Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

@Vikingsfan - I definitely went thru that time of ruminating my past, over and over. I was at 60 days, and couldn’t take it anymore. I finally took the advice from so many here and went to my first AA meeting. First one, I asked how you can live with your regrets, and a whole room of people responded. Top answer was to learn acceptance, and they showed me the way. That was 4 years ago and I relapsed during covid for 3 of them. The difference when I quit this time was that I didn’t have those thoughts again. I’d already learned how to process them properly. Idk if you’ve ever been attended or not, but that’s my suggestion regardless. And maybe some vitamin D, since this week of the year is when SAD affects the most people. Take care :slightly_smiling_face:


Late again! I slept for 3 hours and couldn’t get back to sleep. I layed on the couch ALL day trying to nap, and couldn’t. I made plans to see my friend tonight but she woke up sick. I met up with the work crew instead. Good times, as usual. It is so refreshing to see the younger ones seriously looking out for who’s driving. Get this :astonished: they can actually stop drinking for a while before they leave! I never knew that was an option! I always thought it was stay til last call, get kicked out, or run out of money. Geez, guess I was doing it wrong :woman_facepalming: Anyway, I’d better get to sleep so I can be productive tomorrow :sleeping:


All good! A later than expected check in due to an early night :joy:
Up fresh as a daisy and happy to head out for my run them cook a big Sunday roast :wink:


Hi friends, so it’s been 20 days and counting, few relapses before and learned from them as well as from dear fellows of this community. It’s funny how we need to outgrow our brain at this early stage and tell it “hey brain, I’m smarter than you, listen to me! I’m your fellow, don’t worry you’ll get use to new normal reality”. :grin: Happy day to ay all :hugs:


Thanks Cam. Im glad you had a good day at the river. Try and get some sleep. :grin:


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 58. I hope everyone has the most amazing day!!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Same to you. :v:


That’s a great feeling. Knowing how you feel waking up. And how you would have felt if you hadn’t of powered through. You get stronger every time you win one of those battles :muscle:


Just checking in! Whoooo travelling with kids is…well a bit a lot lol. Son had a major night terror last night just as I was fallong asleep, and it took a long time for him to calm down. I feel ao helpless when it happens, but last night i was also grumpy bc there is something about being woken up JUST as you fall asleep that discombobulates.

Glad we just took it easy yesterday afternoon/evening. Today want to go skating & to the museum. They are having a silly animal photo exhibit & the kids will love it. So grateful i have a hubby who searches this stuff out, he is our trip planner :slight_smile: xo.

Deep breaths today. Less coffee & going to try to do yoga again with kids. Son is up & cranky as all hell already feom lack of sleep. PRAY FOR ME LOL :laughing: XO

  1. Lazy day. Bit of shopping, relaxing and listening to some music. May watch something on Netflix later. Off now most Fridays till end of March I think? Off to a wedding in a few weeks time in Manchester which is about 9 hour drive from here. It’s one of my nephews so I am keen to attend.

Way to go!! @Dustysprungfield


Thank you for this… I appreciate all the tips and advice I can get. I’ve never heard of this AI-Anon before. I will have a look. My dad is not an alcoholic but he is addicted to a prescribed medication. Not sure of that would be covered in this program…


Hi @JazzyS Im not even sure what that is… wish I had more info. I’ll research it. Otherwise yes I agree. There’s not much I can do for him sobriety wise. That’s up to him. I just want him to know I love and support him. It’s killing me to see him hurting so much emotionally


Hey all, checking in on day 1323. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in at day 31. Sunday morning is orchestra time, and so much more enjoyable without a hangover.


263 no alcohol
195 no vapes or ciggs
0.36 no form of marijuana

Just checking in

Im hounestly exosted from my slips yesterday


Hey you’re doing well, keep trying you got it.


4th weekend waking up sober and Day 23.

Digging it all :heart: No real cravings, been a pretty straightforward journey so far considering the years of alcohol abuse I’ve endured.

I have a fairly massive bar and specifically whiskey and scotch collection. I’ve been thinking on it lately as to its future. It doesn’t bother me to see it as I’m not drawn at all, but do I keep for guests (we get a lot being on edge of ocean and two spare rooms overlooking the water and many friends that live across the country). People partaking when I’ve decided not to has never been my issue, if anything it gives me greater resolve. If I say “no” well most know me to mean what I say. I don’t usually get much pushback.

Hitting the gym this morning, work in garage for a bit then relax after two very late nights at the rink. Perhaps some reading, nice shower and early to bed. Well that’s the plan, STC at any point.

Wishing you all a relaxing Sunday.


Day 714
Woke up not wanting to go to work. I just cant seem to catch up on my sleep. I was feeling sooo tired today :tired_face: BUT… in all reality, i am grateful that I have a job to go to and that I get to go to work and help provide for my family.
Started getting ready. I guess I wasnt fully awake bcuz I spilled coffee grinds all over the counter as I was attempting to make my latte. Then while I was cleaning that up, I hit my head on the corner of the cupboard door that I left open. Ugh haha. All i can do is laugh about it. Hope my day improves. Hope everyone elses day goes well too! :heart:


It’s for anyone who is affected by anyone’s addiction of any kind. It was started my Lois. Bill W.’s wife. They guy who started AA. Now You can even go to Al-Anon if you were brought up in a dysfunctional family. It does not have to be about alcohol.

And there is also CODA Twelve Steps -
it’s for people like you and me who might be codependent on other people’s behavior. Like we only feel good if our loved one is doing well. There’s lots of on line info on this stuff. And meetings.
And there’s Al-Ateen for children of addicts.


I made it to work

I will not pick up today
Ingot my blutooth and im hitting up a meeting while i work hopefully all day if im not too distracted