them.
None of this is easy. At first I had to force myself to do it. But eventually it all became part of my routine
Hi friends, I’m not going anywhere. I do appreciate the variety in perspectives. Diversity is beautiful, and just as there are beautiful differences in us, I acknowledge different approaches will work better for different folks. The important thing is to come here and find the support we need and remember we are not alone. I’m also discovering more and more (and through some trial and error) what I need for my own recovery.
27 days free of alcohol
21 days free of THC
@SolarEclipse this upcoming full moon….
Thank you @SassyRocks for your invaluable insight. I suspect being much like yourself in the amount of time I’ve abused myself it will take time. I’m prepared for that and while I understand everyone is different, a rough idea of time to look forward too is always something that rests my mind a bit (I’m a chronic over-thinker)
Be well
@Catmama23 hey Lauren I totally get what you mean about the trial and error, that’s a great way to put it! It makes sense tho since we are all so very different therefore we all have an individual recovery path. Different strokes for different folks right. Congrats on your sober days, you’re almost at the month milestone
Thanks man. I definitely got the water part down. The fast food thing I definitely need work on, like I said bc it’s hard with the small fridge. But I think some greens and fruits will last ok in there so I definitely will go get some more vegetables and stuff. And I definitely have a creme horns addiction right now but that’s honestly the only sweets I have. I try to focus on gratitude affirmations and I have been better with positive affirmations, I don’t tell myself I’m ugly as often in the mirror anymore. I do need exercise, work I exercise a bit back and forth on units, up and down stairs. I try to work like I have a purpose when I’m here. But some physical exercises would be good. I think part of me doesn’t want to do exercises bc of how I have been in the past, I can get very unhealthy with appearance and oh now I need pre work out every hour. So finding a healthy approach to it will need to be necessary. I will try some better weekly goals as well.
Day 709
Slept really well last night. Still feeling a bit off from yesterday tho, but not nearly as bad. Going to get my son on the bus for school, do a large grocery shop, put everything away, and then hit the gym. Do some tiding up and thats about it. Hope everyone is doing well
@JP123 congratulations on 2 weeks!
@Catmama23 congratulations lauren on 3 weeks of being thc free!
@Amy30 Hope ur anxiety and depression lessen as the day goes on
@Scorpn soooo happy to see u posting and checking in! Missed u friend
130 days af
23 days vf
Was tempted to vape yesterday but my sweet supportive partner reminded me how good I’ll feel if I don’t (have you heard of “watching the movie clip til the end” to move thru a craving?)
He’s doing dry January and it’s been good to do it TOGETHER
Day 6! Meeting last night and meeting tonight. I am already at the stage where I feel better mentally and physically and wondering if I over reacted (the same as I have over and over for the past 2.5 years), even though less than a week ago I sat in a meeting with horrible stomach pains from my drinking. The brain is a trickster. So keeping on with meetings and this forum. Staying strong. Have a good day to anyone reading this
@happy_trails Way to go with 3 weeks and taking those extra steps to avoid being trapped in the addict mind. Hoping that young man is also thriving in his sobriety.
@ashley_luvz_starz so great to see you checking in Ashley with 300 days! Woot Woot
@noshame the cravings do get stronger when we find ourselves with idle time. Great plan to feed the good wolf and keep adding the days – the cravings do lessen as you stack on the sober days. Rooting for you Matt!
@acromouse Thanks friend – yes, that upward spiral is divine and a whole lot of fun! Yoga on skates – careful now. Hope you had a relaxing session
Oh this made me so happy to read and I am grateful that I misunderstood. I do enjoy reading your posts and love your gifs. Thank you for being you.
@soberwalker That is a beautiful picture – so just want to run into those sandy hills. OMG Claudia – you crack me up. I too deal with my neighbors being absolute asses and am trying to find a healthy way to deal with their inconsiderate ways. It was your own alarm clock Girl I hope you were able to get some peace this morning.
@tryingthisagain Oh I’m glad your first day went well. Grateful that you do have a supportive network. I too am blessed to have very supportive friends and family but they just don’t get addiction and that is why I appreciate all of the folks in this community as here we can understand the disease and provide support in ways that non-addicts can’t. Sending you hugs – here if you need to talk.
@chevy55 aaah yes, that sleep is a bitch – took some time for my body to regulate and get back into a healthy pattern. Still have some issues at times. Still would never go back to the old me… even a bad nights sleep is better than a hangover morning for me. Glad you are sticking to it and hoping that your sleep pattern gets better for you real soon Functioning on bad sleep is exhausting.
@iamthechange Oh Ami – I’m sorry love – sending comfort and healing vibes to your doggo
@scorpn 470 days is awesome my friend. So happy to hear that you have a day off. My goodness – its about time. I do hope you are able to get some rest today and way to go in choosing health. Much love dear friend
@jp123 2 weeks and going strong! Love the line of a lifetime to go – we got you love – just keep pushing forward odaat!
@catmama23 glad you are here with us 3 weeks THC free You are absolutely crushing it my friend – so happy for your journey
@mindofsobermike So happy to see you working on you making your way through this depressive state. Depression really can be crippling and the hold it has over your emotional / physical state is overwhelming. I do hope you are able to find a healthy way to work out or release the endorphins. So happy that you are not being nasty to yourself when you see in a mirror – you are a wonderful man Mike and I hope that with positive affirmations that you will see that for yourself. Sending you much love my friend.
@hopeful32 6 days is awesome and I am grateful that you are utilizing the support of meetings and this forum. We can’t do this alone and have to remember what brought us here as that brain is a trickster like you said. Much love and strength.
Good morning my sober friends - Happy Tuesday!
Waking up to a greyish icy cold morning. Will have to skip time with mom as it is too slippery at the moment… will meet up with her later on in the day. Enjoying my cup of coffee and sugar free coconut cookie. Loving that i have my internet back and can communicate with TS on my laptop (i am all thumbs on my phone ) Well - i am determined to have a good day so i’m off to try to do something productive.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love
Good morning, all. Checking in on day 195. Stay focused, stay strong.
Oh I laughed so hard the kids at school gave me so really special looks
Thank You. Jasmine - what a beautiful and cariyng soul you are. It’s like you always been at the hardest time together for me on all my marathon of relapses and for others. Don’t worry I am living incredible life, always happy and motivated. Those past Traumas mostly was kicking me when I was very drunk. Obviously facing it drunk only makes things worse. I finally sort of facing those things while sober. I can just ignore it, but I want to face it, not only forget it, but heal it completely, to make progress, evolve. This is part of the program right? - Don’t need to answer this, We all know the answer. Thank You again. Feeling great again