Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Checking in
2 years 7 days
Woke up feeling tired (seems to be a theme in my life right now lol) but got my son ready for school. Once he was on his way, I decided to do my morning prayer before anything else. I really needed to make sure that I started my day on the right foot. I went grocery shopping and it was really a test in patience lol a few times i also felt overwhelmed but pulled myself together and finished what i had to do. Im home now. Everything is put away. I had a nice shower. And now to finish other tasks that need getting done. Overall today is going okay. Just dont feel like peopling much. Hope all of u are doing well this fine Tuesday :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Dana, you have a lot on your plate but you are doing a great job managing everything and staying sober. I am glad you started your day off with your morning prayer. I hope you get some restful sleep soon. You are an inspiration!


Hello friends. Checking in day 50. Trying to get motivated to have a productive day. I got next to nothing done yesterday. I am going to make a list of what I want to accomplish today as soon as I finish this post. I have dine a few things already this morning but I definitely have been in a rut these past few days/past week? I do have a nice nature outing planned for tomorrow. Weather may not be great but I am going for it! Ok, off to write my list and start moving. I always feel better after making a list/plan Wishing all a healthy day.


Checking in on day 54ā€¦my 17 year old son got his wisdom teeth extracted yesterday, and it was so nice that all he wanted for comfort was me. These moments are so rare now, I felt so horrible for his pain, but letting me love on him and spoil him was something he wouldnā€™t allow when I was drinking, so getting to Mom on him all day was lovely.


29 days weed free 2023 days alcohol free


159 days af


Quick check in again. Wrote my list. Itā€™s short but Iā€™m still procrastinating. The procrastination almost feels like fear. I can feel it in my stomach. Nonetheless, Iā€™m going to push forward.


Quick check in today. Day 148 af. Didnā€™t do much, went to the grocery, and put supper in the crock pot. Ran down to the Y for a quick work out on the elliptical. Back home to do laundry. Have a good night everyone!:star2::star2::star2::star2:



Well look at this. Itā€™s zzz flying again!
Ship works better than ever :laughing:
Did some rotating tricks :sunglasses: I was rockin!


Day 1159,

Wide awake, got new meds for my ADHD. Itā€™s possible here to get another brand for meds if you go for a new batch. Why? Because the insurance companies decides which meds the pay for. Totally no feeling with the meds I have now, big rebound, restless etc. Contacted my psychiatrist, she will prescribe the previous once with a note that it is a medical necessity. Worked with other meds after complaining a lot. Sometimes I think if Iā€™m stupid or just all the rest. Pure insanity, especially with meds like this Ugh.

Thanks for letting me vent :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:



Checking in. Today all I did was work and some chores, so Iā€™m pretty tired but in a good way I guess. Iā€™m still keeping up with my work schedule which is really unlike me. This evening I watched an online streamed theatre play for a change, the Hamlet with Andrew Scott and really liked it. I might watch more plays in the evenings in the future. I hope to watch Vanya screened in the cinemas soon, but apparently it wonā€™t be streamed in my town. The next step would be to actually go to the theatre, but that would be too social for me at this point. Or at least thatā€™s what I think. My therapist thinks that I already built up the fundament of my well-being and coping methods, but I donā€™t trust its stability so I just donā€™t burden it and sheā€™s totally right.


I baked vanilla flavored pastries with honey glaze, a bit laborious but really good.


Well done @Merryshoes !!! Rocking this sobriety!
Check this one out!


Hey Cam my dear friend. I appreciate you. Iā€™m so proud of your ability to communicate your feelings so effectively. You continue to amaze me with your persistence. I love your plans of action/care that you give to yourself! I also love you reward yourself with your shows after you have done all your daily to doā€™sā€¦great way to.keep on track. I pray you are having a wonderful day. Lots of love sent to you.:purple_heart::pray:t5:


Day 499

Today was another teen shopping day. We went a little over budget, but their reasoning is it should last longer. So we have added another equation in figuring cost per shop. We will take the amount spent, and divide it by how many days it lasts before another shopping day is needed.
With this way of breaking it down, the first shop was $19.36/day
We will see how the second shop ends up.
Outside of that, I feel a little better today than I have the last few days.
Hopefully it is the beginning of feeling better and it just goes up from here.
Anyway, love yā€™all. :people_hugging::heart:


@happy_trails Way to go with your 50 days love! :tada: :tada: :clap: I do hope you had a wonderful productive day and were able to get past the fearful feeling. :hugs:
@rob11 totally understand the frustration with meds Rob. I do hope that you are able to get it sorted out and find the ones that help you.
@tomek sounds delicious ā€“ hope you enjoyed your treats. Streamed theatre plays? I didnā€™t know that was possible ā€“ ooh, Iā€™m excited to check this out.
@caspio Nicely done!! 555 and stacking up the days :muscle: :tada: :clap:

Iā€™m glad you had a better day today Renee. I do hope that it continues to go up from here for you :hugs:


Thank you Jazzy!


Thanks for the words of support - I made it through another in-law visit - more importantly, I did it sober. Sometimes it helps just knowing that my challenges are not unique.:crazy_face:


Welcome ! :pray::star_struck::heartbeat:



I woke up early and couldnā€™t go back to sleep. Too much going through my head. Stuff out of my control mostly. Not much use thinking about it but sometimes it happens. The electrician that was here first a while a go made a mess of it, and now Iā€™ll have to wait what the corporation (my landlord) has to say about that and whoā€™s going to pay for redoing my kitchen the way I want it. Right now itā€™s not in my hands.

Back to work today. Iā€™m OK. Iā€™m sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love. The pic would be prettier with blue skies but it is what it is. X