Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Thank you Jas :heart: as always I appreciate you and your kind words! I’m super happy to read your feeling clean and serene today!


Day 3 , and Day 3 of meetings.
Sometimes it feels overwhelming, not just staying sober but even every day things. I have to remember that the main goal of the day is to stay sober and not drink.


10 days AF.
Feeling really good again mentally and physically. Expecting 40°c (104f) heat here today and Northerly winds which are conducive to causing bushfires so keeping fingers crossed that things don’t get nasty today.
Peace and strength to you all.


Uhf… Yea I didn’t have urges last night.
I felt like being drunk… And hangoverish in the morning. Nightmares.

This afternoon I had a big fat craving. Wanted to do some cosmetic shopping… And there it was. Loud voice that it would be fine and okay! You can find a wine section in these stores in germany too. I was staying in car! 20.minutes, 25 … The craving was gone, but I decided to drive streight back home! The shopping can still wait a few days.

Training pause today, chinese takeaway and cozy couch instead :sweat_smile:


Good to see you, Seb, and congrats on 10 days! Good luck with that weather…


No, that’s not how I do things unfortunately. I don’t have that ability to share such things in a face to face setting I don’t feel.
I’m trying to deal with it all, by having a hundred hobbies and interests.
I think if I get back to our cabin on a more permanent basis, and I still feel “unsettled” then I’ll need to buckle down and probably chat with someone. But in all honesty, that place is where I am always content. Busy, always on go, but totally content.

But thank you again for your always wise and caring words. :heart:


Checking in. I didn’t sleep well, so today had a slow start, but it turned out quite okeyish eventually. Nothing special to report. I will be home alone tomorrow and that’s when I tend to procrastinate my work and end up not doing anything useful, so I have to be mindful about that. I will have a therapy session too, not sure about what to discuss though. Well, I have plenty of topics to choose from, not that there isn’t any problems left, it’s just that I don’t have anything in particular that puzzles me right now. But that’s already something in itself I guess.


Checking in :sunny:
2 years 8 days
I feel like im stuck in a rut. This week was supposed to be all about getting back to my routine and taking better care of myself, and all i seem to do lately is sleep and eat and do some chores around the apartment. I am usually sooo good at bouncing back when i fall off my health regimen but this time its extremely difficult.
It took me 2.5 hours to fall asleep last night (even with my sleep meds) which means i barely got any sleep. I got my son on the bus and then went back to bed until 11am. Im grateful I got up. I ate and then vacuumed the entire apartment, organized toys, and am about to start the dishes. Went for a walk to the coffee shop to get some fresh air. Ordered a coffee. And now here i am. Im grateful its nice out bcuz i can have all the windows open and get some fresh air in here too. I just really wish i could snap out of this funk. I know its all about action so i need to push myself abit harder to get up and going. Ill get there. Hope u all are having a fantastic day


Checking in 249 days AF
It’s been a crazy few weeks. I was supposed to be house sitting in CA for my brother but his trip was canceled literally 24 hours before he was to fly out. I was already in CA at my boyfriend’s house. Traveled to extra 85 miles to my brothers. Visited with him for a few days then back to my BFs. Here for the week and then back to my brother’s house for a few days and then back to my BFs. Though doesn’t really make sense. Makes more sense to go home. I feel like a gypsy.

No cravings for alcohol. Depression is under control. There is a sense of not belonging in the spaces I’ve visited and it may just be time to head home.


Thanks Jim,

Not really low per se, more of a funk. I’m usually a fairly upbeat guy and when this funk hits, it makes me scratch my head a bit, but I’ll pull through with flying colours no doubt.
I just appreciate the ability to vent a bit, then I hit the gym pretty hard and feeling a bit sore and well worked over
Wife is making crabs, prawns, green beans and salad for dinner, so YUM :drooling_face:, then a good hot shower and early to bed.

Take good care and thanks for the note. I always appreciate someone taking the time to listen.


Remember to practice kindness to yourself! Your sleep schedule gets severely screwed with when you have to do overnights watching your son. You’re dealing with some extremely difficult conditions for healthy sleeping patterns. Maybe you could do some research on how other people deal with those situations? Maybe there is something different you could do for your wind down routine? Just suggestions. I feel for you. I struggle with insomnia and it’s hard to break out of a string of sleepless nights because my mind and body adjust quickly. Hang in there :heartpulse:


Checking in on day 479 AF.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Day two.

38 degrees out here today :hot_face:

Feeling surprisingly good today. Having coffee and granola out in my little garden this morning.

Going to be inside today with the aircon on and windows shut and blinds down. Its gonna be a scorcher here today :hot_face:

Stay strong my fellow soberians :innocent:


Congrats on 5 months of sobriety. Amazing job. :muscle::v:


38 C?
Where the heck are you that’s so hot :hot_face:


Checking in day 51 AF :blush: Today is my birthday and its been the first sober birthday for 19 years :grin: I can’t thank everyone on this forum enough for there support :heart:.


Happy birthday. Awesome to get your first sober one. Many more to follow.


@JazzyS thank you :blush: yep, very frustrating because I expect when I speak to the doctor, they will say they need to book me an appointment to come in so they can see it. :roll_eyes::man_facepalming:t2: The new therapist seemed lovely and it was back and forth convo unlike when I was having therapy sessions with the Psychiatrist a year or so ago, so much better. I really do hope you get some sleep soon :sleeping: 🩵
@Onewiththesun welcome :blush: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Happy_Trails congrats on 50 days :tada:
@zzz congrats on your week :tada:
@Caspio congrats on all the 5s :tada:
@Lotusflower thank you so much :blush: beaming love back 🩵
@Mno pretty flowers, already!? :heart_eyes: sorry about the racing thoughts and messed up kitchen :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Elyse sending you strength to back up your firm ‘no(s)’ 🩵
@Ofmiceandroach congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@RosaCanDo I’m glad work is going well :blush: and I hope you start feeling better soon 🩵


@CleanHeart congrats on your week :tada: I hope you’re all feeling better soon 🩵
@Steve92 congrats on 30 days no weed :tada:
@Seb congrats on double digits :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman give yourself some grace, you did 2 nights with no sleep last week, it’s no wonder you’re sleepy and hungry, your brain knows your body needs both sleep and food for energy :people_hugging:🩵
@SobrietyForMe congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Seizetheday happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:

1290 days no alcohol.
755 days no cocaine.
270 days no vape.
15 days no binge-eating.

I chased the estate agents yesterday, because it has been a month since the contractors came out to look for a leak, and I already chased it 2 weeks ago and heard nothing back. They gave me the contractor’s mobile number, and advised me to contact him to arrange the replacement of the pressure release valve on the boiler. I texted and asked if he could come this week (as I’ve no courses due to half-term), and he said he can come tomorrow. So I have been cleaning all day, and still have a few jobs left. I may have to do them if I can’t sleep in the middle of the night, or early tomorrow AM, because my back is really hurting right now, so I can’t see myself finishing them today.

The contractor has not given me an ETA so I will just be awake early and wait for him to turn up. I’ve got all my meds to sort out for the next week so Il’l save that to do whilst he’s here because I always feel so unbearably awkward while contractors are here, so it will help to distract from that.

The charity that was running the Art course have lost their funding, so the whole thing has been cancelled. I’m a little sad about it, but also, it means I can come straight home after my therapy sessions, which may be for the best anyway.



Hope that cool change comes in earlier than 8pm. Stay cool, stay safe.