Checking in daily to maintain focus #62


A bonus fourth day off. I like, although there’s enough on my mind including faltering trainees at the job, friendships that need work, and lots of it, myself who needs to expand his own horizons. Found a creative writing course I’d like to do, starting in March. Have to wait for a couple of weeks till I can enrol. Putting it in my planner now so I won’t forget.

Well, it’s not raining today. And it’s not cold. I feel a bike ride will do me good. Clear my mind and start the week healthy. Like I hope you all will friends. Have as good a week as you can. Sober and clean. Love from my little square.

@Amy30 Thinking of you friend. Hope you got some healthy coping mechanisms working for you :heart:
@Naomi Feel better you :people_hugging:
@Ashley_luvz_starz Yay Ashley, huge congrats! & @Hollieberry You too Hollie, excellent work, great numbers!


Well done for the 2000 days Steve, I’m sorry to here you are in rough waters. You’re not a failure, but if I read your message correctly it’s difficult to see the grey and white between the black.

This above sounds like me too if I have a very bad day :face_with_peeking_eye: Then I use the word never a lot.
And that makes me even more depressed.
Step a bit out of it if you can, a little is enough. What would you advice a friend who says the above?
I hope you can be proud at yourself Steve, look at your numbers! Look at the effort you are putting in your sobriaty by checking in here and venting about your emotions.
Glad you are with us and hope you feel a bit better today! :pray:


Nothing to add on this beside:
Congratulations for this milestone! :confetti_ball:
(But I think I like your words even more!)


day 24, completed. i have been under a ton of stress recently due to a series of really terrible life events happening in quick succession, and am realizing how much i used alcohol and drugs as a coping mechanism to not feel anything anymore, and reduce my stress(sometimes you just want to be numb and not feel, even if that’s no way to live). been thinking a lot about that wrt sobriety, and how to start rebuilding so i don’t feel the need to use substances to cope with these things anymore. it’s hard work.


How are you? I’ve been thinking of you :heart:


This one is dedicated to all of you :pray:
Wouldn’t have been possible without your support.

Even though I don’t post that much I still check in and read a lot in here.
I admire all your shares. It helps me stay motivated.

Congratulations to all of you with your amazing milestones , may it be 2000 days or the first 24 hours.
It always is one day at a time!
And to those who are struggling. Keep on fighting it so f…ng worth it!!!
You’re in my thoughts.

Thank you :pray:


*Day 1959 :walking_woman:
Started the day with a headache…again :woozy_face:
Tired of it. Do not know what causes it, maybe the emotional week last week? But before that the headache already has started.
This is week 3 of it :face_with_peeking_eye:

Yesterday hubby and the boys came back from their holiday so the house is filled again. Better!
We made a walk and catched up time :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Today? Getting groceries and going to a triftshop to relax a bit. Having my day off today.
Try to find some distraction and take care of myself is the focus of today.
And all this sober ofcourse :sweat_smile:
See you! :raising_hand_woman:


41 days clean alcohol&drugs
2 days clean cigarettes

i’m vaping right now with low amounts of nicotine just to replace smoking cigarettes with something else right now otherwise i won’t make it or i will get agitated and will end up doing something stupid or fucking something up. a friend of mine also recently quit and is around 30 days cigarettes free and he is a big motivation for me right now, as he said the first week was very hard and after it gets easier, does anyone else have any advise I can use? Any kind words are appreciated. Much love and stay on the grind y’all. Proud of everyone that is sober for just today.


Glad I saw your milestone before putting down my phone Anne!
Congratulations!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
200w (1)


@happyfeet Huge congratulations on your milestone, Anne! That’s huge! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

@Mno thanks Menno, I appreciate the positive thoughts. I need all the good vibes right now.

@Tragicfarinelli I’m sorry to hear you’re also struggling right now. Hang in there, we’ll make it through this too.

Day 380.

Not much to report, really. I’m a miserable cow doing whatever it is miserable cows do. But I’m a sober miserable cow, so there’s that.


This looks so peaceful


Excellent plan Leroy! I think it took me about ten days of being quit cold turkey before it got easier. So when you’re still ingesting nicotine like you do, expect it to take a bit longer as you still feed your physical dependency to nicotine. The mind games -breaking the habit of smoking- continued for quite a bit longer with me. But it’s so worth it! It’s the first addiction I tackled and it changed my life. No joke.

As for tips, practising the 4 D’s when craving helped me big time early on. Here they are:

  • Distract. You can do that in a 100 different ways. Reading this thread can give you some distraction (and is really helpful too): Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products)
  • Discuss. When a craving hits, discuss it with others, instead of giving in.
  • Deep breaths. Doing some breathing exercises helps you relax and also mimics inhaling , which will help lessening the crave.
  • Drink water. Drinking lots of water when a craving hits helps. Really!

There was a fifth D too, but I can’t remember what it was right now. Wishing you all success! And here’s my numbers, not to boast (well a little bit maybe) but to inspire. I hope. :upside_down_face:


Congrats on 500 days that’s fantastic :sparkling_heart:


Huge congrats Anne!


Very inspiring, thank you so much Menno!


Day 219. Working 8_5 today. On call on Thursday… So a busy week.

I need to stay focused and keep coming on here. I think my mistake (one of) years back was becoming complacent and not visiting here. Today I will be sober. I will deal with tomorrow when I get there


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 59. I hope you all have the most amazing day.
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Checking in on day 456 AF.

Have a great sober Monday everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


And couldn’t happen to a cooler person. You’re so cool! I’m here for it, I’m sure plenty of others are here for it, too. No time like the present and all that jazz.


6 months!!! Congrats!