Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Oz ! :hot_face:

Its summer here. Its a weird one this year.


I completely agree with u. Thank u for ur kind words :slight_smile: i definitly have to show kindness to myself right now. Im usually so hard on myself and feel like i need to be ā€œonā€ all the time, when in reality doing nothing some days is still doing something. Its giving me a break.
I have 1 more overnight to do tmrw and then hopefully, praying, that i dont have to do any for awhile. I may have to do some in March as our FT time nurse still had more vacation time to use up. But hopefully they have been able to fill all the spots by then.


Yay!!! Happy birthday!!!


Happy Birthday Hannah @Seizetheday




Happy birthday Hannah!


Wednesday check in. Its day 3 of my 14 day stretch off. I did all the things on my list today and added in an enforced boundary. Pre-sobriety I never would have admitted to or enforced a boundary. Iā€™m growing. :potted_plant:


And good on you for wantinf to get out more too. Im not sure if my experience is helpful in anyway but wanted to shareā€¦

I am a fierce introvert and HSP. Its not that Im an asshole but j find talking to people for too long very draining (and yet i do love to talk, but its my specific people!). I have always worked alone and kept to myself, even though many people have said to me over the years they would not think of me as an introvert becayse around people i see social and comfortable (in some cases yes, in most cases I am planninf my irish exit or how to decline that invite i dont want to be there anyway lol). I have spent the last 8 years working from home, soā€¦you know the general day to day interactions were not a lot.

But in this season in my life, i am happeninf to be out more. I work outside the house now, and just gettinf out to get my kids around and meeting people in my regular shops. I would say generally i am the most out in the world i have ever been. Now it happened slowly and gradually, but i have noticed in myself that i am more at ease and relaxed goinf outā€¦i think becayse its everyday now. Everyday for extended periods, and it took some forcing believe me. But I just wanted ro share that for me; it seemed the negative part of isoaltion and anxiety were begetting on themselves (im not sure thats proper english!) And slowly (OH SO SLOWLY) pushing myself ro open up - not totally that i was out to ā€œchangeā€ this about myself or my life, but i just felt like maybe i needed to get out more and try to enter this new community we moved in to. I started volunteering, I kept going to the same places to see familiar faces, got a job working with ACTUAL peopleā€¦and slowlg I see that the anxiety has gone downā€¦albeit during a time in my life too where it makes absolutely NO FUCKIJG SENSE my anxiety would go downā€¦so i just wanted to share that. Not at all sayinf what to do or what i did is what you need to do but for me, taking those baby steps to be out there moreā€¦it has helped hugely and i dont think the way i interact with the world is entirely different, but its been tweaked a bit and for the better. A great side effect is I am less alone with myself and in my head :slight_smile:
Wishing you all the luck Amy, as you navigate your path xo


@seb congrats on your double digits! :muscle: Hoping the weather doesnā€™t cause any problems for you.

Smart move Jules! I see you working to protect your sobriety. So impressed with your journey friend :hugs:
@chevy55 You are most welcome! I know that talking with someone else can be daunting. I am sending you soothing calm vibes my friend to find your inner peace where you are at. Hopefully you will be back at your cabin soon. Love the pics of the cabin and your spot in NS. I do see you doing great with keeping yourself busy and working on your recovery journey ā€“ just keep at it my friend. I do hope that it gets easier for you :people_hugging:
@sobrietyforme Way to go friend ā€“ 5 months is amazing work! Keep those numbers stacking high! :muscle: :tada: :clap: :tada:
@seizetheday OOH Happy Birthday Hannah! :birthday: :tada: :cake: Grateful you are celebrating a sober birthday friend! Great work ā€“ hope you had a wonderful time celebrating YOU!
@catmancam OOF ā€“ I am afraid of the same thing. Feels like a waste of time with the phone call but hell you have to play their games. I do hope you are not in too much discomfort. WOW ā€“ so pleased to hear about the new therapist. Great news that you are feeling a comfortable exchange. Hope you were able to calm your back pain. Best of luck with your contractor tomorrow.



I slept pretty well but Iā€™m still tired. Itā€™s busy at work. But I can handle it. One more day for a three day weekend. Tomorrow the double date with my (former) bestie and my therapist. Relation therapy for friends. I actually have hope something good will come from it. But letā€™s work first. One day at a time and all that. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Weā€™re all works in progress. Sober and clean. Love.

Weā€™re addicts. We donā€™t share, we indulge in escapism. But sharing is an ability that can be acquired. Not that everybody needs to have a therapist, but things do have to be shared. And worked through. Processed. So we can move on from it. Just keeping busy will not help with that in the end. Just like indulging in our DOCā€™s didnā€™t. I did quite a lot of therapy and at times it was a terrible struggle, exactly because I didnā€™t do things like that before. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m an addict. And it helped. Just my two cents. BTW, youā€™re sharing here, and quite a lot too friend.



Checking in before bed. Iā€™m beat :sleepy:


92 sugar
48 UPF
10 overeating/binge

Very proud of double digits on overeating :smiling_face:

Iā€™m going to attend a funeral in a few hours and as Iā€™m chronically unable to time manage this is just a short check in so Iā€™ll hopefully get to be on time today.


82 days in the bank
Went to the gym in the a.m, then came home and was chauffeur driver for my wife today as she was too tired from nightshift, it was nice though.
Picked up the kids from school then took them to the gym for their training. Then back home to whip up a quick dinner.
Another busy day. But enjoyable.


Getting ready for bed. Got a lot to do tomorrow. Love yā€™all :people_hugging::heart:


500! Amazing Renee!! Sending big love to you as always darling :heart: :people_hugging:


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:


. 8



Thank you Kelly and Flo :heart::heart: love you ladies!
It has been a crazy ride! I am so glad I decided to get myself together and get sober! Itā€™s one of the best decisions Iā€™ve ever made and I couldnā€™t have done it without this forum and all of you amazing people :heart:


Thank you @JazzyS i had a lovely birthday and it was even better being sober :heartbeat: xx


Day 23

Nightmares and stiff body and mind ā€¦
Need to add some gentle moving and strength things, I realy missed yoga, walking and little strength workouts last months.

Have a good day :bouquet: