Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

I hope you wake up tomorrow with just a little bit of sunshine on your face Menno. Luna looks concerned. Sending hugs to you and scritches to her. :sun_with_face:🩷


Well done on the 200!!! Happy days to you happyfeet!! :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Wow :open_mouth: you go girl. May I never catch you up.


That’s so cool Dana, this means I could have had two years as well by now… Inspiration to carry on for me! I’m so proud of you. Keep rocking life in general you badass.


I’m late to the party but lady, I have seen you come so far and I am so proud to see where you are today. You’re one amazing woman! I’m glad I got to see this milestone. :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


Yay! Congrats on 200 days free!!!

I’m behind and missing other milestones I’m sure but congrats to everyone on another 24 hrs. It’s always one day at a time for me.


9 days, 18 hours in!! And yes, I’m counting the hours!

Really feeling the cravings today. I only have another 3.5 hours until the shops shut and then we’re pushing on to 10 days! Woo hoo!
I definitely feel more relief at night as I know I can’t go and get anything.

Withdrawals have mostly subsided again, apart from this damn headache!
I had an off the cuff appointment with the alcohol team on Tuesday as I was feeling really unwell. They seem to think that I’m completely out of withdrawal now and that it’s actually my anxiety coming back with a vengeance.

I kept my appointment for tomorrow as well and I’m glad I did. They’re on a weekly basis, so I’m half tempted to ask to be breathalysed every week to really keep myself accountable on the days I want to drink.

Have a good day/night all!


. 6


We take a pieces of jigsaw puzzle.
They seem different.
Shape is different.
Color is different.
They do not seem to connect.

But if we Zoom Out -
We start to see a bigger picture!

Now that time has come
Everything that is fake falls away
It’s happens everywhere.
It happens in East
and it happens in the West.
It happens Everywhere.
It happens IN US.
In each and Everyone.

Hard times.
We all heal Together



Congrats on 6 days my friend (I think? Please correct me if I’m wrong!). Glad to see you posting again. I hope you’re well :slight_smile:


Day 6

Thank You :hugs:
Oh I feel goood :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thats basically me on everyday :point_up_2: :upside_down_face:
I had like multiple times said from co-workers in past and in present - Hey why are you so happy? We are at work? :angry:

Well I dont care for limitations. I am on the Mission. To spread love and connetion!
:hugs: :sweat_smile:


Glad to hear it! I’m so proud of you, keeping going friend, you’ve got this!!


Still sober. :partying_face:
I wonder if it gets hard again after feeling easy for a while?


Checking in. Not much to report, today was ok, I only slipped back to negative feelings at the end of the day. Had some triggers throughout the day, but luckily they don’t seem to have as strong an effect on me as they used to. Otherwise I worked, baked pretzels and played the piano, so that was quite good. Tomorrow therapy session and I’m looking forward to it, as it always helps me seeing things a bit clearer. I’m really grateful for my therapist, she puts in so much work to help, I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for her.


Day 345

I’ve not been checking in for a while, tho I’m on the gratitude thread daily. Nothing to report, really. Just thought I look in on here.
Picture from a country park (former coal mine) nearby. Sculpture of a pit pony and mining cart stands on top of the hill.

@zzz I love Zohan!!! :rofl:
@Butterflymoonwoman Sorry, I’m late to the party. Big congratulations on your 2 year milestone :partying_face::confetti_ball:


@Catmam23 I am so sad to hear of your suffering, physical and mental. I really hope you feel better soon. Physical and mental health are so colsely interweaved, it is easy to get on a downward spiral. Just keep trying to do the next best thing to get the spiral going the other way. And don’t drink or use, that is a shortcut straight down.

@tifflynn07 Nice! Your husband knows you well!


I am so happy and proud of you! You truly are an inspiration.

@Mira_D I’m also trying to let go of resentment. It is bloody hard.


Congratulations on 2 years!!! How did I miss it??? You truly do inspire me. I’m glad to be on this journey with you. Here’s too another trip around the sun :sun_with_face:!


I remember doing the same. The 10 day milestone is still one of my proudest, it’s the hardest one to get (at least for me it was). Things will get much easier as you settle into your new habits. Keep going, you’re doing awesome!


Congratulations on your 200 ODAATs Anne


Yay!!! Congratulations on 200 days!!! Thats amazing friend :orange_heart:


Checking in
2 years 1 day
I am really touched by everyones comments on my 2 years. I love you all!
This morning was pretty busy. Had to take my son to an appt and grab his formula for the month. My toe is still abit swollen so pushing his wheelchair AND the wagon full of formula/supplies was incredibly hard on my foot. But i managed. Got home and relaxed. Did a little cleaning to get ready for supper. All n all today was a good day. I am really looking forward to getting back to the gym next week. I have missed quite alot. Nothing much else to mention. Just waiting for hubby to get home and then we will enjoy our evening together. Hugs TS fam! :butterfly: