Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Day 76. Girls went home around 4 o’clock yesterday, and I just ended up kinda relaxing. Was nice to cook myself a dinner, made some home made french fries, and a mushroom Swiss burger. It was delicious, and then I hung out with my mom and step dad until about 6 o’clock and from there I just went up stairs and kinda relaxed, had a hard time falling asleep I was up until about 5, but didn’t sleep all day so that was good. I woke up at 12 and now I’m just waiting for my girls to come home. Tonight I’ll probably head over to hit a meeting here, and yeah other than that things are going pretty good. No cravings or burning desires while being here in town. Feeling pretty strong in that area right now which is good. So yeah much love talk to you all later


I was wondering the same, but I can understand if somebody doesn’t want to be dependent on any substance as I heard some eventually have a hard time sleeping without it. But I don’t know if that’s true… Would love to hear what your thought are on the subject @Noshame


Yeah some CBD products do have THC in them, for example a D9 caramel is very strong (albeit not nearly as strong as weed). I took D8/D9 products almost every day for the last two years and they definitely provided a false sense of relaxation and drastically altered my mental state. CBD products without THC can have many health benefits. This is why talking about CBD can be complicated because there are so many types and it is a highly unregulated industry.


Interesting Lauren, thanks. I used up a small bottle of CBD once, no clue what grade, but it didn’t do much for me.


33 days free of alcohol
27 days free of THC

I’m getting through this challenging time. I will not abandon myself or betray myself by giving up on sobriety. I love being sober and I have that if nothing else. I’m still learning about myself and it is interesting to see what comes out on the other side of this hypomania. I’m learning more every day what I need to give myself and what my values are.

Thank you @SolarEclipse @Misokatsu @CATMANCAM @JazzyS @Mira_D for the support :yellow_heart: I love this community so much. Keep going everyone, awesome to see those day counts going up!!


There are also other better things out there I believe for the same stuff CBD can do. Mushrooms are amazing, like lions mane and turkey tale and all that. If you look on Amazon you can get tinctures which help with mood, memory, anxiety and all that. I’m actually going to be order another thing soon. Be careful if you look at some tinctures bc some use alcohol to extract the mushroom.


Heyy chevy and @Naomi

Thabk you for including me :slight_smile:
The thing is the listyle of mine. My environment says dont. I cant afford it and i hounestly have no self control with substances. I want it right now but id be 5, 150mg doses deep as the effect is little

If its needed its not harmful but i dont need it. I have pharmaceutical percriptions i use for the mental health i need. Perhaps i will get off them one day but until then, why fix whats not broken


Cool, thanks. I am not looking to use for any reason, was more curious as I was always under the belief CBD was a fairly safe item.
Since it’s legal in Canada (as is marijuana) I figured its regulate and fairly clean if it’s says 0% THC.

But thanks for reply.


Life’s lessons are in my daily journey right now. One”s reaction to these times are suppose to be important. My reaction (HIDE!) :hugs:


Its crazy how something “nothing” in the body alert so loudly danger danger incoming Heartattack, stroke,… you will pass in 3, 2, 1 …

I do feel better now. Thanks :heart:


Haha yup. Impossible to explain it to someone who never felt that way. Glad you’re feeling better! :two_hearts:


Absolutely man. There are lots of things that are legal that people will abuse. For me pre work out, such as caffeine is a big one. Right now I’m doing good. I’ll have one monster in the morning for work. But before, I use to buy the pre workout powder and id scoop like 8 scoops a day. It’s crazy bc it’s legal so wouldn’t think any issues, but ugh that shit made me miserable lol


I hear ya.
I’m fortunate that alcohol and then laziness/poor food choices was and is my only problematic issue.
My coffee is only my morning one cup, then off I go. I drink probably 5 litres of water per day for the past 30 years as my go to drink when not whiskey or beer.
But that one vice had a hold on me for the past 40 years 2-3 times per week. Fortunately never daily and never ever before noon, but once I started there was no stopping…
Day 24, feeling good and I really hope that this is the time it sticks.

All the best


33 days now. It’s really inspiring and interesting to read everyone’s progress on this thread. Thank you all.


I feel you and @Naomi on this. I used to have panic attacks a lot in my early 20s but then they disappeared for years (probably bc of the alcohol). When I was around 5 months sober I got out of work one night and couldn’t breathe. Thought I was having a heart attack or stroke until I realized I’d felt like that before, 10+ years ago. They were bad for a while but since I knew it was anxiety, as soon as I felt one coming on I would immediately sit with my eyes closed and start breathing thru it and telling myself that was all it was. Each one was shorter and less intense than the last. I haven’t had one in months now. For me, I think the cause was not knowing how to properly deal with stress, being the longest I’d ever been sober and being the most stressful time of the year workwise. I just figured, anxiety lives in my brain, but it’s my brain, and I can control it! Hope it gets better for you :pray:





Checking on day 2318. Really productive day today, got lots done and super happy that I did but am feeling slightly off today, a little out of sync I think. Really not sure why and like always, I know it’ll pass. I know not to be complacent regarding my recovery and every day is one day at a time. Had a beautiful walk with Rocky today which was super refreshing and have ordered some bits for my sons 16th which is in a couple of weeks! Mediation and serenity prayer before bed! Tomorrow will be a new, beautiful day for us all :rose::v:



I had a great day in general. But recently I feel kinda stuck in my recovery :confused:
Something is missing, I don’t know what, because I never had it. But there is space in my toolbox and it wants filling.
Time to go tool shopping and try new things.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Hope you all have a great sober day.
Love :heart: and strength :muscle:


Day 32

Fog is lifting, had a few crap days to be honest. Been low and very negative. I feel I’m back, and I hope it stays :pray::pray:


Love this :100:

Nothing changes if nothing changes

and good work recognising when needing new tools hun :rose::v: