Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hi hi :wave:

How have you been ? Great to see your familiar appreciated face is still here :grinning:

Are they cherry blossoms ??


Hi April,

Welcome back and here’s hoping you’ll find the support you’re looking for. I’m good, even though I have no idea what kind of blossoms those are. They grow in the park nearby :upside_down_face: . Be well.


Day two :grinning:

Its 33 degrees here in melb today. Its horrible. Melting lol. Give me a cold frozen snowy new England Berkshire winter anyday over this heat :hot_face:

I woke up at 7am took luca out side to potty. Came back to bed and slept till 2pm became body is just not feeling it today. Sloth mode activated. Reality is setting in on how much time ive wasted the last 6 months and the bad decisions ive made. Almost losing my job from making stupid choices is just stupid. Ive done this so many times i know what to do but my monkey addict brain ugh

All is well. Im alive. I have all my limbs. I have my fully functioning body. And i am gratful. My mind can be healed once again the work begins and i will be whole and balanced again soon. OODT.

Luca is dying from the heat today. His fur is ALOT LOL.

Its currently 3.30pm. The plan for the rest of the day is to write a small to-do list and not melt or get heat stroke in the completing of this list lol :laughing:

Dishes to be done.
Load or two of laundry
Water the new rasberries in my garden ( i do that now lol! )
Go to the supermarket to get some chicken for dinner.

Poor luca is now slopped on my coffee table the closest to the fan as possible lol :laughing:


Day 984 done. Way behind on this thread.



After 3 days of frozen greyness, the sun was out today! :sun_with_face: It really gave me a lot of energy. I did some much needed grocery shopping and then I took a nature hike :+1: It felt like I needed some fresh air. But I felt weirdly sick when I got home. Like, almost car sick feeling, idk what it was. I had to lay down and close my eyes. Then I was fine and got Mexican take out :drooling_face: Just chilling with my AHS now before bed. It’s going to be even warmer tomorrow. Yay!


Checking in day 52, have a great day everyone


Day 857 AF

Wud up, sober gang.

Had a 3 day weekend due to Presidents Day. It went by fast :weary:. Filed our taxes Saturday, went to my bro in-law’s bday party Sunday, and visited my wife’s parents yesterday. There’s not much going on today. Busy day at work and chillin with the kiddos.

I’ve had some trippy dreams on these antidepressants. But they’ve helped me knock out. I’ve been sleeping through the night.

It’s been raining off and on, and cloudy here. I’ve been lazy with it. I need to get back on my walks.

Gonna crash out. Hopefully, I can go for a walk in the am before these kids wake up.

Aite, I’m outty. Gnite!

Stay strong. :muscle:



@apes2020 Sending you lots of cool air (10C) and heaps of rain clouds from the central european end of winter :cold_face: :cloud_with_rain: :wink:
@Scorpn Arguing with teens over clothes shopping!? You ARE a tough one :muscle:t2::grin:
@Hesmyportion Sending you strength and patience for the day ahead :muscle:t2::peace_symbol:
@Caspio Congrats on magic numbers :tada::partying_face:
@Rob11 Hope your meds get sorted out soon!
@zzz Look! It’s Bat-zzz :blush:
@Happy_Trails Good luck and lots of perseverance with that list :muscle:t2::battery:
@Onewiththesun Welcome :hugs: Sending you all the strength you need for the day!
@JazzyS Hope you’re getting your vitamin D dosage :sun_with_face:

91 sugar
47 UPF
9 overeating/binge

The first week is the worst. Stuff always gets easier after that.
I listened to a new episode of an eating behaviour related podcast. The lady there said something that stick with me. “Why would you leave yourself” And that’s what I do when I space out and overeat.
Tough questions. “Why would I want to leave myself? Where would I want to go? Here and now is where life happens? So where would I want to be else?” :thinking:

Today is sauna day :grin:
My partner will stay home ill. My child is off to school. I hope we can avoid the viruses floating around here at home.
Me, I’m going to sweat, soak, hydrate and rest. That’s the plan. And as always: Whatever the day may bring ODAAT

Wishing you fine people a day of peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


You’re welcome @zzz :hugs: It was fun to see my profile pic in your video! A nice way to start my day: with a smile :pray:
Thank you!


81 days in the bank
Busy nightshift last night and then didn’t get any sleep today with dropping kids to school, sorting some things around home. Did spend the day with my partner so that was good.
She’s gone on nightshift now, kids in bed and I’m just sat here on the couch with the dogs.
Glad that I’m not drinking anymore as in the past I definitely would have been sitting here a few tall cans in. Worrying and regulating so I didn’t get too drunk being in sole charge of the kids. Sometimes I’d get it right Sometimes i wouldn’t.
Im proud to know that now I’m sober and 100% here for them.


*Day 1981 :walking_woman:
Wow! It seems to me like this tread is more active day by day, can’t catch up anymore :face_with_peeking_eye:
Goodmorning ore goodnight all! It’s always good to read you even when life is tough.
Because we are all doing it: putting the effort in to live sober and clean.
Helping ourselves and others by being here.
We are powerful people! We are changing lives!
That of ourselves and some others around us.
A win/win situation.
I wasn’t where I am today if you weren’t here :pray:
Thank you for that.

Today? Work (had my day off yesterday but called in because of a sick coworker) so a busy week :confounded: And tonight a dinner in a restaurant with family. Celebrating my oldest son’s birthday.

And adding another day to my sober stretch ofcourse, just like you! :facepunch:


Cool, @Caspio! Well done you!


That’s funny ha.
Keep it coming


My parents are coming. In fact they’ll be here in 15 20 minutes
 i love them. But they drink heavily. And they’ll be offering me drinks, not knowing that I’ve decided to be sober. They know I’ve struggled with socio to a certain degree, but whether they know how bad it’s been or whether they’re ignoring it for their own sakes I’m not sure.
Thankfully I’m staying at my partners house tonight, so i won’t be having dinner with them. But I’m fucking anxious about them being here for a few days.

How am i maintaining focus
? Keeping this app open. Filling up with water. And trying to keep busy with anything!


I think that you should consider telling them. It will be good. Plus they won’t know unless you tell them
Best wishes


Oh, no thankfully I buy the kids clothes mostly one kid at a time one Saturday (each kid) per season. We go to the salvation army and use the 5 for $5 stickers. We spend as much as needed. Sometimes we even get a full price item :scream:

We have been practicing budgeting and planning for groceries. I have set the weekly budget to $250 but it is a tall order considering there are 7 people here (sometimes 6 but we plan for 7 anyway, just in case)

On the 9th we went shopping and one teen spent $231
Today (well yesterday now, since it’s late here) we spend $262

Hopefully this round of groceries will last the whole week and some extra days like the last one did :crossed_fingers:t3:

Have a nice time at the sauna! I hope your partner feels better soon and you and your little one avoid the sickness altogether :heart:


Day 22
Tonight I felt like being drunk.
Maybe half awake nightmares.
I am still sober! đŸ©·


. 7



Day 3

My brother got home yesterday from the military after being out of state for 5 years, its been nice having his company
Good day overall just exhausted from work and i have to be up in 6 hours to go back to work lol


I coined the term soberian many ions ago on here when i first joined and it always makes everyone giggle and smile so soberians we will always be knighted lmao :rofl: