Checking in daily to maintain focus #63


I’m getting ever better at helping others and I spend ever more time doing that, but when it comes to myself I fail. It’s the oldest trap for people doing work like I do. As long as we’re busy trying to help others we don’t have to think about our own problems and failings, and work on those. Faced with my own shit I keep making the same mistakes. Well. Sigh. One more day of work and I’m off for two, including a meeting with my therapist. Glad I’m not done with that yet. Although I have to stand on my own two feet emotionally at some point too. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from my commute.


Well, the trouble is, legally, I have no rights to her even though she’s been one of my kids since she was 5 weeks old. She is my husband’s (legally) ex step dad’s daughter. 30 years ago her dad dated my ex’s mother. They broke up and he married someone else and had my bonus kid.

So if he says no she can’t officially move here/ he doesn’t want to send money for her, there’s nothing I can do.

I could at that point call child services, but they would remove her to a state home/foster care. I used to be given custody when she was removed, but that was because I was “family friend” that they chose over strangers. But if I am the one calling, I don’t think it would be the same.


I just want what’s best for her, and all the other kids! I hope he doesn’t push back.


Happy Soberversary!!
Love you Hun! I hope you are celebrating and having a beautiful day



Nice chill day. My daughter didn’t go to school, but she definitely wasn’t as sick as I thought last night. Ah well, an extra day to hang out. I did my taxes, so every financial worry has completely lifted, even tho it’ll be a little while before I get them. Things are good :woman_shrugging: Idk. Just…normal life I guess. Cool.


74 days in the bank

Days off from work. Went to the gym and got a few easy rounds in.
Groceries and dinner sorted.
Picked up the kids from school then back to the gym for the eldest kids classes.
Just finished making some chocolate dipped strawberries with the kids for valentines day for them and their mum.
Another good sober day.


@Just_Laura Normal Life is good :blush:
@MrFantastik Chocolate strawberries sound like quite a glorious mess :grin:
@Mno Care workers always have a hard time taking care of themselves. Many of them in my family. Always eager to help. Not so good at accepting help. Though your writing sounds like you’ve come a long way in listening to your needs. Keep at it :people_hugging:
@Lainenicole96 Sending my prayers. Keep going!
@EarnIt I’m sorry you are going through all that financial trouble. That can make for some sleepless nights. I hope you will be out of the worst soon. Your family though seems like they do not understand addiction and what you need for your well being. Giving up an addictive behaviour and getting into recovery is not a failure. Quite the contrary: It’s psychological strength :muscle:t2:.

84 sugar
40 UPF
2 overeating/binge

Yesterday was the first time - I think - I went out eating since starting my counters. It went surprisingly well. I was moderately mindful while eating. Talking to a friend and eating at the same time did divide my attention. But I ordered a reasonable dish, payed attention to my satiety signals now and then and stopped eating when felt full enough and did not enjoy the fries any more. This is a huge win in my book and it feels so good :blush:

Other then that I feel somewhat shell shocked with the emotional upheavals in my marriage. Things are moving in the right direction. My feelings will come at their time, and so I will deal with them when they arise. Obsessing won’t help. I can’t force an outcome. As with everything: One day at a time.

Today I have a doctors appointment. A nice bike ride, yoga later in the day, probably some work on my latest game. Nothing fancy. But I’m glad for the easy day.

Wishing you fabulous people peace, kindness, light and freedom on this and every day :peace_symbol::people_hugging::candle::dove:


You’re keeping us in suspense. I tell you: This is my daily mini series.


22 days weed free. 2016 days alcohol free. I bet on the superbowl and lost. So theres that. Havnt checked in as theres not much to say besides im just feeling low.


@Butterflymoonwoman That feels so fast! Surely your one year was just a couple of months ago! So excited for you!

@Chevy55 I can’t believe that is not an edited photo off the internet or something!

@Shel75 Urgh, family stuff can be so tough sometimes.

@Sabrina80 Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@JP123 Sending strength. :purple_heart:

@Mno Hugs to you. You are learning and growing like us all.


Day 15 AF

Feeling quite good despite of the regular struggle lol… Thoughts about future and body.

Joyned a RR meeting Monday and Tuesday, learned something from the readings. :heart:

Got super power for my swim trainings, which is very satisfyingly of course 🩵


Checking in with 1 week sober again. I haven’t been online much but I’m doing okay. Going to the gym tonight before a valentines dinner with my partner.


What a lovely post this morning.

Enjoy your day as well


Messy dipping them in the melted chocolate, especially with the kids doing it too, but all good once it re-sets.
The girls thought it was fun


Haha, no Flo, it is indeed our cabin.
This was our last weekend there before moving east to Nova Scotia. With Covid lockdowns just easing at the time no graduation events were planned for our sons class from high school. We had 24 of his graduating friends up for a 5 day long weekend camping in the fields together before they all went 6here separate ways to whatever it was they were going to do.
That time will be forever etched in my mind captured by many photos, but I did love this drone shot of the peaceful dock after the madness of 24 graduates…lol


My child would definitely love this too. :joy:


This are really some great shots. So many wonderful young people on the very moment of flying off into their new lives. :blush:


What a very kind thing to do! My daughter started elementary school at the beginning of Covid, and then for 2 or 3 years there were none of the usual events so she had no idea they even happened! Now the sports day, school festival, study trips, concerts etc are all back on and school life is more fun for her.



Happy Valentines Day to all you sober and trying to be sober people! :purple_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::purple_heart: Warm vibes to you all.

In Japan, as I may have explained before, sorry if you already know, women are supposed to give chocolate to men. Their partners, but also any male relatives and male colleagues (giri-choco / obligation choco). Then on the 14th March, men give gifts (often white or pale coloured) back to women. However, nowadays tomo-choco (friend choco) is pretty popular. My daughter exchanged tomo-choco with her friends. My husband and I just call any sweet stuff we buy in February as ‘for Valentine’s Day’ and call it a day. He sometimes gets stuff from colleagues or patients and he just brings it home and gives it to me and the kids.


Day 235. Working 8_3 today. Having to cancel some of my days off for bits of work I have to do… So all a bit bitty for the next few weeks but it will settle down. Home is fabulous. My wife has been a god send. I am naturally introverted yet she keeps encouraging me to be more social and it’s going well and just makes our lives better and richer


Hey Cam, good going. Keep putting toes in discomfort! I’m intrigued for you also. All sounds positive to me.