Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hey guys. Checking in 155 SAF and 140 smoke free.
It was a long cold week in work, but I’m off tomorrow, so I think I’m just gonna try and hang out around the house and take it easy. Do my best to catch up on this runaway train of a thread. You’re all doing great . Love ya’s :v:


Hi everyone, I’m here again, been here again , just quietly … and had a few relapses over the last 19 days. On day 2


Had my own little valentines dayyy


Oh my, that is so peaceful looking! I could live there in a heartbeat!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Way to go Dana! That is amazing! :star_struck: next week it will be 5 months for me.:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Day 851 AF

Sup, gang.

Got behind on this thread. I hope everyone’s doing well. Happy Valentines Day!

Busy over the weekend. Did laundry Saturday, got a haircut, and took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Went to my friend’s house Sunday to watch the Superbowl. A few folks were drinking, but it didn’t bother me. I brought my pack of sparkling waters. We left by the end of the 3rd quarter cuz it’s a drive from where we live. Kid had school Monday.

Nothing much going on this week. Staying busy with work and the kids. I finally got rid of this cold for good. I’m back to my morning walks. I bought some roses and chocolates for the wifey today for vday, and some treats for the kiddos.

I haven’t had urges to drink. I’m holding up pretty good. Hit 2 years on TS. I’m thankful for everyone on here. I know I’m not active as before, but I’m here reading your posts. Much love to everyone. Hang in there. Things do get better with time. ODAAT.



@cleanheart I can totally understand the fear of letting of sharing this with your wife – secrets can cause more inward shame which keeps that pesky addiction alive. I do hope that you are able to find a good reasonably priced therapist to help you. Glad you are here with us checking in :hugs:
@LILE01 counting the hours!!! Yes – as you should cause you are smashing it! Keep your amazing momentum going love :muscle:
@forgive_yourself Its not the same road for everyone but for me it does go through lulls of crazy cravings and then smooth sailings and back and forth. I am grateful for it as it keeps me vigilant to know that I can’t bring down my safeguards. Grateful that you are doing well in your sobriety my friend :hugs:
@catmama23 how are you doing Lauren?
@button83 So lovely to see you checking in Jula :hugs: Well done on your day 2 friend!
@jules000 OMG love your stuffed cuddly pal and that infection smile :heart: Happy Valentines day love :hugs:
@goku2019 Congrats on your 2 years on TS my friend – so grateful to have you here sharing your milestones, your journey and your support.

Checking in on Wednesday evening – Happy Valentines day :rose:
420 days free of alcohol and weed
835 days free of cigarettes
Not a whole lot to report. I am resting and just hoping my energy returns soon. I was able to have lunch with my mom today and take a shower and of course another day of being addiction free so its a win of a day!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@Button83 Keep at at!

@Jules000 What a cute whale!


Checking in on day 17 AF. Last weekend went well. I had been worried about being triggered by chores and meal prep…my prime drinking activities in the past. But I was able to reach out to my boyfriend and ask for us to do these activities together which helped keep me from focusing on the craving. When I’m drinking I will gladly volunteer to do all the cooking and cleaning myself because it was my excuse for drinking and being busy around the apartment while he did his own thing helped me hide how much alcohol I was actually going through. He is very supportive but I don’t think he really understands the addiction piece. A weekend of drinking for him typically consists of 3/4 of a bloody mary lol. I have to express when I’m struggling and not expect him just sense it.

Grateful to be going to bed sober. I hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day.



Happy Valentine’s Day :heartpulse: Hope you all had a good one! Even if you didn’t celebrate with someone, like me. Work was not nearly as busy as I imagined, but it was still pretty damn good. Back again in the am. Then I have Sat/Sun off, which is cool. Not much else for now. See you in 24 :grin:


Made it back to double digits!! 3 relapses later… there is always hope.


That’s awesome work Indi! Flex your sober muscle LS girl :muscle:t4::muscle:t4: congratulations on your double digits :tada::tada:


Hi Dana, I thank you for sharing your ups and downs with us. It reminds me to push trough no matter what life brings me.
You, your husband and your son, you are strong for all of them. A warrior.
Congratulations with the 2 years Dana! :butterfly::confetti_ball::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Sure there’s always hope! You just prooved it! :facepunch:
Double digits in your pocket Indi!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


I hope you feel a bit better today Lauren.
I understand the dark feeling you describe.
When not feeling well physically and mentally that’s a lot to deal with. Maybe you can chime in at a grateful tread here somewhere? For me when I feel down it helps me a lot to think about the things that I’m grateful for even when I’m feeling down. In that mood it’s hard for me to find some but thinking about those get me a babystep out of my negativity.
I hope the flu will leave you soon so there is space for activaty again, that always helps isn’t it? But give yourself some slack now to give your body (and mind) the rest it deserves.


I suffered quite a bit of Anxiety when I went dry last year. I think I was around 200 days but still suffering from severe Anxiety. So much so that I could barely function at work. I’m 104 days now again and so far so good. I believe the work I’m doing including positive self talk, relaxing and calming the mind when I can among other things are seeing me through the choppy waters.
My last 2 sober periods have been in the hundreds of days and the thoughts of going back to hangovers, feeling miserable after a bender or the inability to function are keeping me on the straight and narrow.
As we approach the weekend I’m going to reinforce my systems and try hard to be a better person tomorrow than I am today.


Have you considered your sponsor
Do you have one
A sponsor COULD help you guide thru an anxiety point .
Keep on this thread
It will be ok. Today. Worry about today TODAY
Tomorrow will be a different day



Glad to have dropped of my rental bike I take to work in Utrecht. I have two days now to concentrate on myself and social stuff before working again on Saturday. Time to try and recharge a bit. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Too many milestones to keep up with but still many congrats to @Lile01, @Sabrina80, @happyfeet, all that I forget and all of you in general. And @Just_Laura almost!!! Love from the bike parking.


75 days in the bank

Had a good morning but then hit a bit of a funk in the afternoon. Got most of what I needed doing done but I didn’t mange my time well which resulted in me stressing and rushing around.
In amongst that I had a nice time watching my girls train at the gym.
Still now there’s things I could have done earlier but now have to do them before bed.


@Mno I already said it and I have to repeat myself: your bike related pictures drive my biker’s heart nuts :star_struck:. I want civilised bike infrastructure all over the world! :grin: Have a good rest day.
@Dustysprungfield I remember reading from others that sometimes the big numbers on their counters maid them nervous and caused some anxiety about their sobriety in the future. It might be a good idea to take the focus off the numbers and on ODAAT. Wishing you peace of mind.
@Lile01 Congrats on double digits. You are quite the fighter!
@KrissyMae Good job reaching out for help to your bf. :+1:t2: I remember how asking my partner to remove my DOC from my reach was a huge step for me.
@JazzyS :battery:Battery full of magical energy coming through!
@Jules000 That stuffed friend of yours looks soooo adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Button83 Good thing you’re back!
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope your toe heals very soon :mending_heart:

85 sugar
41 UPF
3 overeating/binge

Today things feel peaceful again. I’m sure some intense emotions will come up during the day, as they will in the days to come. But I’m calm. It’s going to be alright.

I’m looking forward to a slow work day today. Designing classes, creating components, coding. Logic and craft. Nothing upsetting :wink:

A walk in the afternoon. Have to add to my explorer tiles. I love these kinds of geo games. Some errands.
A good yoga session, maybe anime.

Whatever your day brings. May you be in peace, in kindness, and in freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: