Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

@mindofsobermike Love the LOL’s May be good to meet sober friends at meetings that you can hang out with afterwards :thinking: OMG – I love that picture Mike :heart:
@krissymae way to go with your 30 days! Glad you listed to that podcast when needed. The milestones can be tricky and make us think that have this beast controlled but we do have to remember that even just 1 drink will be fatal for our sobriety. Keep going strong :muscle:
@juli1 Nicely done Jules – 30 days and feeling stable in your sobriety! Lots of positive things happening for you – keep that streak going strong :muscle:
@timetochange 9 months!!! WOOT WOOT! :tada: :tada: This is amazing work friend – keep it going strong :muscle:
@shybert 60 days! Way to go Joseph :muscle: Definitely something to be proud of.
@iamthechange 90 days (3 months) way to go Ami! Great to see you doing so well my friend.
@jimz Way to go with your 60 days James. Grateful to see you enjoying your sober journey!
@mira_d Oh I’m so sorry for what you are going through my friend. I can imagine this being an emotional time and I’m sure your body is also going through many stages. The female reproductive systems is forever a mystery and a pain in the ass. I am sending you comforting hugs and loads of love. DO hope you get to practice lots of self care and take time to rest :people_hugging:
@tifflynn07 60 days!!! :tada: :tada: I do love how you have added a goal per month as well – 2024 is a year of many productive changes! Way to keep showing up for yourself :muscle:
@tragicfarinelli glad you came here with your mental struggles my friend. I know that the inner demon can be strong. It can be hard to ignore and so much easier to give in when you have company willing to partake with you. Glad that your sister is ok with a drink free zone. Keep us in your pocket, have plenty of non alcoholic options on the ready. Maybe make some mocktails to keep things fun and hopefully you won’t miss the actual alcohol. Sending you strength my friend. You are doing great with 63 days of sobriety :muscle:



Hey @Matt, how are you doing friend? I was in financial ruin last year. It was the hardest thing I’ve done in sobriety. But you know what I learned? I can do hard things sober and so can you! You will get through this will the help of everyone here and your sponsor. Sending you positive vibes. My inbox is always open if you wanna chat.


Day 17

I am sleeping much better. My husband is drinking all day. He is never mean but I think he is missing his drinking buddy and he is just waiting for me to fail. I have yet to hear from him that he is proud of me. This is hard because he had a liver biopsy and has level 4 cirrhosis and was told to stop drinking. He is only 57. WTF.

Have a good night people .


Hi Dana,
I’m so sorry to read that and how you must feel. I agree with you, why would they not accept your little man into the program if it would help him and others. Maybe they’ll do the right thing. If not, you’ll find something better. Miss you :heart: :hugs: Sending many hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Still DAY 59.

I feel a little calmer than earlier. I didn’t get everything done I wanted to, and since I missed work, tomorrow will be twice as bad.:neutral_face:

But, I didn’t think of drinking since this morning, that’s a plus. Also tomorrow is Friday.:partying_face:

I set up a return for one of my ‘sober’ online purchases, it was the most expensive, so that’s a relief. :sweat_smile:

Maybe I’ll hit the gratitude thread later. I wish you all a fantastic AF day/evening :sparkles:

:hugs: :heart: xoxo


@maxwell you are a strong woman Maxine. Doing great work at the cusp of your 2 month milestone! I am grateful that you were able to grieve Riley’s loss with your son. Much love to you my friend. You are not alone :people_hugging:
@rosacando So grateful that you are doing better today. My goodness that was a hell of a day and I’m sorry that you experienced such a triggering panic attack. I am grateful that you will be able to park upfront from now on and avoid the alley. Great job on not leaning to any temporary relief.
@k_s Way to go with 70 days Kenny! Glad that your mood turned around on you – keep going strong :muscle:
@matt Sorry that you are struggling friend. We are here – talk to us. Do get in touch with group, friends and your sponsor – the more support the better. You are not alone in this and will get through this patch too. Sending strength :muscle:
@happy_trails I do hope you are resting now and breathing easy. It can’t be easy when you are worried about a loved one and can’t communicate. Hoping your anxiety eases up and you will get a good nights rest. Waking up to 60 days of sobriety!
@lighter Glad you are here with us Marie. Yes, definitely check in as many times as needed. I also spent a lot of time reading through the many threads in my early days and on my off days now to help keep me on the sober track. Very smart to have a plan for when your friend visits. With our addiction, we are always on guard and should have a plan on how to protect our sobriety. Keeping us in your pocket may also be helpful. This site is active day / night so someone is always around to listen and help. Hope you did get in that 2nd hot bath – self care is so important in our sober journey!
@butterflymoonwoman Big hugs my friend. I am so very sorry for all that you are going through and very disheartened to hear about this organization not accepting you. The reasoning doesn’t seem sound – are you able to challenge it? I do hope you get some support systems in place through Facebook or other cancer support groups :pray: I know I can’t relate with what you are going through but am here for you whatever you need :people_hugging:
@rookie Way to go with your 17 days of sobriety. It can’t be easy when you partner is in active addiction. We can only address our own addiction and hope that our loved ones will see the positive changes and follow suit. A thread that you might find useful - Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?

Checking in on Thursday night
435 days free of alcohol and cigarettes
850 days free of weed
Been a bit more active today. Still in a lot of pain and drowsy (not sure why so drowsy). Glad i can sleep and rest. Can’t believe it’s been a week today since my surgery (totally felt like it was just a few days ago). Not much to report. Haven’t even had the slightest urge for any of my DOC’s which is great.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Maxine, I can relate, and that sounds like a great way to start- damage control with the most expensive item, and not feeling too badly. You’re aware of what’s happening and already you’re taking action.

Thank you for sharing . It’s hard for me not to want novelty or that feeling that the item will change my feelings. I think I want new things when I don’t want to sit with unpleasant feelings about something here and now, that isn’t new and that is unresolved.

It’s really awesome that you made it to 2 months! Nice meeting you and take care.


Jasmine, your responses are always so thoughtful, caring and heartfelt. Thank you my friend. I am still worried but relying on faith that my loved one will be safe. See you on the other side of 60 days. Xo


Might be tired/drowsy because your body is using lots of energy to heal. Glad you are getting good rest.


@Jasty2 and @JazzyS
Thank you guys so much! I honestly couldn’t thank you two enough, you are for sure two pillars here for me and have helped me more than you know giving me support and sometimes a laugh when I need it, so celebrate it too, you both have helped get me here! :heart:
This community and the people in it are amazing, thank you for letting me be a part of it!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Yikes, that sounds scary. Glad you are okay.


Good morning everyone, 60 days done, onwards and upwards for us all


Ya girl’s doing it woot woot double digits ten days in :blue_heart:

To reward myself im going to indulge in one of my favourite guilty pleasure- friday night binge watching southern charm :heart_eyes: reality tv at its best hehe.

I honestly feel like my soul is still living in the wrong country at this point. My soul yearns to be in the u.s and the more im clean and sober the more my perspective is clearer and guides me to really consider relocating permanently… something to really think about.

Anyways happy days AF.

Season 1 southern charm oh how you make my soul happy lol… here we go. Rot mode commencing lol :laughing:


Day 1

Feel sad, angry, trapped, and guilty. Living with someone mentally and emotionally abusive and manipulative for 27 years has its effects, and its still not over.
Just frustrated and wanna cry but I can’t.

Also feel guilty for even still posting on here because i keep coming back to day 1 when i was doing so good before. But i know it happens and we’re all here because its a struggle. If it was easy it would be a different story.


Trigger warning - Self harm

I am feeling quite discouraged rn. I’m trying I really really am but it’s hard rn and pushing through the hurt and struggle doesn’t sound appealing rn u know? Im starting to get those images in my head like gory details of stabbings and deep cuts that go to the bone and stuff it’s like really bad and I feel the need to act on them as if to make them real for whatever reason and ik I have problems bc of this but I see in my head exactly how a wound is made. Ppl wonder where I get my ideas of sh from bc mine are so severe but I get them from my own mind. It’s messed up and I don’t know how to protect me from it and I can’t breathe bc the urge to harm is so bad I can feel it in my skin and throughout my veins and I can almost feel physical pain as I imagine it happening. This is a horrible illness that I have and sometimes it’s easier to escape it by going deeper and deeper into my skin and further out of my mind. I mentioned another experience with my body disconnecting from my mind as if I’m a whole other person looking in at me. That’s what happens when I get like this. Help!!!


Have not checked in in a while. Sober, and safe in my sobriety. But Im having hard times. Pains are more present lately, my left arm and chest are once again convincing me Im going to die of hartissues. Woke up about an hour ago, middle of the nigth, feeling I cant breath good and something wierd about my troath, hart racing, feeling my legs like jelly. So either Im going to die or the anxietyattack are back.

Ohh, this was not a very happy positiv check in. Hope you all are doing good.


@Wakikki I’m feeling for you lady. I really know exactly what you’re going thru. My paternal grandfather died of a heart attack at 30. It’s always been a deep seeded fear of mine. I tend to focus on any little pain and then it gets worse. I believe it’s from my body tensing up from the anxiety. Deep breaths really help. I’m always having to remind myself. I lay somewhere quiet and focus on what feels tense and try to relax it. It usually gets better :heart:



Heh, I put 377 twice :laughing: I really was tired last night! And again tonight. Work was decent bc everyone was trying to spend their food minimum on to gos on the last day of the month. Then I promised my daughter we’d go to Target for clothes as an early birthday present. We didn’t get home and eat dinner until 8:30! But it was nice to finally be able to spend money on things we want, not need. Anyways, I’m beat. Hope I sleep as good as last night :pray: Nothing like a good nights sleep. Hope you all do too, as always :heart:


I’m sorry you are feeling this bad right now Julia. Is there someone with you ore can you phone someone to be with? I think you shouldn’t be alone right now. Maybe you can put a rubber band around your wrist and use it to have a safe way to get some relief? I’ve heard it can help?


@zzz haven’t heard from you in a few day’s. Hope you will be back soon!