Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

@GOKU2019 feel better soon 🩵
@SadMemeQueen good to read from you :blush:
@SoberWalker sending comfort for your grief after the anniversary of beloved Buts :people_hugging::mending_heart: and also, thank you 🩵 enjoy your walk and the dinner :blush:
@2besocialyfree welcome :blush:
@Tetrax congrats on 2+ weeks :tada: sending strength 🩵
@Timetochange congrats on 7 months :tada:
@IamThechange thank you :blush:🩵
@Lotusflower good to read from you, welcome back :blush: congrats on 16 days AF and 134 free from your DOC :tada::tada:
@Tragicfarinelli good luck with your tax return :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: mu dad is the same and usually asks for my help :sweat_smile:
@Doreen1 congrats on 4 months :tada:


Cam, you held out on me… You do tax returns??


I usually just help my dad to organise his mountains of paperwork ready to send to his accountant.


@Noshame :raised_hands:t2: congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Englishd I hope your symptoms remain that way :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Steve92 I hope you can see a medical professional about the cyst asap :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Alejondra welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on day 2 :tada:
@Just_Laura enjoy that Chinese with your fam :drooling_face:
@Dmcg1987 enjoy Spain :es:
@Scorpn feel better soon :people_hugging:🩵
@Soberbilly congrats on 21 months :tada:
@Ofmiceandroach sorry for the sh*t day :people_hugging: taking it to the gym sounds like a way better way to deal with it :muscle:t2::weight_lifting_woman::blush:
@Charlie_C congrats on 3 weeks :tada:

1262 days no alcohol.
727 days no cocaine.
242 days no vape.
7 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Yesterday I woke early and did my morning routine, in the actual morning for a change. I read some of the book I’m reading. Then I went to the GYM! . The gym has been completely refurbished and it now has an E-GYM section, so I booked an induction for that part, got all set up. Then I tried to make myself do a bit of a workout but I felt too out of place and only found one section of equipnent with nobody on, the recumbent bike, I got on it and did 5minutes, but it was just too overwhelming being there, it was at the busiest time so I wasn’t expecting to stay anyway, but atleast now, I’m all set up and can start going again, at quieter times. I’m planning to go tomorrow morning/lunchtime.

Also, I’ve been accepted on an Art course. It’s weekly, 2hr workshops, for 12 weeks, starting on Monday.

A space has also became available to me for the therapy I’ve been waiting 4 years for, in relation to CSA (childhood sexual abuse). I am meeting with a lady at 5pm Monday (straight after the first Art workshop), to go through some paperwork. Therapy will be at 12:30-13:20 on Mondays, for up to 2 years, and Art will be 14:30-16:30 for 12 weeks, it will be interesting to see what my Art is like straight after intense therapy sessions.

I am feeling very grateful.



@leroy Grateful to see you checking in with 37+ days Elroy! Keep this positive journey going :muscle:
@steve92 way to go with your sober time Steve! So sorry about the cyst. I do know how annoying they can be – especially when they are inflamed. Hoping you are able to find time for a warm compress and some calming deep breathes to help you with your anxiety. :hugs:
@jimz love that line “you don’t have to be an alcoholic to stop drinking” ! 25 days is amazing – every day sober is a wonderful achievement :muscle:
@cueball8n9 how are you doing? Been a while since we’ve heard from you
@iamthechange Very impressive Ami – 55 days is awesome. I know it hurts to think of where we might be if we stayed on our previous path. That thinking helps me stay focused on my sobriety. Grateful to not be in that rabbit hole of addiction. :hugs:
@scorpn sorry love that you are feeling rough. I know you are a strong woman and do get through the rough times – please know that you are not alone my friend – you don’t have to do it alone. Here for you :people_hugging: :heart: The amount of stuff that you have been juggling is immense and would wear anyone out. I can understand the desire to retreat and mute yourself. I am hoping that you are able to come here and unload with us or with your therapist. Hoping that your kids can start helping out around the house so you don’t have to burden all the responsibilities. Hoping that you find some days off of work for yourself. Hoping that you do take time for you. Much love Renee :heart: :people_hugging:
@tragicfarinelli Way to go – no need to devalue your efforts – you should be super proud of your upcoming month! You have done a year+ before and will surpass that too… just keep working on the next 24 :hugs:
@soberbilly 21 months is amazing Billy! How are you doing friend? Congrats to you and your furry friend – keep that amazing momentum going :muscle:
@ofmiceandroach I’m sorry for your shit day Emma. SO grateful that you will go into the gym after work rather than the addictive alternative. We will also be here for you. Keep your head up!
@tetrax That depression can be a sneaky bitch. I do love your attitude. Sending you positive energy to fight the depression. Here for you friend. :hugs:


YES! Love this attitude and totally on board with this sentiment. Keep going strong :muscle:
@mindofsobermike Proud of you for your sober time and for all the effort you are putting forth in becoming a better human. I know I have a lot of work to do as well and my past actions are not what I want to be know for. We are all here working on ourselves and reaching for a healthier (mental / physical) future. Keep working on you my friend!
@charlie_c way to go with your 3 weeks of sobriety. Sorry you are not feeling well. Sending you healing vibes. :pray:
@catmancam WHOA – check you out Cam – 1 week of being binge free is awesome! Way to go with your routines and getting to the gym. I do know the overwhelming feeling when the gym is busy. Hoping you have a wonderful experience at the gym on the quieter days. Congrats on your art course – maybe you’ll share some of your creations with us. So very happy for you Cam – so grateful that the therapy session has become available and is happening so quickly. :heart: :hugs:

Checking in on Thursday morning
Having a very relaxed start to the day. Planning to spend some time to clean up the house (will take it slow and easy). Have my last treatment appointment today and hopefully some good news on follow up on Monday. I am warm and fuzzy with coffee and some pb toast … ready to have another positive day!
Wishing you all so much love :heart: :heart: Lets make the best of our day :hugs:


Hope you have a wonderful warm and fuzzy day. Thanks for all of the support and encouragement you give!


Good morning, checking in day 24. Woke up early and I have an exciting day ahead. It will be such a better experience to enjoy sober. Wishing everyone a sober day.


Thank you friend…have yourself a wonderful day also :blush:…looking forward to hearing about your exciting day

1 Like
  1. Second check in. One of my favourite albums just arrived on vinyl and just ordered a few by chet Baker (Diane being one of them) so I’ve found something better to spend my money on instead of f@ng alcohol

Checking in day 24 af :blush:


Hello. After reading through some of these posts over the past few days, I am afraid to say this. But here goes. I am back at Day 1. I am super frustrated with myself. I stayed at home for the past three days drinking and smoking. I know what triggered me but I also know better than to fall for that BS. And I didn’t think about how I was going to feel today. Nauseous, body aching, head and liver screaming. I know if I would have gone here, or to Austin Karr, or to Sober Tok, or to Annie Grace’s live facebook event each day, or to Better Help, or to smart Recovery…the list goes on and on. I HAVE ALL THE TOOLS. But I didn’t do it. And I let myself down. I let you down. :expressionless:
I will not drink today. I will use all of my tools. I will not cry about it. I will not beat myself up.


Another day free from all my addictions. The anxiety is hitting me hard today. I feel like i cant do the things i used to without getting extremely sore or tired after just a few hours. Ive definitely gained some weight since my last dr visit last month. I think the weather we are having isnt helping either because i cant just go out for a walk without slipping on ice. Anyways, im trying really hard for another day completely clean. Oh i also called off work for the rest of the week because i keep waking up in these extreme panic modes. Prob wont look good on me since i just started 3 weeks ago.


Today feels much like last night. I feel really isolated and alone today with relation to my family.

The choice I made for my own mental health and deciding to give notice for care for these foster children is not being met with support though the facade that is being put on disingenuinely is trying to say otherwise.

I feel a strong sense of resentment towards me for making this choice.

So I am choosing to stay out of the house today and take some time for me.

I feel really disheartened right now, but as loud as my inner self is trying to pull me under I’ll remain above water and stay sober.


Congratulations on 21 sober month @Soberbilly . You rock!

And @Timetochange I really like your vinyl collection. It’s great stuff. Enjoy the music :musical_note::notes::musical_note:

Checking in 180 days alcohol free :sweat_smile:
Next Monday it’s gonna be 6 months and I wouldn’t have make it without the support of this wonderful community.
Thank you everyone!


132 days af
25 days vf
Feeling good!


Day 438 check in


29 days free of alcohol
23 days free of THC

My life circumstances right now are really challenging me to learn to accept uncertainty and detach from my thoughts. These would be tough situations even if I wasn’t also trying to navigate early sobriety. But I figure if I can stay sober now I’ll have a good foundation for the future. I am staying committed to my recovery activities…. Hanging on to the branch in the storm. It won’t storm forever, things are always changing. My theme the last 6+ months has been “death of ego”.

I continue to be amazed at how much healing meditation is bringing me. I had this light bulb moment while working through shame. I was able to tie back a lot of shameful behaviors and limiting or toxic beliefs about myself back to a single traumatic incident. I was always cognitively aware that this impacted me but doing some visualizations and breath work helped me feel it in my body and see how this unresolved piece was coming out in all these dysfunctional ways. Energy doesn’t disappear, it always gets turned into something else. I also heard this great quote, healing is the domain of the past, transformation is the domain of the future (and I would add the present, since that’s all we really have).

Thanks @SolarEclipse @Mno @JazzyS @Dazercat for the support I hope I didn’t forget someone. It’s really good to have the reminder that milestones can be tough.


It’s good you’re here now Cat. The past is just that. I hope you can learn something from this episode so it won’t be all for nought. We will not drink today and just as long as we remember that each and every day we can’t fail. ODAAT and all that.


Day 376.

I just wanted to check in. I’m still sober, alive and depressed as fuck. Love you guys, keep fighting the good fight. :heart: