Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

@Wakikki Nightly panic attacks are the worst. I started having them again when peri hit and oestrogen levels dropped at night. There is nothing “better” to ruin your sleep. Hope you’ll get some rest soon.
@Jules000 This sounds like you are in a lot of mental pain. Is there someone or some place where you can connect in person? A friend? A therapist? Counsellor? Maybe a help line you could call?
@wahtisnormal You are here. That’s what counts. Is there something you could do to help yourself to get through today?
@apes2020 Congrats on 10 days :tada::partying_face: Enjoy your present :wink:
@Shawn1991 Congrats on 60 days. You go friend! :clap:t2::+1:t2::partying_face:

100 sugar
56 UPF
0 overeating/binge

100 days no sugar. Who would have thought?! The best thing is: The cravings are basically gone. No more torment in my mind on that front. Right now I really don’t care for sweet stuff.

My moods, feelings, pain, concentration, cravings, everything are currently all over the place and I “tried” to make it better with food yesterday. It obviously did not work. It was just a distraction. I want to come up with something better today.

Want to work on my game design studies today, groceries and the ongoing marital troubles here at home. Patience is called for today. Let’s see how much I’ll be able to muster.

Peace, kindness and freedom to all of us :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Hi. I’ve had financial difficulties before. Its rubbish. It usually is surmountable

Is there a financial agency like cab or whatever who can help u map out solutions?

I hope u work out a plan


90 days in the bank

Came close just before. Closest I’ve been in a couple months.
Got offered a beer when I got to my brothers after a 4hr drive. Declined. Was tempted but knew it wasn’tfor me. had a quick look and read on here. Declined the 2nd offer and the bro just said I’ll stop offering.
Feeling solid now.
Grateful to have this forum to help my resolve.



Friday therapy day. I can do with a session. My first meeting with my colleague experience expertise workers was stressful as there was quite some tension and fallout from a previous conflict amongst the participants. Well I hope it’s cleared up now and we can move forward. And positive for me personally is that I didn’t just tense up and froze but was able to participate and share about how the tangible tension affected me personally, for which I got quite a lot of positive feedback. In the past I would have just made myself as small as possible and hope it was over soon. Progress. But I still don’t like big crowds and lots of tension.

On we go friends. H ave as good a day as you all can. Sober and clean. Love.

@acromouse Congrats on 100 days Aga. Good work.
@Wakikki Hang in there friend. Always good to see you :people_hugging:
@Jules000 It’s good you’re connecting here Julia. Maybe makes it easier to stay connected with yourself too. You’re not alone.
@wahtisnormal Keep coming back Zoe. And keep working on healthier ways to cope with the sh*t in your life. This is a good starting point. Glad you are here.
@apes2020 Congrats on double digits April.
@Shawn1991 60 days already Shawn! Congrats friend.
@Rookie You’re holding up a mirror to your husband. When he acknowledges you are doing the right thing by being sober he has to face his own drinking. I’m sorry. Keep going :people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman Just lots of love and big hugs your way dear Dana :people_hugging: :two_hearts: :people_hugging:
@JazzyS Take your time to recover. Can take quite a while. :bouquet: :rose:
@MrFantastik Well done and congrats on 90 days. I just say I don’t drink these days when offered something. Works for me.


38 days weed free 2032 days alcohol free


Very very true

We are all truly blessed to have each other on here, when you think of all the millions of apps out there , we have something special here.

I think its been four years ive been on here and been bleesed with the community we have all built here together help each other at any time of the day or night , on any day, in any country , in any time zone

When you think about it, its truly amazing.

Imagine being an addict when the internet did not exist. We are blessed to have each other here at the click of a button.

Thank you @Robin


Thank you guys very much for birthday wishes, it all made me feel seen and so special :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m not sure how I feel about entering my 40s. I wish I could say I don’t care, it’s just a number etc. But I do care. I’m not a “girl” anymore although I still feel like young girl sometimes. I’m a mature woman :smiling_face_with_tear:
My mother lost her fight with leukaemia when she was 49, my father, year before that, had heart attack and died, he was 58. When they’ve gone I was angry little junkie. I wish they could see me now, see their grandsons… Ehhh, I got emotional.
Sun is shining, gonna go for a run. This is my therapy.
Have a good day my friends, lots of love


It’s hard to come up to the ages that your parents died at. Welcome to your 40s, I would imagine it will be your best decade so far, for lots of reasons.
Not only that you’re Super Mischa… you WON the plank challenge!


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 2.

My mother surprisingly called this morning (if she’s not working, she usually isn’t ip before lunch)

She had accidentally deleted all the photos on her phone, from our vacations last year. She was really upset. Luckily my husband has backups on his phone, so I promised her to print out real photos for her until next time we meet.

I’m not really a technology fan at all, but I imagine that it must be harder being her age and I can imagine the panic she most have felt.

Anyway it was nice talking to her when she was sober for once. It’s rare nowadays.
We also decided to take the boys for a shopping trip in Gothenburg during the Easter Holiday. I still imagine that it’s good for her to get out of the house and even if it’s tiring and even of she can be really hard to hang out with, we’re still trying.

Sun is shining, March 1st, start of spring month. Everything actually feels great today.

Wishing you all the best :heart:


Good to see you back and alive. I’m no expert, but she might wanna check the recently deleted photo folder on her phone and put them back. Don’t know which phone she has, but works on mine. Greetz


Oh dear, I didn’t even though about that. I’ll call her right away and tell her that.
Thank you :blush:


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 91. My husbands mom and sister arrived yesterday. Picked them up from the airport and dropped them off on the island for some food and sand, left to go get the kids. My husband called me not even an hour later, his mom had a medical emergency and they had to call an ambulance. She is ok thank God, OMG that was scary! Super grateful I was able to stay calm for them, I wouldn’t have had a straight head and probably wouldn’t have stayed calm if I were using. I hope everyone has the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


700 days AF…time to throw the smoke in bin.
Hope youre all doing well. X


Congrats on 60 days. And on having 100% battery on your phone! :smile:


Day 60 today im so happy :blush: heres to another 60. Happy sober friday everyone :heartpulse:


Good morning my friends,

Fewling a bit better today. Going to go in to work today as it was a slow week for me with my son being sick. I origibally scheduled 3 days, but it will just be tomorrow. Glad I had yesterday off already!

It looks as though the trial may be delayed anpther year. Its - difficult? Interesting? Fascinating? Mindblowing? - that the wait is so long where i live. Going through tjis i believe there should be some sort of prioritization for cases of this nature like sure we dont want to rush justice and everyone deserves a “fair” trial…but that not just for the accused. The dead deserve their day, and so do the family but alas…it is what it is and this is something I am not angry or upset about. Pondering on for aure, but in life we have to pick the things to get riled up about…and serenity now amd all that shit. Im not sure but i think that when you practice that serenity practice enough, it becomes like a muscle…im grateful for thqt today. Its not always perfect Lordt knows, but im grateful.

Something i am worried about right now is my husband. I can see hpw deeply he is effected by what has happened the last 3 yrs, and hpw its effected his outlook. He has always been the happy go lucky, things will work out and it makes sense all the loss and trauma we have been through has effected this. Now though it is time we find a new path forward, and deprsssion isnt so insidious bc its outrageous. Deprsssion is insidipus bc it reflects the dark side of reality, and is absent of things like a bit of self denial and faith/hope which is a touch delusional. But these things, self denial and a touch of faith and hope in the darkest of times is adaptive and needed. I hope to focus on my marriage and husband, and be there not as he tries to get back to his old self but as he finds his new self. For the love of fucks sakes i cannot wait for a little bit of smooth, normal ass life.



Hey all, checking in on day 1356. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations on 8 months SAF Mischa :fire:. Yes both of you’re parents would be very proud of who you’ve become today.


Day 107. Yesterday evening was good. Just chilled after doing some grocery shopping. Today after work I’m going home for the weekend to see my girls so that will be fun. Much love everyone


@RosaCanDo I can imagine how terribly upsetting that was. Good on you on using your tools, and I’m glad your husband was supportive and practical. Thanks for sharing. :purple_heart:

@Butterflymoonwoman That is so frustrating. Don’t fit the criteria perfectly and you get left out, even though you would surely bring and get so much from the group. Makes no sense. Well done for trying out other things. :purple_heart: